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basketball unit

basketball unit

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basketball unit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Basketball unit

  2. Steps of shooting Feet, hands, arm 90 degree angle, shot set up, shot, follow through, reflect

  3. Passing Bounce pass Chest pass over head pass Used when a defenders hands are high. Push the ball at the ground allowing it to bounce up to your partners hands. Used mostly on the perimeter or in the open floor. Easy pass and catch. Used when defenders hands are low. Pass the ball over the top of the defender to your team mate.

  4. Dribbling: Work on staying low in athletic position, eyes up, and using both hands.

  5. Questions shooting Passing Dribbling How wide should your feet be apart in the shooting motion? When is a chest pass able to be used? Why is it important to be able to use both hands?

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