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ICASA Strategic Plan 2016-2020: Advancing South Africa's Digital Society

This presentation outlines the mandate, vision, mission, and values of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Communications ICASA Strategic Plan 2016-2020. It also covers government's policy objectives, key priority outcomes, ICASA's strategic objectives, strategic alignment with ICT ministries, operational projects, institutional risks, and finances.

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ICASA Strategic Plan 2016-2020: Advancing South Africa's Digital Society

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  1. Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Communications ICASAStrategic Plan 2016-2020 Dr Stephen Mncube – Chairperson Mr Pakamile Pongwana – Chief Executive Officer 21 April 2015

  2. Presentation outline • Mandate, Vision, Mission and Values • Government’s Policy Objectives • Government’s Key Priority Outcomes • ICASA’s Strategic Objectives • Strategic Alignment with the ICT Ministries • Operational Projects • Institutional risks • Finances

  3. Mandate • ICASA’s mandate is derived from: • ICASA Act, 2000 • EC Act, 2005 • Broadcasting Act, 1998 • Postal Services Act, 1998 • ECT Act, 2002 ICASA is established pursuant to section 192 of the Constitution and in terms of the ICASA Act of 2000 ICASA is mandated to - • Regulate electronic communications, broadcasting and postal sectors in the public interest • Ensure affordable services of high quality for all South Africans

  4. Vision, Mission & Values Values Vision To advance the building of a digital society Mission To ensure that all South Africans have access to a wide range of high-quality communication services at affordable prices

  5. National Policy Objectives National Development Plan • Strengthen social cohesion and unity while redressing the inequities of the past • Make high-speed broadband internet universally available at competitive prices • Promote economic transformation to facilitate inclusive economic growth • Building blocks for realisation of Vision 2030 • 14 Key Priority Outcomes New Growth Path Medium Term Strategic Framework 2014-2019

  6. Government’s Priority Outcomes Promote competition and network deployment for universal broadband provision Government Priority Outcomes Ensure that the regulatory framework facilitates the use of ICTs as a platform to provide increased access to government services • Facilitate the 3-tiers of broadcasting and specifically focus on a regulatory agenda that: • Promotes local content • Dissemination of information in the public interest • Public broadcasting content across all broadcasting platforms

  7. Priorities as per SONA 2015 • Nine (9) point plan • Point 5: encouraging private sector investment [in the ICT sector] • Point 7: unlocking the potential of SMMEs, cooperatives, township and rural enterprises [through universal access to broadband services and ownership and control of ICT enterprises by HDIs] • Point 8: reform and boost role of [ICT] SOCs in ICT infrastructure/broadband rollout… • First phase of broadband roll-out - connect offices in eight (8) district municipalities in 2015/16 • Telkom (SOC) Limited designated the lead agency for universal broadband roll-out • Improvement of [ICT] infrastructure in schools and FETs to create a conducive teaching and learning environment

  8. ICASA Strategic Goals: 2016-2020

  9. Promote effective competition • Licensing Free to Air TV • Licensing additional Commercial Sound Broadcasters in Secondary Market • A study on the status of competition in the sector • Reports on market trends: investment, market concentration, subscriber numbers, revenues etc. • Geo-maps for broadband network deployment • Identification of priority markets for regulatory intervention • Transparency • Position paper on pricing transparency (incl. data expiry and carry-over rules) • Report on SAPO’s Exclusivity Period • Quarterly reports on retail price filings • A ‘truly free’ toll-free framework for consumers • Harmonised short-codes • Code of Conduct for premium rated services • Wholesale access regulation • Framework for infrastructure sharing • Monitoring compliance with CTR Regulations

  10. Promote the digital agenda

  11. Stakeholder/Consumer Experience Revise regulations on broadcasting local government elections Regulatory framework to support community broadcasting services Promulgate regulations on BBBEE/HDI for licensees in the sector • Implement an efficient spectrum management system • Improvement of turn-around times for regulatory processes • Maintenance of an accurate RFS & type approval database A framework to protect consumers and audiences from harmful practices

  12. Strategic Alignment with DoC

  13. Strategic Alignment with DoC

  14. Strategic Alignment with DoC

  15. Strategic Alignment with DTPS

  16. SOOG 1 Promote Competition Strategic Objective 1 : Facilitate an effectively competitive ICT sector • SOOG 1.1 • Licence new entrants in the broadcasting services market • GOAL STATEMENT • The Authority intends to licence viable additional Free-to-Air Commercial Television Broadcasting Services National policy co-ordination Digital Migration

  17. SOOG 1 Promote Competition Strategic Objective 1 : Facilitate an effectively competitive ICT sector • SOOG 1.2 • Define priority markets for regulatory intervention • GOAL STATEMENT • The Authority will carry out a study to define the priority markets that require regulatory intervention National policy co-ordination Digital Migration

