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Assessment, Prevention, & Control of Hypertension Globally: WHL Needs Assessment Survey

This article presents the results of a needs assessment survey conducted by the World Hypertension League (WHL) to determine the common needs and differences among national hypertension organizations regarding hypertension prevention and control programs. The survey aimed to provide recommendations for the WHL on how to effectively collaborate with member organizations in addressing hypertension.

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Assessment, Prevention, & Control of Hypertension Globally: WHL Needs Assessment Survey

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  1. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally A Needs Assessment of National Hypertension Organizations for Hypertension Prevention and Control Programs By: Tej K. Khalsa, Norm R.C. Campbell, Daniel T. Lackland, Liu Lisheng, Mark L. Niebylski, Xin-Hua Zhang http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1111/jch.12432/asset/jch12432.pdf?v=1&t=i2w53vyf&s=532b54f76a73b10bff1c84f45ffb08c81a2d3b06 The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  2. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally The Journal of Clinical Hypertension • The Official Journal of the World Hypertension League offers free access which can be signed up for by: • Go to the Journal of Clinical Hypertension Homepage http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1751-7176 • Click on the down arrow next to the Log In/Register Option in the upper right corner of the screen • Choose the register option from the lower left corner of the dropdown box • On the log in page enter your e-mail address—which will become your user name –and select a password, enter your personal information (This information is not shared with outside parties), select promotional information you might like to receive and hit the submit registration button The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  3. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Introduction: • Hypertension affects 4 in 10 adults over the age of 25 and is the leading risk factor for death and disability. 1,2 • In 2010, hypertension was estimated to cause 9.4 million deaths, or about 18% of total global deaths, largely from stroke and ischemic heart disease. 1-3 • Hypertension prevalence is on the rise. • 1.56 billion people are expected to have hypertension by 2025. 4 • Although hypertension is largely preventable, it is a driving force in the global epidemic of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  4. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally The World Hypertension League (WHL): • An international, nonprofit organization in official relations with the World Health Organization and the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) • Objective: • Partnering with national member organizations to promote the prevention and control of hypertension globally. 5 The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  5. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally WHL Needs Assessment Survey: • The WHL designed a needs assessment to guide the development of programs for hypertension prevention and control. • The Survey Objectives were to: • Determine unifying commonalities in the perceived needs of its membership regarding hypertension prevention, treatment, and control. • Understand some of the differences in the perceived needs of member organizations regarding hypertension prevention, treatment, and control. • Formulate the results of the study into recommendations to the WHL on how to more effectively collaborate with member organizations in the prevention, treatment, and control of hypertension. The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  6. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Survey Methods: • The Needs Assessment was a cross-sectional survey of national hypertension organizations enrolled as full and associate members of the WHL from February 2013 to December 2013. • The Primary and associate membership of WHL includes 74 national organizations • Only 36 members were verified and had accurate contact information and thus were included in the Needs Assessment Survey • It is key to note that: • Only one full primary membership is allocated per country, with associate membership available to additional societies within a given country The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  7. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally The Questionnaire: • Surveyed member societies’ interest in: • Developing or enhancing programs for hypertension prevention and control • Opportunities for partnership with WHL • Opportunities for collaboration across member societies • Also examined major barriers in: • Developing hypertension control programs • Surveillance on hypertension • The application of national guidelines • WHL’s World Hypertension Day (WHD) The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  8. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Data Analysis: • Data analysis involved both quantitative and qualitative descriptive methodology • Statistical analysis included recording the number of societies in the affirmative for each item and/or percentage positive out of all responding societies that are full members of WHL • Qualitative methods included an interpretive thematic analysis, with each individual survey’s descriptive responses coded thematically with comparisons and subsequent revision across all respondents • Including full and associate members • The barriers to hypertension programs were determined by this method The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  9. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Respondents: • 26 Responses were received out of the 36 societies that were surveyed • 23 out of 36 responses were useable (64% response rate) • Of those who declined to complete the surveys the following reasons were given: • Lack of time • Impending Retirement from their organization • Civil unrest in their country *One society was omitted from the quantitative analysis but kept in the qualitative analysis due to their status as an associate member of WHL The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  10. