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  1. English lesson «The Life and Work of M.Y. Lermontov »Change the channel and the flow of the river, Changing the names of cities. And Lermontov have stayed forever, The same age as new and past year..s.

  2. Меняют русла и теченья реки,Меняются названья городов.А Лермонтов есть Лермонтов навеки,Ровесник новых и былых годов.

  3. M.Y.Lermontov October 15 1814 – July 27 1841 M.Y. Lermontov is a Russian Romantic writer and poet, sometimes called "the poet of the Caucasus", was the most important Russian poet after Alexander Pushkin's death. His influence on later Russian literature is still felt in modern times, not only through his poetry, but also by his prose. His poetry remains popular in Chechnya, Dagestan, and beyond Russia.

  4. Юрий Петрович YurijPetrovich

  5. Мария Михайловна Maria Mikhailovna

  6. Это самый ранний портрет .На нем ему около 3-х лет. He is about 3 years.

  7. Lermontov was born in Moscow to a respectable noble family of the Tula Governorate, and grew up in the village of Tarkhany (in the Penza Governorate), which now preserves his remains. According to one disputed and uncorroborated theory his paternal family was believed to have descended from the Scottish Learmonths[1], one of whom settled in Russia in the early 17th century, during the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. However this claim had neither been proved nor disproved, and thus remains a legend.

  8. Елизавета Алексеевна Арсеньева – бабушка поэта grandmother by poet and her house.

  9. YelizavetaAlekseyevnaArsenyeva After the daughter's death, Yelizaveta Alekseyevna devoted all her love to her grandson, always in fear that his father might move away with him. Either because of this pampering or continuing family tension or both, Lermontov as a child developed a fearful and arrogant temper, which he took out on the servants, and smashing the bushes in his grandmother's garden.

  10. As a small boy Lermontov listened to stories about the outlaws of the Volga region, about their great bravery and wild country life. When he was ten, Mikhail fell sick, and Yelizaveta Alekseyevna took him to the Caucasus region for a better climate.

  11. School years The intellectual atmosphere in which he grew up differed little from that experienced by Pushkin, though the domination of French had begun to give way to a preference for English, and Lamartine shared his popularity with Byron. In his early childhood Lermontov was educated by a Frenchman named Gendrot. Yelizaveta Alekseyevna felt that this was not sufficient and decided to take Lermontov to Moscow, to prepare for gymnasium.

  12. Жанры произведений М.Ю. Лермонтова – Genres of works. Стихотворения Lyrics Поэмы Poems Повести Storys Сказки, сказания Tales, legends Песни Songs

  13. Горные вершины Спят во тьме ночной; Тихие долины Полны свежей мглой ; The mountain summits Gloomy, now rest; The vales, grown silent Bathe in the night’s mist.

  14. На севере диком стоитодиноко НА голой вершине сосна…In the wild north a pine tree stands alone On the bare top of a mountain.

  15. Ночевала тучка золотая На груди утёса-великана; Утром в путь она умчалась рано, По лазури весело играя; Но остался влажный след в морщине Старого утёса. Одиноко Он стоит, задумался глубоко, И тихонько плачет он в пустыне. By a cliff a golden cloud once lingered; On his breast it slept, but riseing early, Off it gently rushed across the pearly Blue of sky, a tiny thing and winged.

  16. Белеет парус одинокой В тумане моря голубом!.. Что ищет он в стране далёкой? Что кинул он в краю родном?.. Играют волны – ветер свищет, И мачта гнётся и скрипит… Увы! он счастия не ищет И не от счастия бежит! Под ним струя светлей лазури, Над ним луч солнца золотой… А он, мятежный, просит бури, Как будто в бурях есть покой!

  17. Пятигорск и Лермонтов Pyatigorsk and Lermontov

  18. Спасибо за внимание !

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