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Thomas Hobbes ( 1588-1679 ) Leviathan (1651)

Thomas Hobbes ( 1588-1679 ) Leviathan (1651). Characteristics of Absolute Rule: Monarchs and Nobles (and Governments) Expanding State Structures Absolutism and Warfare Absolutism and Religion Architecture and Art (and Propaganda and Ceremony). France under Louis XIV

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Thomas Hobbes ( 1588-1679 ) Leviathan (1651)

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  1. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) Leviathan (1651)

  2. Characteristics of Absolute Rule: Monarchs and Nobles (and Governments) Expanding State Structures Absolutism and Warfare Absolutism and Religion Architecture and Art (and Propaganda and Ceremony) France under Louis XIV (r. 1643-1715)

  3. Monarchs and Nobles (and Governments) Bourbon family Anne of Austria (1601-66) Cardinal Jules Mazarin (1602-61) 1648-53 La Fronderebellion 1651 Louis takes power

  4. Monarchs and Nobles (and Governments) Subduing nobility, but placating old nobility (“nobles of the sword”) 1668 Investigation of dubious nobles

  5. Monarchs and Nobles (and Governments) Dealing with governing bodies: Estates General (largely defunct) Provincial Estates Parlements (supreme courts)

  6. Expanding State Structures Careful choice of loyal officials Improving finances of state, with Jean-Baptiste Colbert (1619-83) Selling offices, raising taxes, re-assessing provincial resources Eventually taxing nobility

  7. Expanding State Structures Mercantilism: the Commercial Code Improving communications Standardising goods and promoting manufacturing Supporting colonisation, ships, French East India Company Controlling exports

  8. Absolutism and Warfare Importance of armies Re-organisation Controlling officers Expanding numbers - ministry of war

  9. Absolutism and Religion State alliances with churches Divine right Catholic Church as landholder Controlling church, e.g. Louis XIV and Gallican (French) Catholic Church

  10. Absolutism and Religion Louis XIV persecuting Huguenots 1685 Revokes Edict of Nantes Making life difficult Opposing Jansenism 1653 Pope condemns Jansenism 1709 Louis begins to suppress Jansenists

  11. Architecture and Art (and Propaganda and Ceremony) Palace of Versailles (bt. 1669-86) The “Sun King” “L’état, c’estmoi.” (I am the state) Censorship

  12. Architecture and Art (and Propaganda and Ceremony) HyacintheRigaud(1659-1743) Ceremonial daily routine

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