  18. SOOG 2 Promote Digital Agenda Strategic Objective 2 : Support innovation for the future use of digital technologies • SOOG 2.1 • Create an environment conducive to universal broadband provision • GOAL STATEMENT • The Authority intends to establish a South African Chapter of the 5G Forum to advance South Africa’s interests at international standardization and spectrum forums, including standardization for 5G National policy co-ordination Digital Migration

  19. SOOG 3 Promote Stakeholder and Consumer Experience Strategic Objective 3.1 : Facilitate an efficient operations environment to reduce regulatory burden • SOOG 3.1.1 • Improve access to spectrum for provision of ECS, ECNS and Broadcasting services • GOAL STATEMENT • Implement an efficient spectrum management system National policy co-ordination Digital Migration

  20. SOOG 3 Promote Stakeholder and Consumer Experience Strategic Objective 3.1 : Facilitate an efficient operations environment to reduce regulatory burden • SOOG 3.1.2 • Provision (procurement) of goods and services timely within the National Treasury Regulations ensuring limited non-compliance • GOAL STATEMENT • Recommendation on optimal funding model • Integrated reporting framework National policy co-ordination Digital Migration

  21. SOOG 3 Promote Stakeholder and Consumer Experience Strategic Objective 3.2 : Fostering social cohesion and nation building • SOOG 3.2.1 • Ensure universal service and access • GOAL STATEMENT • Provide recommendations to the Minister on SAPO Exclusivity Period National policy co-ordination Digital Migration

  22. SOOG 3 Promote Stakeholder and Consumer Experience Strategic Objective 3.2 : Fostering social cohesion and nation building • SOOG 3.2.2 • Regulatory framework to support a sustainable community broadcasting sector • GOAL STATEMENT • Produce a report on recommendations for interventions required for a sustainable community broadcasting sector National policy co-ordination Digital Migration

  23. SOOG 3 Promote Stakeholder and Consumer Experience Strategic Objective 3.2 : Fostering social cohesion and nation building • SOOG 3.2.3 • Equitable treatment of political parties by broadcasters during election period • GOAL STATEMENT • Revised regulations governing broadcasting for municipal elections National policy co-ordination Digital Migration

  24. SOOG 3 Promote Stakeholder and Consumer Experience Strategic Objective 3.3 : Protect audiences and consumers from harmful practices 2 • SOOG 3.3.1 • Produce an annual report on quality of experience by broadcasting and postal users • GOAL STATEMENT • Reports on quality of experience by end-users National policy co-ordination Digital Migration

  25. Institutional risks The four top risks of the Authority are as follows: • Legal challenges to regulatory processes • Policy uncertainty due to lack of coordination • Inadequate funding for execution of institution’s mandate • Non-adherence to defined and documented operational processes National policy co-ordination Digital Migration

  26. Operational Projects Re-engineer operational processes, procedures and systems to support and improve service delivery • Implementation of an Effective Spectrum Management System • Improved processes for authorization of deployment of new equipment • Implementation of a CRM system for process automation to improve turnaround times • Establishment of regional offices across all 9 provinces to improve accessibility • Appropriate delegation of authority framework for effective and speedy decision making • Develop and implement communications and media plans for all corporate and regulatory projects to ensure effective stakeholder management National policy co-ordination Digital Migration

  27. History of baselines

  28. Total Staff Costs

  29. Staff Costs - CTC

  30. Consultancy Budget

  31. Total Budget Summary OPEX Normal Projects Total Expenditure % Total Total Support expenses Corporate Affairs 94,193,663 10,935,000 105,128,663 23.7% Finance 56,728,555 1,500,000 58,232,671 13.1% Legal, Risk and Compliance 24,692,421 0 24,692,421 5.6% Human capital management 19,319,270 0 19,319,270 4.4% Internal Audit 8,380,763 0 8,380,763 1.9% Council 22,219,218 0 22,219,218 5.0% CEO 5,710,959 0 5,710,959 1.3% Total Support 231,244,849 12,435,000 243,683,965 54.9% Operations Regions 60,825,802 0 60,825,802 13.7% Licensing 41,175,338 4,433,019 45,608,357 10.3% Engineering & Technology 27,189,526 5,300,000 32,489,526 7.3% Policy Research & Analysis (PRA) 24,223,245 7,711,215 31,934,460 7.2% Compliance, Enforcement & Consumer (CEC) 20,364,075 5,268,401 25,632,476 5.8% Total excluding COO office 173,777,986 22,712,635 196,490,621 44.3% COO 3,377,312 0 3,377,312 0.8% Total Operations 177,155,298 22,712,635 199,867,933 45.1% Total ICASA expenditure 408,400,147 35,147,635 443,551,898 100% Total Budget Summary



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