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How To Approach Beautiful Women

In today's world it is not completely weird to see an older woman dating a younger man. In fact it is generally something that is accepted now and many older/younger couples are doing.

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How To Approach Beautiful Women

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  1. How To Approach Beautiful Women • In other words, follow these simple rules: compliment her, then, tease her at the same time, always making things move forward, towards some physical contact. If you use this strategy you will be ahead of most men; And I am talking about a woman that would make most guys do crazy things like make them buy them a drink or sarcastically put them down. You are going to be different here by teasing them playfully... Again, most guy are forced to accept what's left over after the alpha men are done dragging their women by the hair to their caves: Screw that! Let's break that age old scenario shall we: let other men know that you are the alpha male that all the other young males are envious of: a well seasoned veteran that knows how to flirt... • It's weird that most men really do not understand how to attract beautiful women. That's because men in general are too focused on "picking up" the woman, instead of presenting themselves as men of high status. Being honest here: most women on the planet are not attracted to men who are "losers," or don't view themselves above the woman. Too, would a beautiful woman settle for a spineless man? No! She has too many options. If you are really serious about getting a beautiful girlfriend then think about this: what is my social value? When you go out, are you alone or are you surrounded by friends? Your dating options: do other women know that you have many women in your life.

  2. If it's not so, you have to increase the size of your social circles and make sure the woman that you're interested sees you with other women. It's simple: have women that you are attracted to see that other women want you. At that point, beautiful women will see you as a man of value and will be attracted to you. Use these two secrets right away for great results. • Let's face it, no matter how talented you are in other areas of your life, gathering the courage to approach an attractive woman can be terrifying. Because no man wants to feel that they've lost out on love, you need to know how to approach beautiful women successfully. • Although you may be interested in approaching that beautiful woman in the yellow dress, you have to remember that part of being able to approach a woman is looking approachable. Smiling is probably the very best way to let women know that you are approachable. And smiling is contagious because when someone is smiling at you, it is difficult to refrain from smiling back at them.

  3. Before you approach a woman, make eye contact with her in order to build her anticipation. Don't stare at her, simply catch her eye long enough to pique her interest, and then look away. Do this several times before you approach her, and by the time you make your way over to strike up a conversation, she will be more receptive. • Before you approach a woman, you really have to work on building better confidence. Many guys wait until they are already walking over to a woman to try and psych themselves up to the task. However, instead of waiting until the last minute, build your confidence even when you aren't around any women. This will make it much easier to feel confident when it really matters. • Women love men who are funny and can make them laugh. However, we're not talking about Marx Brothers and 3 Stooges funny, you want to be more like Matthew McConaughey in a romantic comedy and avoid the slapstick element. Keep in mind that playfully teasing a woman is great way to ease tensions when you've first approached her, but you want to be careful that you don't tease her too much. You don't want to offend her so deeply that she feels like you're constantly making fun of her. Until you get to know her, do your best to keep your playful teasing to a minimum.

  4. The Language Of Lust Review Women can appreciate it when a man is direct about his feelings. Of course, if you don't know her, it's not a good idea to profess your undying love for her. Instead, you want to remain a gentleman and take things slow. If things progress past initial introductions, you will have plenty of time to fall in love, but you only get one chance to make a first impression, so you don't want to blow it. Women are forgiving of faults, however, no woman wants a man who seems sleazy. When you approach her, be respectful and give her a genuine compliment. Remember that a compliment is not a pickup line. A heartfelt compliment is something like, "That dress really brings out the sparkle in your eyes." A pickup line is something like, "Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes." See the difference? • He portrays the best looking guy in town and his smooth talk melts you away. Prince charming is looking at you kid. You show him to your friends and boast about the romantic date you both enjoyed. Then, when you least expect, you're looking at one more disappointment in your life. His sweetness was nothing but a way to manipulate you into this small little thing in his hands that he can just smash and toss away. http://www.thelanguageoflustbookreviews.com/

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