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Respondents Continued: • Participants Included: • 1 Society from a low-income country • 2 Societies from low-middle-income countries • 7 Societies from upper-middle-income countries • 12 Societies from high-income countries • All income levels were defined by the World Bank The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  11. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Respondents Continued: Text The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  12. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Respondents Continued: Text The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  13. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Results: • All of the responding 22 societies were interested in developing or enhancing programs for hypertension prevention and control in their country. • The Focuses important to the respondents were: • 90% (18 out of 20) wanted to focus on national programs • 65% (13 out of 20) wanted to focus on community programs • 60% (12 out of 20) wanted to focus on regional programs • 45% (9 out of 20) wanted to focus on workplace programs • 50% (10 out of 20) were interested in only one or two interventions while the other 50% favored implementing three or all four • 15% of the societies were exclusively focused on national programming • 10% were interested in either community and /or workplace interventions The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  14. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Results Continued: The interest of national hypertension organizations in developing or enhancing different components of hypertension programs was surveyed: • 15 out of 19 chose prevention • 17 out of 19 chose screening • 17 out of 19 chose control • 68% favored a comprehensive approach inclusive of prevention, screening, and control • 32% were interested in a focused approach involving one or two domains The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  15. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Results Continued: The survey also asked about interventions being considered or developed, 16 societies responded that the interventions under consideration or development included: • 63% public education campaigns • 44% educating health care providers • 36% conducting surveillance • 25% developing or updating guidelines • 13% engaging in multi-sector partnerships The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  16. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally WHL Collaboration: There was a high level of interest (91%) in collaborating with the WHL on programs for hypertension prevention and control. Figure 1. Opportunities for collaboration with the World Hypertension League The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  17. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Collaboration Across National Hypertension Organizations: A total of 64% of societies (14 out of 22) were interested in collaborating with other countries, with a willingness to share expertise in the domains outlined in Figure 2. Figure 2. Opportunities for partnership across national hypertension organizations. The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  18. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Current Hypertension Interventions: • Based on the survey results 20 national hypertension organizations identified current interventions in their respective countries. • 15 out of 20 categorized their existing interventions as national programs • Either exclusively focusing on hypertension or a more comprehensive approach inclusive of cardiovascular disease • 8 out of 20 societies had community programs • 7 out of 20 societies had regional programs • 6 out of 20 societies stated that they had no approach The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  19. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Barriers to Activities for Prevention/Control of BP Nationally: The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  20. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Prioritization of Potential WHL Interventions: The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  21. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Prioritization of Potential WHL Interventions Continued: The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  22. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally World Hypertension Day (WHD): • The respondents were asked to rank the usefulness of World Hypertension Day, May 17th each year. • The purpose of WHD is to promote hypertension awareness. • 28% (5 out of 18) societies ranked WHD as very useful • 28% (5 out of 18) societies ranked WHD as somewhat useful • 22% (4 out of 18) societies ranked WHD as neutral • 22% (4 out of 18) societies ranked WHD as not useful The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  23. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Outcomes: • This needs assessment provides a basis for national hypertension organizations to work together towards reducing the burden of hypertension-related disease. • The majority of the organizations wanted to partner with other national hypertension organizations and the WHL. • A high priority for organizations was the development of national programs with multiple dimensions (involving prevention, screening, and control, encompassing public and healthcare professional education). • Many organizations were also interested in community, regional, or workplace programs. • A lack of resources was a major barrier faced by organizations, followed by inadequate healthcare systems and low health literary of the public The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  24. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Outcomes Continued: • The societies surveyed also indicated that there was a need for developing training sessions for healthcare professionals on hypertension and assisting with the development of strategic planning for hypertension prevention and control. • Including assistance with developing advocacy programs for reducing dietary salt. • Another key issue was the need to engage national governments in healthcare system reform. The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  25. