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Assessing Fitness Cardiorespiratory Fitness

Assessing Fitness Cardiorespiratory Fitness. #1 Body Composition #2 Lipid Profile #3 Respiratory Capacity** #4 Blood Pressure ** #5 ECG **. At rest and during exercise**. Body Composition.

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Assessing Fitness Cardiorespiratory Fitness

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Assessing FitnessCardiorespiratory Fitness

  2. #1 Body Composition • #2 Lipid Profile • #3 Respiratory Capacity** • #4 Blood Pressure ** • #5 ECG ** At rest and during exercise**

  3. Body Composition • is used to describe the percentages of fat mass, bone and lean (muscle) massin human bodies. bioelectrical impedence bodpod skinfold method

  4. Hydrostatic Weighing

  5. dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry

  6. dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry

  7. BMI = Wt (kg)/Ht2 (m)

  8. What should we be looking for?

  9. What about the individuals below? Can they be elite athletes?

  10. #1 Endomorphic characterized by increased fat storage, a wide waist and a large bone structure #2 Mesomorphic characterized by medium bones, solid torso, low fat levels, wide shoulders with a narrow waist; #3 Ectomorphic characterized by long and thin muscles/limbs and low fat storage From: www.mysomatotype.com

  11. #1 Endomorph #2 Mesomorph #3 Ectomorph

  12. Lipid Profiles #1 Low density lipoprotein Transports cholesterol to vessel walls #2 High density lipoprotein Transports cholesterol from vessel wall #3 Cholesterol Fat that is important for maintaining integrity of cell membranes and manufacturing hormones #4 Triglycerides Fat important for energy

  13. What are we working toward? AHA Recommendation We recommend using the absolute numbers for total blood cholesterol and HDL cholesterol levels. They're more useful to physicians than the cholesterol ratio in determining the appropriate treatment for patients.Some physicians and cholesterol technicians use the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol in place of the total blood cholesterol. The ratio is obtained by dividing the HDL cholesterol level into the total cholesterol. For example, if a person has a total cholesterol of 200 mg/dL and an HDL cholesterol level of 50 mg/dL, the ratio would be 4:1. The goal is to keep the ratio below 5:1; the optimum ratio is 3.5:1

  14. Testing cardio-respiratory fitness Bruce Protocol treadmill running at 1.7 mph with 10% incline then every three minutes ~ 0.8 mph and 2% incline increase

  15. VO2 max(ml/kg/min) Men: VO2max = 2.94 x T + 7.65 Young Men: VO2max = 3.62 x T + 3.91 Women: VO2max = 2.94 x T + 3.74 ref: ACSM's Health-Related Physical Fitness Assessment Manual

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