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Valley Christian Church

Valley Christian Church. V itally C onnecting C hrist and people. Vitally Connecting Christ & You. V ital = life-giving C onnect = relationship C hristian = Disciple: A person in a life-relationship with Jesus Christ. Our Vision.

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Valley Christian Church

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Valley Christian Church • Vitally • Connecting • Christ • and people

  2. Vitally Connecting Christ & You • Vital = life-giving • Connect = relationship • Christian = Disciple: A person in a life-relationship with Jesus Christ

  3. Our Vision To create Christ-centered communities throughout the Red River Valley and beyond.

  4. Our Goal • Make vitally connected followers of Christ • connected to Christ in a live-giving way and connected to people in a life-giving witness

  5. How will we know if we are achieving our goal? As individuals in the church? As a group which is the church? Vital Corrections

  6. How will we know? • Vital signs of a Healthy Christ-follower • Characteristics of a Healthy Church • Core Beliefs and Values

  7. Vital Signs of a Christ-follower • Connecting • Growing • Reaching Out • Giving • Serving

  8. Empowering leadership Gift-oriented Ministry Passionate Spirituality Functional Structures Inspiring Worship Holistic Small groups Need-oriented Evangelism Loving relationships Characteristics of a Healthy Church

  9. Core Beliefs - the essentials • God is One: Father, Son, Holy Spirit • Authority of the Word

  10. Core Values • In essentials, unity… In opinions, liberty… in all things, love. • Where the Bible speaks, we speak. Where the Bible is silent, we are silent. • We are not the only Christians, but Christians only. • Ministry/priesthood of all believers. • Centrality of the church in living our faith.

  11. So What’s Missing? • How?! How are we going to carry out the core mission of vitally connecting Christ and people? • We have a foundation vision • We have tools to assess progress • What do we have to move forward?

  12. FWD: what the early church had They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, and to the fellowship to the breaking of bread and to prayer. --Acts 2:42

  13. FWD: the three ships of Acts • They devoted themselves to: • Fellowship: the partnership of living out the Good News of God’s Kingdom on earth. • Worship: the breaking of bread and prayer • Discipleship: the apostles teaching. The Word of God

  14. Moving FWD • We have the foundation of our vision • We have the means to measure progress • We have the pillars of the early church • We need you, you are the who of our how.

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