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EKONOMI REKAYASA. PERTEMUAN 1 PENDAHULUAN & NPV. Oleh : Arwan Apriyono P. Setyo Nugroho. PROGRAM STUDI TEKNIK SIPIL JURUSAN TEKNIK FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNIK UNSOED TAHUN 2011. Lay Out Presentasi Pengertian ekonomi teknik Formula/Rumus Tingkat bunga NPW. I NTRODUCTION. ?.

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  2. Lay Out Presentasi Pengertian ekonomi teknik Formula/Rumus Tingkat bunga NPW



  5. INTRODUCTION Menyewa/ Membeli?

  6. INTRODUCTION Finansial Decision Making Infuence Factor -Inflasi & Deflasi -Pajak -Depreciation • Metode Pengambilan Keputusan • NPV/NPW • ROR/IRR • B/C Pengetahuan Dasar -Nilai uang (PV, FV, AV) -Suku bunga (Rerata , Majemuk) -Cost and Benefit -Cast flow diagram

  7. Materi : • Pendahuluan dan NPW • Analisis investasi ROR/IRR • Analisis investasi B/C • Inflasi & Deflasi • Pajak • Depreciation/Penurunan nilai • Replacement Analysis • Referensi : • Donald G Newnan et al, 2004, Engineering Economic Analysis, Oxford University Press, Newyork • Abol Ardalan, 2000, Economic & Financial Anaysis for Engineering & Project Management, Technomic Publishing Company Book, Pennsylvania • Perry Beaumon, 2004, Financial Engineering Principle, Wiley, New Jersey • Chan S Park, Fundamental of Engineering Economics, Pearson Education Inc, New Jersey • Peter Cassimatis, 1992, Introduction to Engineering Economic, Taylor & Francir Routledge, London RENCANA KULIAH MESTI BANYAK EXERCISE.

  8. MARR = Minimum Attractive Rate of Return

  9. MANFAAT -----------

  10. EUAW : Equivalent Uniform Annual Worth

  11. P/F : mencari nilai P dari nilai F; jadi nilai F sudah diketahui A/F : mencari nilai A dari nilai F; jadi nilai F sudah diketahui

  12. Langkah perhitungan • Tuliskan yang diketahui • Gambarkan dalam bentuk diagram • Hitung yang ditanyakan

  13. Latihan (15’) • Berapa uang harus diinvestasikan untuk mendapatkan 750.000 selama waktu 3 tahun dengan bunga majemuk 10% per tahun ? 2. Berapa yang harus disimpan di bank untuk mendapatkan 15.500.000 selama 2 tahun pada bunga majemuk 1,5 % per bulan ?

  14. No. 1 F = 750.00000 n = 3 tahun I = 10 % P = F(F/P, i, n) = 750.000(F/P, 0.1, 3) = 563.486 No. 2 F = 15.500.000 n= 2 tahun = 24 bulan i = 1.5 % • P = F(F/P, i, n) = 15.500.000(F/P, 0.015 , 24) = 10.842.930,75

  15. Contoh : Suatu lembaga pembiayaan dalam iklannya menyatakan bahwa bunga pinjaman bunga nominal 12% setahun (sebesar 1% sebulan, dihitung per bulan karena pembayaran biasanya tiap bulan) Berapa sebetulnya bunga efektif dalam setahun? I efektif = (1+0,12/12)12 - 1 = Dalam perhitungan ekonomi teknik, jika tanpa penjelasan maka bunga yang dimaksud adalah bunga nominal, bukan bunga efektif. Jika dinyatakan bahwa bunga setahun 36%, maka 36% adalah bunga nominal dalam setahun, sehingga bunga dalam sebulan adalah3% Bunga efektif selalu lebih besar daripada bunga nominal

  16. INTRODUCTION Menghitung total biaya dan manfaat yang dihasilkan dari suatu kasus/proyek. Prinsip dasar Metode Pengambilan Keputusan

  17. NPV/NPW • NET PRESENT VALUE / NET PRESENT WORTH • The net difference of the present benefits and costs • NPV = PV of Benefit – PV of cost • Alternatif yang paling baik adalah yang memiliki NPV terbesar

  18. NPV/NPW • Example • A car leasing company buys a car from a wholesaler for $24,000 and leases it to a customer for four years at $5,000 per year. • Since the maintenance is not included in the lease, the leasing company has to spend $400 per year in servicing the car. • At the end of the four years, the leasing company takes back the car and sells it to a secondhand car dealer for • $15,000. • Calculate the NPV for the case if we will not consider tax, inflation, and depreciation (interest of rate 10%)?

  19. NPV/NPW ANALYSIS Step 1 : Making cost flow diagram

  20. NPV/NPW ANALYSIS Step 2 : Calculate PV of Cost and Benefit PV of cost = $24000 PV of Benf = A(P/A, i, n) + F(P/F, i, n) = 4600 * ((1+0.1)3 – 1)/(0.1(1+0.1)3) + 19600*(1+0.1)-4 = 11439,52 + 13387,1 = $24826,62

  21. NPV/NPW ANALYSIS Step 3 : Calculate NPV Total Cost = 24,000 Total Benefit = 11439.52 + 13387.1 = 24826.62 Net Worth of the Project = 826.62

  22. NPV/NPW ANALYSIS Step 3 : Calculate NPV Total Cost = 24,000 Total Benefit = 11439.52 + 13387.1 = 24826.62 Net Worth of the Project = 826.62

  23. NPV/NPW CONTOH SOAL Suppose the leasing company of Example 2.1 has to choose between the following two projects: 1. Lease the car exactly as the case in Example 2.1 which had a net present worth of $826.62 2. Buy a car at $40,000, lease it for two years at $12,000 per year with no maintenance cost, and sell it for $24,000 at the end of two years.

  24. 36000 • NPV/NPW 16000 ANALYSIS Step 1 : Making cost flow diagram

  25. NPV/NPW ANALYSIS = -40000 + 12000 (P/A, 10,3) - 16000 (P/F,10,2) + 36000 (P/F,10,4) = -40000 + 12000 (2.487) -16000 (0.8264) + 36000 (0.6830) = 1,209.6 Since project 2 has a higher NPW, it would be the project to choose NPW makin besar, makin baik untuk investasi.

  26. Task 1. (due date 24 Oct 2011)diketik diprint pada kertas A4, diberi cover tugas 1 ekonomi rekayasa 1-In a housing project the following sequence of events occurs. At the start of the project (time zero), land is bought at $1,000,000 Two months later, $100,000 is paid to the architect for preparing the design In month 4, construction is started and the cost of construction (labor and material) is $ 150,000 per month. Every month, one house is built (a total of 12 houses); the first one is ready for sale in month 6. During every month starting from month 8, one house is sold for a price of $ 250,000 each. After all of the houses are built and before all are sold, the cost of maintaining the site is $10,000 per month. Draw the cash flow diagram. 2-Mr. Shop purchases a pizza shop for $120,000. Its operation will result in a net income of $15,000/Yr for the first year, increasing by $2,000 each year after year 1. At the end of the fifth year, the shop is sold for $155,000. Draw the cash flow diagram for this project. 3-A credit card company announces that its interest rate is 1.5% per month. What is the corresponding effective annual interest rate?

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