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Survey Limitations: • As with any survey this survey has limitations. • A relatively small number of national hypertension organizations responded, and, thus, the results may not be generalizable to other national hypertension organizations. • There was only one respondent from a low-income country and two from low-middle-income countries and hence the survey is less likely to be generalizable to organizations in low-resource settings. • There were no responses from African organizations in the survey. • Another potential limitation is that the surveys are filled out by individuals who may or may not reflect the needs of the organizations they represent and/or that the responses may not represent the needs of their countries’ populations. • It is important to note that in all, the responses indicated many common themes across organizations suggesting that the major observations are valid. The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  26. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Global Responsibility: • The WHL is currently restructuring and aligning resources to better address its global responsibility and mandate • The United Nations has indicated four critical targets for 2025 that impact hypertension: • To reduce the prevalence of hypertension by 25% • To reduce dietary sodium by 30% • To have 80% coverage of essential cardiovascular medications • To reduce premature mortality from NCDs by 25% 6 • These targets are highly integrated, as reducing NCDs is unlikely without a significant reduction in hypertension-related disease, while reducing dietary salt would substantively achieve the target to reduce hypertension prevalence. • The WHL has prioritized partnering with national hypertension organizations and has now reestablished contact with 50 organizations and is developing partnership with international health organizations. 7 The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  27. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Conclusion: • Hypertension prevention and control remains a major global challenge. • National hypertension organizations indicate a strong desire to work together to prevent and control hypertension. • Although the needs assessment has substantive limitations, it helps forge an agenda for partnership between WHL and national hypertension organizations. • The findings signal the need for the WHL to develop a network of potential funding bodies and networks of national organizations working towards common goals. • It also indicated a demand for training sessions for healthcare professionals and a need to assist strategic planning for hypertension prevention. The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  28. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally References: 1. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. GBD Arrow Diagram, Risks. Seattle: The Institute; 2013. http://www.healthmetricsandevaluation.org/gbd/visu- alizations/gbd-arrow-diagram. Accessed June 30, 2014. 2. World Health Organization. Global Health Risks: Mortality and Burden of Disease Attributable to Selected Major Risks. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2009. http://www.who.int/healthinfo/ 322. global_burden_disease/GlobalHealthRisks_report_full.pdf. Accessed June 30, 2014. 3. World Health Organization. Causes of Death 2008. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2009. http://www.who.int/healthinfo/ global_burden-disease/cod_2008_sources_methods.pdf. Accessed June 30, 2014. 4. Kearney PM, Whelton M, Reynolds K, et al. Global burden of hypertension: analysis of worldwide data. Lancet. 2005;365:217– 223. 5. Campbell NRC, Niebylski ML, World Hypertension League Executive. Prevention and control of hypertension. Developing a global agenda. Curr Opin Cardiol. 2014;29:324–330. 6. World Health Organization. Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCDs 2013-2020, vol. 2014. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2013. http://www.who.int/nmh/events/ncd_action_- plan/en/ed. Accessed May 1, 2014. The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  29. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally References: 7. WHL 2014 Annual Report. http://www.whleague.org/images/WHL_2014_Annual_Report.pdf 8. Campbell, NRC, Lackland D, Niebylski, M. 2014 Dietary Salt Fact Sheet of the World Hypertension League, International Society of Hypertension, Pan American Health Organization Technical Advisory Group on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Through Dietary Salt Reduction, the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre on Population Salt Reduction, and World Action on Salt Health. Journal of Clinical Hypertension. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jch.12402/abstract 9. Campbell NRC, Lackland D, Nieblyski, M, and the World Hypertension League and International Society of Hypertension Executive Committees. High Blood Pressure: Why Prevention and Control are Urgent and Important –A 2014 Fact Sheet from the World Hypertension League and the International Society of Hypertension. Journal of Clinical Hypertension. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jch.12372/abstract 10. Campbell, NRC, Lackland, D, Zhang, X, Nilsson, P, Redburn, K, Niebylski, M. The World Hypertension League Challenges Hypertension and Cardiovascular Organizations to Develop Strategic Plans for the Prevention and Control of Hypertension The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

  30. Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Based on the Paper: “A Needs Assessment of National Hypertension Organizations for Hypertension Prevention and Control Programs.” Tej K. Khalsa, Norm R.C. Campbell, Daniel T. Lackland, Liu Lisheng, Mark L. Niebylski, Xin-Hua Zhang http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1111/jch.12432/asset/jch12432.pdf?v=1&t=i2w53vyf&s=532b54f76a73b10bff1c84f45ffb08c81a2d3b06 PowerPoint Presentation Created by: Kimbree Redburn PowerPoint Reviewed by: Dr. Norm Campbell The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies

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