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Practice-based Small Group Learning for Faculty Development

Practice-based Small Group Learning for Faculty Development. MacVicar R, Guthrie V, O’Rourke J, Sneddon A. NHS Education for Scotland Centre for Health Science Old Perth Road Inverness IV2 3JH ronald.macvicar@nes.scot.nhs.uk.

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Practice-based Small Group Learning for Faculty Development

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  1. Practice-based Small Group Learning for Faculty Development MacVicar R, Guthrie V, O’Rourke J, Sneddon A. NHS Education for Scotland Centre for Health Science Old Perth Road Inverness IV2 3JH ronald.macvicar@nes.scot.nhs.uk • “So it not only meets the need for stretching educators and developing educators and so it is also about making and strengthening connections with our secondary care colleagues which is a real need and desire for us” “I liked the little chunks of dialogue and then reflection and then the dialogue and further reflection and then going to the evidence base and reading things because as a clinician and not where my job is and primarily as an educationalist I don’t know the evidence base for education. I know the evidence base for my own specialty but I don’t know it for education so that was very useful to read that and of course that sort of stuff doesn’t tend to be in any of the medical journals that I read and so it was for somebody who does a lot of teaching, I think I realised how probably how little kind of continuing teaching education that I do” “Well what had happened was the week that we met was the Wednesday and something had happened with my registrar on the Monday, so two days before and I had been chewing over in my head what to do. I discussed it with a colleague and I was still mulling it over and then I read all the stuff on Monday night and then I read it again on Tuesday and it was the feedback, giving feedback and in particular it said feedback should be timely, and should be appropriate with some positive things in and you should concentrate on the behaviour rather than the person, so it explained properly how to give feedback and I then went and gave relatively timely feedback and it was so useful, I’d recorded it and I’m not sure I’d have been quite so sharp if hadn’t received the information about giving feedback.” “I suppose what I thought from the beginning this is great to be having these meetings and understanding where we are from. Until we do that there is lots of tensions, financial in the NHS at the moment and education is something that can get squeezed and there can be tensions built up between general practice and our hospital colleagues and a them and us situation. And it was such a release to be somewhere where that wasn’t the case and I think that quite encouraging cause the danger is that it goes that direction and that would be such a disaster for us all I think.” I’m involved in a lot of the educational activities, but I thought this one was particularly good. I don’t know if it was because there was a wider range of different specialists and generalists and a wide range of different experience or seniority but certainly I found it very enjoyable and useful and not everything, CPD stuff ..that I could …I could say that about Background: Practice based small group learning (PBSGL) is an established approach for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for Family Physicians in Canada and General Practitioners (GPs) in Scotland.1,2 PBSGL has been developed in Canada to involve faculty development educational modules (PBSG ED)3 and evaluation involving community based teachers reported commitment to change practice after addressing a single educational module that was sustained after three months.4 This study describes an extension of the PBSGL approach in Scotland to support the learning and development of educational supervisors from across the hospital and general practice interface, working together in peer-facilitated small groups to address topic-specific, evidence-based educational modules. Methods: All GP and hospital educational supervisors in the North of Scotland were invited to take part in a project, the specific aim of which was to encourage evidence-based educational practice and to encourage faculty development across traditional interfaces. Participation was sought for four groups, each to meet on three occasions to address PBSGL ED modules. Two of the groups were to be based in Aberdeen and two in Inverness, each comprising four hospital consultants and four GPs, all of whom were educational Supervisors. The aim was to ensure that both undergraduate and postgraduate educational roles were represented. Qualitative methods were employed in the evaluation as suitable both for the small sample size and because the focus was to provide a descriptive analysis of data, thereby eliciting meaning and understanding. Data were gathered from interviews with the facilitators and the, supplemented by observational data of the group process and function (including analysis of filmed footage). Data were also gathered through focus group discussion with the facilitators following completion of the pilot. Results: A full cohort of educational supervisors was recruited to each of the four groups (32 participants and four facilitators in total). Both GPs and consultants enjoyed the format and were very positive about the experience of working together in this way. Analysis of the interviews, observations and focus group discussion revealed some rich material that was categorised into four themes; • Hopes and Fears • Structure and Format • Change in Practice • Collaborative Working • Conclusions: PBSGL as an approach to faculty development is acceptable for UK educational faculty. As a tool to facilitate educational supervisors from across the primary care/ secondary care interface to learn together it seemed to be particularly useful. Both commitment to change educational practice and reported actual change in practice were reported • 1MacVicar R, Cunningham D, Cassidy J, McCalister P, O’Rourke J and Kelly D (2006) Applying Evidence in Practice through Small Group Learning: A Scottish Pilot of a Canadian Programme. Education for Primary Care 17, 465-472. • 2Armson H, Kinzie S, Hawes D, Roder S, Wakefield J and Elmslie T (2007) Translating learning into practice: Lessons from the practice-based small group learning program. Canadian Family Physician 53: 1477-1485. • 3http://fhs.mcmaster.ca/facdev/pbsg-ed.html • 4Walsh AE, Armson H, Wakefield J, Leadbetter W and Roder S (2009) Using a Novel Small-Group Approach to Enhance Feedback Skills for Community-Based Teachers. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 21(1): 45-51. Published by NHS Education for Scotland: 10th April 2014

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