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Jim Vani - The Characteristics Of The Real Estate Market

Jim Vani - The Characteristics Of The Real Estate Market

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Jim Vani - The Characteristics Of The Real Estate Market

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  1. Jim Vani - The Characteristics Of The Real Estate Market The real estate market is the economic sector that involves the buying and selling if infrastructure such as buildings either for residential purposes, business premises, and the industry segment. Like any business sector it is susceptible to the economic forces of supply and demand. The main people involved in this field include the owner, renter, developers, renovators, and the facilitators. This sector has a number of characteristics that are specific to it. Many professionals like Jim Vani prefers real estate as it’s durable since the building can last for many years while the land it stands on is indestructible. As a result the supply is composed of a large share of already pre-existing stock and a tiny percentage of new development. Thus the stock varies in price only according the deterioration, renovation, and the new development coming up. Stock in this sector could be referred as heterogeneous since every piece is unique. All building are different in terms of the location they are situated in, their structure and design as well as how they are financed. Change in this field takes quite a long time. This is as a result of the long duration involved in financing and construction of new property. The real estate has the very unique features in terms of the buyers in this market. The property can be purchased either as an investment with the expectation of earning returns or as a consumption good with the thought if using it. Individuals could also invest in the market for both reasons whereby they

  2. use the property for a while before selling it at a profit. As a direct result of its dual nature, there us a high demand since individuals tend to over-invest in this sector. Immobility is yet another characteristic unique to this sector. The properties as well as the land it lies on are both immobile. As a result there is no physical market place meaning one has to go to where the property is situated. Therefore this issue makes location a prime factor before investment. The main factor in demand for property is demographic, that is the population size and growth. The demographic composition plays a huge role in determining the demand and as a result the price. The performance of the economy also affects the performance of the sector since it plays a role in the ability of investors to take loans and mortgages for financing their business ventures. Naturally, the pricing determines the level of demand in the sector. There are number of ways of finance investment in the real estate market from government and commercial institutions. Professionals like Jim Vani says that financial aid can be obtained from commercial banks, saving banks, mortgage brokers, life insurance companies and other financial institutions. However, the best practice still remains getting funding from your own savings. In view of the recent real estate market crash it is best to follow some guidelines. As a buyer ensure that the price you pay for the property matters a lot as well as the ability to dispose of the purchase later down the road. If not it is advisable to downsize your mortgage to be on the safe side. As a seller, identify when it is the right time to put your property on the market in order to avoid low offers.

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