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CEENET Jacek GajewskiUniversity of Warsaw and CEENETgajewskiceenet.orgOliver B. PopovMid Sweden University

Open Society Institute (OSI www.osi.org) or Soros Foundation ... Internet Society (ISOC www.isoc.org) Umbrella organization for IETF, IAB, ISTF. Major ...

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CEENET Jacek GajewskiUniversity of Warsaw and CEENETgajewskiceenet.orgOliver B. PopovMid Sweden University

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Presentation Transcript

    Slide 1:CEENET Jacek Gajewski University of Warsaw and CEENET gajewski@ceenet.org Oliver B. Popov Mid Sweden University, Saint Cyril and Methodius University, MARNet and CEENet oliver.popov@mh.se

    Slide 2:Central and Eastern European Networking Association – CEENet 30 member countries - NRENs Offices in Vienna (AT) and Warsaw (PL) Authorities – General Assembly and Management Committee Secretariat www.ceenet.org

    Slide 3:NATO (www.nato.org) The Scientific and Environmental Affairs Division Life Science & Technology/Computer Networking Computer Networking Panel (NIG, ANW and ARW)

    Slide 4:Internet Society (ISOC www.isoc.org) Umbrella organization for IETF, IAB, ISTF

    Slide 5:Other Corporate Sponsors

    Slide 6:CEE Network for Education and Training Goals and objectives Dissemination of the technological know-how for building the essential infrastructure Management strategies and policy issues for stability and sustainability Sustainability = technological competence + managerial vision and efficiency + public awareness Three types of educational events Technology Management Policy

    Slide 7:Workshops on Network Technology Inspired by the ISOC effort on a global scale but modified, regionally and locally colored, in order to be more responsive and distributed. Major funding came from NATO and OSI

    Slide 8:Workshops on Network Technology Three types of activities Regular lectures Theory Exercises Labs Sponsor’s Spotlights (SSL) Evening Lecture Series (ELS)

    Slide 9:Workshops on Network Technology Strategy Always have a combined team of lecturers From the CEE countries for promoting self-sufficiency, recognition and continuous training From the EU and USA for state of the art updates as well as important nodes in the human network To expose the participants to the leaders in the ICT industry To explore the intended and unintended social and humanistic consequences of the ICT and to reassert the maxim Connecting machines… to connect people

    Slide 10:Workshops on Network Technology Initially two tracks Engineering the Network (EngiNe) Network Knowledge Systems (NetKnowS) Warsaw – 1995, Budapest – 1996, Zagreb – 1997 In 1998, a third track was introduced - Wired Education (WirEd) Bratislava – 1998, Budapest – 1999, Budapest - 2000, Budapest – 2001, Budapest

    Slide 11:Workshops on Network Technology In 2002, a technology workshop with only one track – EngiNe tailored to a specific audience – an educational extension of the Silk Project The side-effect from the WirEd track Running a pre-workshop distance courses in all three tracks in 2000 and 2001. It was a very effective instrument both for the selection and the preparation of the potential participants for the f2f event. Running a pre-workshop distance course and WirEd in Russian language – Tver 2002

    Slide 12:Management and Policy Workshops on Management Yaroslavl – 1998 (co-organized with TERENA) Ohrid – 2000 Zagreb – 2002 Workshops on Policy Tartu – 1997 (CEENet Tartu Declaration) Tbilisi – 1999 Bishkek - 2001

    Slide 13:Management and Policy Main issues Target groups and domains Services Telecom and info regulations Relation to the policy and decision makers Funding models Strategies for growth and stability Challenges both technological and social

    Slide 14:Unique Events and Other Projects July 2002 – a unique type of Workshop – NREN Creation “Flying” Workshop Three countries Czech Republic –CESNet Poland – NASK/POL-34 Estonia – EENet NREN Creation Cookbook (in Russian) Co-operates with Cisco Systems on the expansion of their Cisco Networking Academies in the CEE and FSU regions

    Slide 15:CEENet Human Network and Knowledge Base Thirty lecturers in all aspects of networking Twenty course designers and developers for face to face and distance teaching. Nine years of experience in logistic and management of educational and training events in ICT Five years of experience with distance education – from design to running courses Access to almost thirty member NRENs and more then 600 former students

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