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Population Ecology I. Attributes II.Distribution

Population Ecology I. Attributes II.Distribution III. Population Growth – changes in size through time IV. Species Interactions V. Dynamics of Consumer-Resource Interactions VI. Competition VII. Mutualisms. Trophic Mutualisms – help one another get nutrients.

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Population Ecology I. Attributes II.Distribution

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  1. Population Ecology I. Attributes II.Distribution III. Population Growth – changes in size through time IV. Species Interactions V. Dynamics of Consumer-Resource Interactions VI. Competition VII. Mutualisms

  2. Trophic Mutualisms – help one another get nutrients

  3. Trophic Mutualisms – help one another get nutrients 1-Esophagus2-Stomach3-Small Intestine4-Cecum (large intestine) - F5-Colon (large intestine)6-Rectum Low efficiency - high throughput...

  4. Trophic Mutualisms – help one another get nutrients

  5. Trophic Mutualisms – help one another get nutrients

  6. Trophic Mutualisms – help one another get nutrients

  7. Trophic Mutualisms – help one another get nutrients

  8. Trophic Mutualisms – help one another get nutrients

  9. Trophic Mutualisms – help one another get nutrients

  10. Trophic Mutualisms – help one another get nutrients

  11. Trophic Mutualisms – help one another get nutrients

  12. Trophic Mutualisms – help one another get nutrients

  13. Trophic Mutualisms – help one another get nutrients

  14. Trophic Mutualisms – help one another get nutrients

  15. Defensive Mutualisms – Trade protection for food

  16. Defensive Mutualisms – Trade protection for food

  17. Defensive Mutualisms – Trade protection for food Acacia and Acacia ants

  18. Induced and Constitutive Defenses in Acacia. The species in the right-hand column have mutualistic relationships with ant species - the ants nest in the thorns. Those on the left can attract ants with extra-floral nectary secretions, but the ants do not nest. The Acacia species on the left increase their nectar secretions after damage, inducing wandering ants to come visit and stay a while. The species on the right have to support the ant colonies all the time, and nectar production is uniformly high and unaffected by damage.

  19. Induced and Constitutive Defenses in Acacia. The species in the right-hand column have mutualistic relationships with ant species - the ants nest in the thorns. Those on the left can attract ants with extra-floral nectary secretions, but the ants do not nest. The Acacia species on the left increase their nectar secretions after damage, inducing wandering ants to come visit and stay a while. The species on the right have to support the ant colonies all the time, and nectar production is uniformly high and unaffected by damage. WHICH CAME FIRST??

  20. Induced and Constitutive Defenses in Acacia. Induced defenses first, then the obligate relationship evolved…

  21. Todd M. Palmer,Maureen L. Stanton, Truman P. Young,Jacob R. Goheen,Robert M. Pringle,Richard Karban. 2008. Breakdown of an Ant-Plant Mutualism Follows the Loss of Large Herbivores from an African Savanna. Science 319:192-195. Fig. 1. Rewards produced in the presence (white bars) and absence (gray bars) of large herbivores by A. drepanolobium occupied by different species of Acacia ants. Ant species' abbreviations are indicated as: Cs, C. sjostedti; Cm, C. mimosae; Cn, C. nigriceps; Tp, T. penzigi.

  22. Todd M. Palmer,Maureen L. Stanton, Truman P. Young,Jacob R. Goheen,Robert M. Pringle,Richard Karban. 2008. Breakdown of an Ant-Plant Mutualism Follows the Loss of Large Herbivores from an African Savanna. Science 319:192-195. Fig. 2. The proportion of host trees occupied by the four Acacia-ant species in the presence of large herbivores (white bars) and in plots from which large herbivores had been excluded (gray bars) for 10 years.

  23. Todd M. Palmer,Maureen L. Stanton, Truman P. Young,Jacob R. Goheen,Robert M. Pringle,Richard Karban. 2008. Breakdown of an Ant-Plant Mutualism Follows the Loss of Large Herbivores from an African Savanna. Science 319:192-195. Fig. 3. Average annual growth (white bars ± SEM) and cumulative mortality (gray bars) for host trees occupied by the four Acacia-ant species over an 8-year observation period. Average annual growth increments were calculated for trees continuously occupied over an 8-year period by each ant species, with n = 158, 192, 162, and 75 for trees occupied by C. sjostedti, C. mimosae, C. nigriceps, and T. penzigi, respectively.

  24. “Our results indicate that the large herbivores typical of Africansavannas have driven the evolution and maintenance of a widespreadant-Acacia mutualism and that their experimentally simulatedextinction rapidly tips the scales away from mutualism and towarda suite of antagonistic behaviors by the interacting species.Browsing by large herbivores induces greater production of nectaryand domatia rewards by trees, and these rewards in turn influenceboth the behavior of a specialized, mutualistic ant symbiontand the outcome of competition between this mutualist and anon-obligate host-plant parasite. Where herbivores are present,the carbohydrate subsidy provided by host trees plays a keyrole in the dominance of the strongly mutualistic C. mimosae,which is consistent with the hypothesis that plant exudatesfuel dominance of canopy ant species that are specialized usersof these abundant resources (28). In the absence of large herbivores,reduction in host-tree rewards to ant associates results ina breakdown in this mutualism, which has strong negative consequencesfor Acacia growth and survival. Ongoing anthropogenic loss oflarge herbivores throughout Africa (29, 30) may therefore havestrong and unanticipated consequences for the broader communitiesin which these herbivores occur.” Todd M. Palmer,Maureen L. Stanton, Truman P. Young,Jacob R. Goheen,Robert M. Pringle,Richard Karban. 2008. Breakdown of an Ant-Plant Mutualism Follows the Loss of Large Herbivores from an African Savanna. Science 319:192-195.

  25. Defensive Mutualisms – Trade protection for food

  26. Cleaning Mutualisms – Trade cleaning for food

  27. Cleaning Mutualisms – Trade cleaning for food

  28. Cleaning Mutualisms – Trade cleaning for food Fish visit non-cheating cleaners more And watched cleaners cheat less.

  29. Dispersive Mutualisms – Trade dispersal for food

  30. Dispersive Mutualisms – Trade dispersal for food

  31. Dispersive Mutualisms – Trade dispersal for food

  32. Dispersive Mutualisms – Trade dispersal for food

  33. Dispersive Mutualisms – Trade dispersal for food Not mutualism (commensal or parasitic)

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