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Planets of the Solar System: A Guide to the Gods and Their Features

Explore the planets of our solar system, from Mercury to Pluto, and discover their unique characteristics and captivating features. Learn about the gods associated with each planet and delve into their intriguing landscapes, rings, and moons.

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Planets of the Solar System: A Guide to the Gods and Their Features

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  1. Mercury: Messenger of Gods and God of commerce Rotates one and a half times during each orbit; It is pocked with craters, contains hugh multi-ring basins, and many lava flows Produced by:   Calvin J. Hamilton

  2. Most brilliant planet; topography consists of vast plains covered by lava flows and mountain or highland regions deformed by geological activity. Venus: Goddess of the love; the jewel of the sky Produced by:   Calvin J. Hamilton

  3. Earth:Its name comes from Gaïa;

  4. Surface containing many craters and naturally occurring channels; Mars: God of war; Red Planet Produced by:   Calvin J. Hamilton

  5. Jupiter: God of the sky, lightning and thunder; largest one in the solar system; Another 12 satellites have been recently discovered. There is a ring system, but it is very faint Another 12 satellites have been recently discovered.

  6. Has, at least, 30 named satellites. Saturn: God of time (Greek name Kronos); The rings are split into a number of different parts, which include the bright A and B rings and a fainter C ring. The ring system has various gaps. The ring composition is not known for certain, but the rings do show a significant amount of water

  7. Blue-green color Uranus: First God of Universe; eleven rings and ringlets were discovered and there may be a large number of narrow rings, or possibly incomplete rings or ring arcs, as small as 50 meters (160 feet) in width. Produced by:   Calvin J. Hamilton

  8. Neptune: God of sea; has a set of four rings which are narrow and very faint It has eight moons

  9. Have one satellite “Charon”; it is closer to the sun than other planet for 20 years out of its 249 year orbit; is colder than 70 Kelvin. Pluto: God of the hells; has a highly reflective south polar cap, a dimmer north polar cap, and both bright and dark features in the equatorial region

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