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Collembola. Predatory Mites. Shoots. Phytophagous Nematodes. Mycophagous Prostigmata. Roots. Nematophagous Mites. Mycorrhizal Fungi. Inorganic N. Cryptostimata. Predatory Nematodes. Saprophytic Fungi. Labile Substrates. Mycophagous Nematodes.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Collembola Predatory Mites Shoots Phytophagous Nematodes Mycophagous Prostigmata Roots Nematophagous Mites Mycorrhizal Fungi Inorganic N Cryptostimata Predatory Nematodes Saprophytic Fungi Labile Substrates Mycophagous Nematodes Omnivorous Nematodes Resistant Substrates Flagellates Bacteria Amoebae Bacteriophagous Nematodes Figure 1. Note to Reviewers - the N-flow rates and interaction strengths will be included in a later draft as indicated in text

  2. Consumption Assimilation Efficiency Excretion of Organic Material Assimilation Production Efficiency Excretion of Inorganic Material Production Figure 2

  3. Ratio of Standardized Interaction Strengths Trophic Position Figure 3

  4. Decrease NPP Widen C:N Labile Detritus Resistant Detritus Decrease N-Mineralization Bacteria Fungi Fungi Bacteria Bacterial Feeders Fungal Feeders Bacterial Feeders Fungal Feeders Predators Predators Increase N-Mineralization Increase NPP “Fast Cycle” “Slow Cycle” Narrow C:N Figure 4

  5. 1-p 1-p 1-p p p p  > o Figure 5

  6. Sy mb i ot ic M utu a l ism N ut r i e nt E nr ic h m ent A. B. A bo v eg r oun d N , P B e l o w gr o und Pl ant P red a tor H er biv ore A bo v eg r oun d P red a tor s N , P II N , P B e l o w gr o und I Ni tro g en Gr az er s M icr obe s C M icr obe s C I . II . C. Figure 7

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