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Ju l y 11, 2 0 05 D ear Ad v i so r y Boa r d M e m b e r s, W elc o me!

Letter regarding advisory board meeting Cherokee Nation. Ju l y 11, 2 0 05 D ear Ad v i so r y Boa r d M e m b e r s, W elc o me!

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Ju l y 11, 2 0 05 D ear Ad v i so r y Boa r d M e m b e r s, W elc o me!

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  1. Letter regarding advisory board meeting Cherokee Nation July11, 2005 DearAdvisoryBoard Members, Welcome! This isanexcitingtimefor CherokeeNationinregards to implementinga programbasedonthepreventionofdiabetes. Weappreciateyour willingness to bringdiabetes preventiontotheforefront inacceptingaroleasaDiabetes PreventionDemonstrationProject (DPDP)AdvisoryBoardMember. As abrief backgroundoftheproject, theDPDPwill implement its programon October1,2005.Theprogramconsists of twomainparts. Onepartconsists of intensiveactivities, whichinvolves screening,recruitingandconductinglifestyle classes. Theotherpart consists oflessintensivecommunityactivities, whichwill let ourcommunities knowthat diabetes canbeprevented. Ourprimaryfocusfor theadvisoryboardis toensureongoinginputbyproviders andlocal stakeholders for reviewingand identifyingdesiredadaptations of content,format,anddelivery oftheDPDP. Inordertogenerateideas anddiscussion, bi-monthlymeetings will takeplace beginningJuly22ndfrom2:00–4:00pm. Themeetingswill beheldat the Cherokee NationComplexintheHealthPlanningRoom. Pleasefindthe enclosedmeetingagendaandadvisoryboardinfosheet. As afirstorderof business, I wouldliketoaskall advisoryboardmembers tobeginthinking creativelyforanewprogramname. UsingDPDPmaybeachallengeasfaras incentives, brochures,andcreatingprogram interest. Pleasecometothe meetingwiththreeprogramnamesthat will encompasshealth,diabetes prevention,overcomingbarriers, andmeetinglifestylegoals. Again,thank youforacceptingthis roleandwithyourcontinuedsupport the programwill beasuccess. If youhaveanyquestions orcomments,pleasefeel freetocontactmeat 456-0671X2776oremail meat tonya-giger@cherokee.org. I lookforwardtomeetingwithyouandcan’twait toget started! Sincerelyyours, TonyaS. Giger DPDPCoordinator Cherokee Nation

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