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Job Search Techniques - Using Social Media to Land the Job You Want

Job hunting, job searching, or job hunting is the act of searching for employment, because of economic dissatisfaction, unemployment, underemployment; or a need for a better job. It is also referred to as job hunting or job seeking. The act of job hunting can take place for a variety of reasons.

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Job Search Techniques - Using Social Media to Land the Job You Want

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  1. Job Search Techniques - Using Social Media to Land the Job You Want Job hunting, job searching, or job hunting is the act of searching for employment, because of economic dissatisfaction, unemployment, underemployment; or a need for a better job. It is also referred to as job hunting or job seeking. The act of job hunting can take place for a variety of reasons. Some people search for employment because they have lost their previous job. Other people's search for employment because they are bored or tired of their current position. Others search for employment because they have skills that are in high demand and need to be used to gain entry into a particular occupation. In today's society, many of the traditional practices that made it possible for individuals to seek employment in the past are no longer necessary. Social networking has made it possible for individuals to connect with others who have similar interests. Job boards have allowed employers to screen applicants more efficiently and have responded to the needs of job seekers by providing a large database of available jobs. Online job search sites have added another important advantage: they have expanded the number and variety of available jobs to suit the needs of job seekers. As more job seekers use online resources, the pool of available jobs widens. Many companies rely on job seekers to conduct their own job searches. They use job search sites to receive resumes and match candidates with available positions. By having job seekers submit their resumes to the company's job opening, employers are able to receive a wider range of applicants and do a more thorough job screening. By using a job search site, job seekers not only help the company locate available positions, but they also help themselves find the best available positions at the most competitive wages. Another advantage that job seekers find through a search engine is that they can read what others have written about a particular position. Employers who rely on job search engines to locate new job opportunities are receiving a wealth of information. When a candidate sends out a resume, he or she not only gives a personal contact information, but includes all of their contact information as well. The same holds true for a blog or web page. By reading what other job seekers have written about a particular position, job seekers become informed about the skills necessary for this new job.

  2. While job search sites have many advantages, they have some disadvantages as well. Some job search sites make it too easy for employers to locate candidates. Because of the large number of job openings available each month, there are often hundreds of sites from which to choose. Because many companies use job search sites to narrow down their searches to a select few candidates, the resumes received through these sites may contain errors. Because it is so difficult to manually sort through thousands of job listings, job seekers may miss job opportunities that they would otherwise not notice. One disadvantage to using job search sites like LinkedIn is that your resume and contact information may be publicly available. This can cause embarrassment if an employer asks a specific question about your background or any contact information. This is why it is suggested that job seekers not make their resumes publicly available on a job search site. Find more here what jobs Many job seekers are not comfortable having their contact information visible to the public, and therefore do not make their resumes available on job boards. Job search engines are great places to locate open jobs, but they do not offer the flexibility that LinkedIn has to offer. LinkedIn is a social networking site where you can maintain a professional network within a short period of time. As your profile grows, your network will grow as well. Links in your profile can be shared with individuals and groups that are not connected to you, allowing you to expand your business contacts quickly. In addition to helping you build your network, LinkedIn can also help you create a professional image. If you are trying to land a job, it is important that you maintain a positive image. Using professional looking photographs alongside your profile can help you project a serious and organized persona. Using social media like Twitter to post job tips, job openings, and latest happenings is another good way to project a professional image. These methods, along with your profile, can help you land that dream job faster than you ever thought possible!

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