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Academic Writing

Academic Writing. Lesson 11 June 5, 2013 Lynn Mallory. To analyze a results section of a research paper and give advice to the author. To compare verb tenses in the results and discussion sections. To apply what we have learned to the results section of your research paper.

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Academic Writing

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  1. Academic Writing Lesson 11 June 5, 2013 Lynn Mallory

  2. To analyze a results section of a research paper and give advice to the author. • To compare verb tenses in the results and discussion sections. • To apply what we have learned to the results section of your research paper. Learning Targets

  3. All results should have Some need Especially if you are Review – Parts of the Results

  4. Review – Parts of the Result

  5. The paired samples t-test has been displayed in Table 1. In Table 1(a), the mean score for the TDL group and for the SDL group is about 14.68 and 17.95 respectively. This shows that mean score of SDL group is more than that of TDL which proves better performance of the self-directed learners of the study over teacher-directed learners, but these differences in these two groups are not significantly noticeable and meaningful to result in complete superiority of SDL over TDL. So it needs to compare the means through the Independent Samples t-test. In Table 1 (b), the Independent Samples T-Test reveals a statistically reliable difference between the mean score of TDL that has Mean=14.68, SD=1.33 and SDL has Mean=17.95, SD=1.38, t(90)=11.53, P=0.00, α=0.05. P<0.05 → The null hypothesis is rejected. Figure1, also, points that there is a significant difference between the mean score of TDL and SDR, and after treatment students in experimental group performed better that proves superiority of SDL over TDL strategies. Analyze this results section. http://www.ijser.org/onlineResearchPaperViewer.aspx?The-Impact-of-Self-directed-Learning-Strategies-on-Reading-Comprehension.pdf

  6. Results • Only give data • No claims or opinions • Wording should be neutral • What you point out here should be discussed thoroughly later • Discussion • Claims • Surprising results • Explanation • Comparisons Results vs. Discussion

  7. Go to Week 4 on the website (last Thursday) • Click on Peer Review Article • Read the Discussion section (pgs. 7-9) • What do you notice about this discussion section? Be ready to give 2 observations. Analyzing a Discussion section https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bb/Symbol_split_discussion.svg/371px-Symbol_split_discussion.svg.png

  8. Break Time

  9. Review of purpose – past tense (what we DID) • Additional background – present (facts) • Location and description of your table – present (Fig 1 shows) or (the x axis is…) • Results – past tense (what you discovered) Results – What verb tenses do I use?

  10. Claim – present tense (your opinion) • Unexpected results – past tense if it is something that happened during the experiment, present if it is data. • Comparison – present tense Discussion – What verb tenses do I use?

  11. The paired samples t-test has been displayed in Table 1. In Table 1(a), the mean score for the TDL group and for the SDL group is about 14.68 and 17.95 respectively. This shows that mean score of SDL group is more than that of TDL which proves better performance of the self-directed learners of the study over teacher-directed learners, but these differences in these two groups are not significantly noticeable and meaningful to result in complete superiority of SDL over TDL. So it needs to compare the means through the Independent Samples t-test. In Table 1 (b), the Independent Samples T-Test reveals a statistically reliable difference between the mean score of TDL that has Mean=14.68, SD=1.33 and SDL has Mean=17.95, SD=1.38, t(90)=11.53, P=0.00, α=0.05. P<0.05 → The null hypothesis is rejected. Figure1, also, points that there is a significant difference between the mean score of TDL and SDR, and after treatment students in experimental group performed better that proves superiority of SDL over TDL strategies. Find the verbs. http://www.ijser.org/onlineResearchPaperViewer.aspx?The-Impact-of-Self-directed-Learning-Strategies-on-Reading-Comprehension.pdf

  12. Writing Time

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