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Wall. Photos. Flair. Boxes. John Dorian. Logout. Wall. Info. Photos. Boxes. Write something…. Share. facebook. View photos of J.D. (5). John Dorian is saving lives October 7, 2005. Send J.D. a message. Poke message. Turk to John Dorian EEEEEAAAAAGLEEEE!! October 1, 2004.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wall Photos Flair Boxes John Dorian Logout Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share facebook View photos of J.D. (5) John Dorian issaving lives October 7, 2005 Send J.D. a message Poke message Turk to John Dorian EEEEEAAAAAGLEEEE!! October 1, 2004 Information Networks: National Doctor’s Association Birthday: Apr 6, 1975 Relationship: Married to Elliot Reed Occupation: Director of Internal Medicine Residency Director John Dorian is saving lives John Dorian has finally become a resident June 11, 2003 John Dorian has just purchased a scooter and named it Sasha October 28, 2002 Friends John Dorian has just turned 25 years old!! Apr 6, 2000 Turk Elliot Carla John Dorian has just successfully completed his first code April 17, 1999 Perry Robert Janitor

  2. Wall Photos Flair Boxes John F. Kennedy Logout Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Networks: National Doctor’s Association Sex: Male Birthday: Apr 6, 1975 Relationship Status: Married to Elliot Reed Political Views: Democrat Religious Views: Catholic facebook View photos of J.D. (5) Send J.D. a message Poke message Personal Information Activities: Watching lost, stealing from the hospital, Interests: Appletinis, pirates, unicorns, cute baby animal imagery Favorite Music: Leroy (the band), M.C. Hammer Favorite Movies: Harry Potter, Stupid Movies Favorite TV Shows: Lost, Sesame Street, Grey’s Anatomy Information Networks: National Doctor’s Association Birthday: Apr 6, 1975 Relationship: Married to Elliot Reed Occupation: Director of Internal Medicine Residency Director John Dorian Photos 2 Albums The Family Updated last Tuesday Work Updated two months ago

  3. Wall Photos Flair Boxes John F. Kennedy Logout John Dorian Wall Info Photos Boxes Photos of J.D. 7 Photos facebook JFK’s Albums 2 Photo Alums The Family 5 photos Work 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo

  4. Works CitedKeep a list of all the sources you used for the template here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.D._%28Scrubs%29 http://scrubs.wikia.com/wiki/J.D. http://scrubs.wikia.com/wiki/Perry_Cox http://scrubs.wikia.com/wiki/Robert_Kelso http://scrubs.wikia.com/wiki/Carla_Espinosa http://scrubs.wikia.com/wiki/Elliot_Reed http://scrubs.wikia.com/wiki/Janitor http://scrubs.wikia.com/wiki/Turk

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