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As a prom o ter of women's mo v ement in ROMANIA I bring you greetings from WOM E N` s ASSOCIATION of ROMANIA, the longest and the representative organization of women in our country and  from AFRI TOGETHER the new organization of women !. WOM E N`S ASSOCIATION OF ROMANIA

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  1. As a promoter of women's movement in ROMANIAI bringyou greetings fromWOMEN`s ASSOCIATION of ROMANIA, the longest and the representative organization of women in our country and fromAFRI TOGETHER the new organization of women!

  2. WOMEN`S ASSOCIATION OF ROMANIA ASOCIATIA FEMEILOR DIN ROMANIA In its 24 years of existence, AFR has developed national and international programs and projects; training courses and activities in women's support; organized advocacy seminars and campaigns in the areas of: civic education, health, gender equality, promotion of tolerance and non-violent behavior, elimination of poverty and discrimination, adult education ,promotion of women in bussinessand development of international partnerships. One of more important projectandcampaignisthe national program “NO! VIOLENCE ON WOMEN” This program is mainly focused on Information, education and public awareness to prevent and combat the phenomenon.

  3. : • .

  4. We searched the answer to this question during our activites trying to get to the light, the real image of violence in different structures of the society and especially the factors involved in solving the phenomenon. We found that: Violence against women is one of the most serious violations of human rights, in Romania, a problem of entire community, concerning social and public health. We must take action. Because it's the only way to produce a positive and long-lastingchange in the mentality , in our society!

  5. But the pain doesn't pass if womenshut up! • We must convince the women that it isn’t normal to be hit, humiliated, blamed, isolated from friends and family, without access to money or not be allowed them to take decisions concerning their life. And especially, it's not normal for these things to happen in the family.

  6. In Romania 1 woman from 10 is affected by domestic violence every year, regardless the age, marital status, ethnicity, religion or socio-economic background. • Basically, a woman is beaten every 30 seconds, and about 1.2 million Romanian women know domestic violence. • Unfortunately, many of them choose to remain silent!

  7. What we have to do?Weneedchangementality! • Romanian women with high level of education, as wellthose with less education do not speak and accept the bad treatment, such as this phenomenon is widespread. • Howstrangeisthat8,5% of Romanian people considerthat domestic violence is only on poor families, and 15,3% think that is found only on uneducated people, but according to several studies,thisis not real.! • More serious is that more than half of Romanian people (almost 60%) tolerate violent behavior in the family and even consider it justified!

  8. So we can change anything is important to know the tools that we can use: • We have a goodlaw which clearly defines the forms of the violenceagainstwomen. • Bythislaw women are protected from any kind of threats, must beprotectedfromisolation of friends and family andfrom any other form of aggression. • Now, it is introduced the order of protection. The aggressor can be temporarily out from the house and it is forbidden any contact with the victim. • The first step is the request to the court of an order of protection, which may be obtained on the same day. The order is valid for 6 months and can remove the aggressor from the house by force.

  9. That's why in Romania of the year 2014 - women are still beaten, even killed - there are too few shelters, centers for advice and support for the victims of the violence • there are few funds offered to the organizations of women for projects to prevent and combat violence against women The Statistics are cold. Gives no hope!

  10. However we continue……. • The theme of my presentation is focused on Violence against women entrepreneurs but, I wanted to present first , some points of view on violence against women in Romania , because our association is very involved in this problem!Now I want to introduce another project! We successfully completed a strategic project on European funds about Women's entrepreneurship development.

  11. SERAFEQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND RESPECT - ENTREPRENEURIAL INSTRUMENTS FROM A GENDER PERSPECTIVE "Promotingentrepreneurship, equalopportunities, social inclusion and local development 2010-2013 Areas of intervention • Promoting social inclusion • Gender equality in the labor market

  12. During the project was set up four training centers and counseling on female entrepreneurship in Bucharest, Brasov , Iasiand Craiova. 1,500 women who received counseling / information on starting a business / self-employed; over 160 women who have started a business Financial support for women who present the best business ideas and have set up new businesses (160 businesses). A manual of female entrepreneurship based on practical experience and exchange of experiences; 20 events of advice / information.

  13. Support for the creation of a women's Bussiness network: A database - women who were interested in accessing the services of project structures have benefited from these services and so on; A national network of professional women - women's participation in various areas, but with common interests in entrepreneurship and self-employment; A virtual platform www.seraf.roAn international network with more as 12 contacts ​​at European level (in order to exchange best practices and experiences) with women's organizations, professional networks and other similar association in women;

  14. An accredited training program for women;   A curriculum;   Course support; over 320 graduate / a certificate training program; Over 100 women participating in the programs of baby sittertraining / retraining).

  15. MOTIVATION of the projectSERAF • The global economic crisis started in 2008 led to unemployment and the deterioration of European national economies. In this context, there still exists gender differences in the occupational structure available for females when compared to males. • Women in Romania are concentrated in lower-ranking positions and they are minimally represented in higher-ranking jobs.That’ s why the project SERAF aims to ensure an enhanced participation of women in the private sector development, which is crucial for economic growth, especially in times of crisis.

  16. Solution to preventviolence against women? By becoming entrepreneurs, women have greater opportunities for professional development and growth, gain more self-confidence and earn in accordance with their capacity and performance in a field ,according their needs, expectations and qualifications.

  17. The recent economic developments seem to have more negative than positive effects on women due to different gender-based standards of employment, salary differences, the lack of flexible working conditions and persistence of gender stereotypes. • Responsibilities are unequally distributed within the family and that is why women are even more in front of the dilemma: career vs. family life. • We convinced women to become entrepreneurs, because in this way, they can protect their dignity and become active factors against violence in the society

  18. , • But,one of the main difficulties that women face when taking an entrepreneurial initiative is the lack of proper technical knowledge and training, which is one of the main concerns that the project addressed. • Another difficulty would be the lack of experience in planning and the lack of counseling in managing human resources.Throughourproject SERAF Wecanhelpthem! How? • Empowering women and advancing their rights! • Thisis not only the right thing to do ,but it can lead to progress on a range of issues, including the fight against poverty, hunger and violence!

  19. Women play a key role in the struggle against povertyandviolence.Unfortunately in oursocietytheir capabilities remain unused. How can we change this situation? • Indeed, to create a world where women and girls are safe from violence and exploitation, we need to align human-rights defenders, politicians, the business world, and the diplomatic community around practical, creative solutions. We can’t afford to wait any longer. It’s time we invest in women who are leading solutions on the ground and create a safer world for all. • Together, we can overcome gender based violence and create a better world for ourselvesand for future generations.

  20. I'm veryglad to have the opportunity to participate in thisGrundtvigproject.Itis a great exchange of experience and I hopemy presentation to be a starting point for further joint program relatedtoviolence against women! Liliana Pagu President of WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION IN ROMANIA President AFRI TOGETHER Coordinator of National Network of NGOs of/for women

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