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Identity Theft What You Need to Know

Identity Theft What You Need to Know. Learning Goals. Define Identity Theft Learn how your identity is stolen Learn how you become a victim Learn what to do if you become a victim Learn ID Theft prevention tips Learn available resources. Do You…. Have a checking account?

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Identity Theft What You Need to Know

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  1. Identity Theft What You Need to Know

  2. Learning Goals • Define Identity Theft • Learn how your identity is stolen • Learn how you become a victim • Learn what to do if you become a victim • Learn ID Theft prevention tips • Learn available resources

  3. Do You… • Have a checking account? • Have a savings account? • Have a credit card, or 10? • Own a home? • Plan on buying one someday? • Own a vehicle? • Plan on buying one soon? • Care about a great credit rating?

  4. If so… Identity Theft Should Scare You To Death!

  5. Identity Theft

  6. Who owns A Shredder?

  7. What’s The Difference? • ATM/Debit Card • VISA Check Card • VISA Credit Card

  8. Identity Theft • Defined-Identity theft or identity fraud (true name fraud) is the taking of the victim’s identity, without their permission, to obtain credit, credit cards from banks and retailers, steal money from the victim’s existing accounts, apply for loans, establish accounts with utility companies, rent an apartment, file bankruptcy or obtain a job using the victim’s name.

  9. Per Florida State Statute 817.568 • Any person who willfully and without authorization fraudulently uses, or possesses with intent to fraudulently use, personal identification information concerning an individual without first obtaining that individual's consent, commits the offense of fraudulent use of personal identification information, which is a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. If fraud totals over $75,000, it’s a felony of the second degree.

  10. What is “Phishing” • Phishing is a term to describe the use of legitimate looking e-mails that request the recipient to enter personal information such as credit card numbers, passwords, banking info, etc.

  11. About Phishing • Emails from legitimate companies are copied to trick consumers into giving confidential information: passwords, credit card numbers and expiration dates, bank account numbers, etc. • Even experts cannot tell by looking at the messages or the web site to which you are directed that this message is a forgery • Understand that no legitimate company ever asks you to validate personal information via an email • Never respond even when you do business with that company. Call them yourself!

  12. Startling Facts • Identity Theft fasting growing crime in the U.S • Cost victims of identity theft $52.6 billion dollars in 2004 • Of 635, 173 complaints received by the FTC in 2004 246, 500 were ID theft and 388, 603 were fraud complaints • 9.9 million number of victims last year alone • Most victims don’t know they’re victims until it’s too late • Crime with very low risk and a high reward • Not cost effective for large firms to prosecute • Most victims have to “prove” their own innocence

  13. Startling Facts • It takes appx. 12.7 months between the date your identity theft occurred and the time you notice it (appx 30 hours to resolve problems) • Average sentence less than five years • $3,500 is the average bank robbery take • 13 years is the average sentence

  14. Lost Wallet Stolen Credit Cards Stolen Checks Waiters/Waitresses Doctor’s Office Dentist’s Office Accountant's Office Work Place Heath Insurance Carrier Check Processing Center Standing In Lines Your Trash Bank Your Mailbox Internet Use Friends and Family You Personally How Is Your Identity Stolen?

  15. How Victims Discover Identity Theft • 26 % Receive alerts from a credit card company or bank • 9 % Are victims of a theft such as a purse snatching • 8 % Are rejected when they apply for credit • 52% Notice problems with their accounts

  16. What To Do If You Become a Victim • Call and cancel affected credit cards • Call local law enforcement agency • Call all four major Credit Reporting Bureaus • Close affected checking account • Notify local Social Security office • Request a copy of your credit report • Remain diligent until your name is cleared

  17. I. D. Theft Prevention • Order a copy of your credit report annually • Place passwords on your credit card, bank and phone accounts • Guard your personal information • Watch for suspicious people at ATM’s and in check out lines • Purchase, and use, a cross-cut shredder • Send checks via post office, not from home

  18. I. D. Theft Prevention • Purchase firewall software • Update virus protection regularly • Do not carry credit cards that you never use • Consider closing unused credit accounts • Ask your doctor, dentist, accountant, lawyer, etc. what they do with your personal information • Ask cashiers to check your ID, thank those that do

  19. I. D. Theft Prevention • Pay close attention to credit card and banking statements • Be aware of fraudulent scams such as Phishing • Keep your purse under lock and key while at work • Do business, via phone or Internet, with companies that you initiate • And finally…..


  21. Easy Tip For the Public-Remember- ”SCAM” • S- Be “Stingy” with your personal info • C- “Check” your financial info regularly • A- “Ask” periodically for you credit report • M- “Maintain” careful financial records

  22. I. D. Theft Prevention

  23. A Special Word About Your Social Security Number “Your employer and financial institution will likely need your SSN for wage and tax reporting purposes. Other businesses may ask you for your SSN to do a credit check, like when you apply for a loan, rent anapartment, or sign up for utilities. Sometimes, however, they simply want your SSN for general record keeping. You don’t have to give a business your SSN just because they ask for it. If someone asks for your SSN, ask the following questions:

  24. A Special Word About Your Social Security Number • Why do you need my SSN? • How will my SSN be used? • What law requires me to give you my SSN? • What will happen if I don’t give you my SSN? • Sometimes a business may not provide you with the service or benefit you’re seeking if you don’t provide your SSN. Getting answers to these questions will help you decide whether you want to share your SSN with the business. Remember, the decision is yours.”

  25. Credit Bureaus • Equifax www.equifax.com 1-800-525-6285 • Experian- www.experian.com 1-888-397-3742 • TransUnion- www.transunion.com 1-800-680-7289 Innovis Inc. Consumer OPTOUT PO Box 219297 Houston, TX 77218-9297 You can contact all four companies and stop them from selling your credit info by calling one toll free number: 1 888-567-8688, 24 hrs a day

  26. Identity Theft Resources • www.identitytheft.org • www.consumer.gov/idtheft/index.html • Federal Trade Commission-www.ftc.gov • Social Security Admin.-www.ssa.gov • IRS- www.irs.gov • Secret Service-www.treas.gov/usss • Postal Service- www.usps.com • National Fraud Clearinghouse-www.fraud.org

  27. Summary • ID Theft is the fastest growing crime in U.S. • Your identity can be stolen in a number of ways • You can also be a victim in a number of ways • Many times you are a victim long before you know it • Prevention is the key • SHRED EVERYTHING!!!!

  28. Booklet When Bad Things Happen To Your Good Name For a free copy of this Booklet go to the Federal Trade Commission website and download a copy. www.consumer.gov/idtheft

  29. Questions?

  30. Identity Theft Awareness • Officer Jeannette Emert, Crime Prevention Practitioner • University of Central Florida • Police Department • Work phone #407-823-6576 • jemert@mail.ucf.edu

  31. Thanks For Coming

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