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Leadership, Change & Strategy

Leadership, Change & Strategy. George Levvy. In pairs. Thinking about leadership, strategy & change What’s front of mind from your work and/or the past 36 hours? What questions do you have? What do you want to get out of the next two days?. Aims. Insight into leadership

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Leadership, Change & Strategy

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  1. Leadership, Change & Strategy George Levvy

  2. In pairs Thinking about leadership, strategy & change • What’s front of mind from your work and/or the past 36 hours? • What questions do you have? • What do you want to get out of the next two days? George Levvy

  3. Aims • Insight into leadership • Connect that to current context • Prompt reflection about your work and yourself • Enable actions based on learning from these two days George Levvy

  4. Manage your learning • Ask • Challenge • Be aware of your needs – pace, energy, space George Levvy

  5. Why me? • 10 years chief executive of a national charity • 8 years’ consulting, working with leaders & top teams on leadership and change = practitioner perspective George Levvy

  6. Strategy George Levvy

  7. What is the purpose of Culture & Sport services? What are they there to achieve? George Levvy

  8. Groups of 3 or 4 • Is there a meaningful vision that guides those services? If so what is it? • Are there fundamental values that guide the delivery of those services? If so, what are they? George Levvy

  9. Groups of 3 or 4 Thinking about culture & sport services in general • Do a PEST & SWOT analysis • Identify the three key issues in each category George Levvy

  10. Strategic issues ‘Fundamental policy questions or critical challenges affecting an organisation’s [ability to achieve its aims]’ John M Bryson 2004 George Levvy

  11. In same groups Given the purpose, vision and values agreed earlier and what you’ve identified in the PEST & SWOT analyses, what are the strategic issues for culture & sport services George Levvy

  12. George Levvy

  13. Who are the target customers of culture & sport services? • What is the value proposition in relation to those customers? George Levvy

  14. Given the strategic issues, customers and value proposition you have identified how would you sum up the challenge facing culture & sport services? George Levvy

  15. Strategy • A diagnosis • A guiding policy / approach • A set of coherent actions George Levvy

  16. Change: making it happen George Levvy

  17. Groups of 3 or 4 You are the leader of the reorganisation of your service. The criteria for the change are a 25% reduction in costs while serving as many people as now. What are the three most important things you need to do in bringing about this change? George Levvy

  18. Establish a sense of urgency Kotter’s 8 stage process Create a guiding coalition Develop a vision and strategy Communicate the change vision Empower broad based action Generate short term wins Consolidate gains and produce more change Anchor new approaches in the culture George Levvy Kotter 1996

  19. George Levvy

  20. People and change George Levvy

  21. When you have been part of a change project (not as the management / leadership), • What was it like? • How did it make you feel? • What did you think of the management? George Levvy

  22. When you have led or managed a significant change • What was it like? • What did you think of how people responded? • How successful was it? George Levvy

  23. The transition process(adapted from William Bridges 2003) ending end present beginning

  24. The Change Curve Morale Performance Integration - results start to be seen, behaviours start to be the norm denial searching for meaning - why was it needed? Where do I fit in? frustration not fair, why me testing still in ‘old think’ shock letting go Time

  25. The J Curve What stakeholders (mistakenly) expect Desired state Performance Current state What actually happens in most cases Time George Levvy

  26. NEW ORDER Capability Chaos REGRESSION Change initiative Rob Zuijderhoudt George Levvy

  27. In times of major change, what did you need to know? George Levvy

  28. What people need to know Purpose………………WHY? Picture……………..…WHAT? Plan…………………....HOW? Part to play………….HOW?

  29. To achieve change you need Colin Livingstone, Steria Consulting

  30. George Levvy

  31. Think about the best organisation you’ve worked in and the worst. How did they differ? What were the key differences between them? George Levvy

  32. Creating the conditions for success The leader’s job George Levvy

  33. Ulrich, Zenger & Smallwood(Results-Based Leadership, 1999) Demonstrate personal character Mobilise individual commitment Engender organisational capability George Levvy

  34. Setting (providing?) direction • Understand external events • Focus on the future • Turn vision into action George Levvy

  35. Mobilising individual commitment • Build collaborative relationships • Share power and authority • Manage attention George Levvy

  36. Engendering capability • Build organisational infrastructure • Leverage diversity • Deploy teams • Design human resource systems • Make change happen George Levvy

  37. Demonstrating personal character • Live values by practising what is preached • Have and create a positive self-image • Possess cognitive ability and personal charm George Levvy

  38. In current circumstances and looking to the next few years, which of these are the most challenging? George Levvy

  39. What could stop you providing that kind of leadership to those you lead? George Levvy

  40. What do / will you need in order to provide that kind of leadership? George Levvy

  41. ‘Homework’: on your own or in pairs What is your purpose and what are your core values? How do you pursue those in your work? George Levvy

  42. Kotter Leadership Management Planning & budgeting Organising and staffing Controlling and problem solving • Setting direction • Aligning people • Motivating and inspiring George Levvy

  43. Leadership vs management • What vs how • Doing right thing vs doing things right • Coping with change vs coping with complexity (Kotter) • Etc, etc George Levvy

  44. Leadership is not about • Budgeting • Operational planning • Strategic planning • Running projects • Functional tasks • Controlling • Being ‘productive’ • DOING STUFF • Etc, etc George Levvy

  45. Friday George Levvy

  46. Effectiveness George Levvy

  47. Who is the most effective executive / person you have ever known? • What did they do that made them effective? George Levvy

  48. Effective executives Ask ‘What needs to be done?’ and ‘What is right for the enterprise?’ Undertake no more than two top priority tasks Delegate any other high priority tasks Drucker on effectiveness George Levvy

  49. In pairs In your work, what’s the one most important thing for you right now? George Levvy

  50. StrategyPhase 2 George Levvy

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