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Language Features Jeopardy

Language Features Jeopardy. Year 10 English. Language Features Jeopardy. Word Plays. Think About It. Imagery. Big Words. Everyday. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $400. Q $400.

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Language Features Jeopardy

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  1. Language Features Jeopardy Year 10 English

  2. Language Features Jeopardy Word Plays Think About It Imagery Big Words Everyday Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  3. $100 Question from Big Words The use of words to imitate natural sounds such as buzz or pop.

  4. $100 Answer from Big Words What is onomatopoeia?

  5. $200 Question from Big Words The repetition of the same sound beginning several words in sequence.

  6. $200 Answer from Big Words What is alliteration?

  7. $300 Question from Big Words A kind of metaphor in which a nonhuman thing is talked about as if it were human.

  8. $300 Answer from Big Words What is personification?

  9. $400 Question from Big Words An obvious and intentional exaggeration. Example: “I could sleep for a thousand years”

  10. $400 Answer from Big Words What is hyperbole?

  11. $500 Question from Big Words An expression of two words that contradict each other. Examples: “random order”, “definite possibility”

  12. $500 Answer from Big Words What is an oxymoron?

  13. $100 Question from Everyday A play on the multiple meanings of a word or on two words that sound alike but have different meanings.

  14. $100 Answer from Everyday What is a pun?

  15. $200 Question from Everyday An expression that was once interesting and vivid, but has been used so many times it no longer means much. Example: :pretty as a picture”

  16. $200 Answer from Everyday What is a cliché?

  17. $300 Question from Everyday Technical terms related to a specific subject and used to talk about the subject in a knowledgeable way.

  18. $300 Answer from Everyday What is jargon?

  19. $400 Question from Everyday Words and phrases that belong to everyday speech.

  20. $400 Answer from Everyday What is colloquial?

  21. $500 Question from Everyday A comparison based on the similar features of two things used to explain a concept. Example: comparing the human heart to a pump.

  22. $500 Answer from Everyday What is analogy?

  23. $100 Question from Word Plays One of two or more words that have the same or nearly identical meanings.

  24. $100 Answer from Word Plays What is a synomym?

  25. $200 Question from Word Plays One of two or more words that have opposite meanings.

  26. $200 Answer from Word Plays What is an antonym?

  27. $300 Question from Word Plays Two words that are spelt the same and sound the same but have different meanings.

  28. $300 Answer from Word Plays What is a homonym?

  29. $400 Question from Word Plays A word that sounds like another word. Usually doesn't have the same meaning or spelling and the words are often confused.

  30. $400 Answer from Word Plays What is a homophone?

  31. $500 Question from Word Plays The feelings, emotions and shades of meaning suggested by a word or phrase, as opposed to the literal meaning of the word.

  32. $500 Answer from Word Plays What is connotation?

  33. $100 Question from Think About It The placement of two images (usually fairly similar, but with some differences) next to each other so that the differences become really obvious.

  34. $100 Answer from Think About It What is juxtaposition?

  35. $200 Question from Think About It An imitation or mimicking of a text, especially using exaggeration to create humour.

  36. $200 Answer from Think About It What is parody?

  37. $300 Question from Think About It A brief reference to a person, event, or place, real or fictitious, or to a work of art.

  38. $300 Answer from Think About It What is an allusion?

  39. $400 Question from Think About It The use of a person, place, thing, or event that stands for itself and for something beyond itself as well.

  40. $400 Answer from Think About It What is symbolism?

  41. $500 Question from Think About It A statement that seems to be a contradiction but reveals the truth.

  42. $500 Answer from Think About It What is a paradox?

  43. $100 Question from Imagery A figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike things, using a word such as like, as, resembles, or than..

  44. $100 Answer from Imagery What is a simile?

  45. $200 Question from Imagery A comparison of unlike things. This kind of comparison creates a powerful image where a quality of one thing reveals something about the other.

  46. $200 Answer from Imagery What is a metaphor?

  47. $300 Question from Imagery A figure of speech where a word is used that we associate with the intended meaning. Example: the crown when we mean royalty or the government.

  48. $300 Answer from Imagery What is metonymy?

  49. $400 Question from Imagery A figure of speech where the meaning intended is different or opposite to what is actually said or done.

  50. $400 Answer from Imagery What is irony?

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