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GPS TRAINING, by: TMAP 21-23 August 2013

GPS TRAINING, by: TMAP 21-23 August 2013. Definisaun GPS GPS katak acronym ida ba Posisaun Sistemas Global(Global Positioning Systems ).

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GPS TRAINING, by: TMAP 21-23 August 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GPS TRAINING, by: TMAP 21-23 August 2013 Definisaun GPS GPS katak acronym idabaPosisaunSistemas Global(Global Positioning Systems). GPS agora usa no habelar liu tan hodi fo ajuda ba navegasaun iha mundu tomak no hanesan instrumento ida diak hodi halo mapa, halo estudo/survey rai, comersio, usa ba saentifiko no usa hanesan hobbei.

  2. Iha Workshop ne’eTreinadorhusiTMAP’s hamutuk ho Offisiais/PontufokalDNMAhusi 12 distrituinklui nasional(Dili) hala’opratikaoinsaatuuzasistema Opersaun GPS ihaterrenu. Husitreinamentune’epartisipantekuaze 20 pessoas resin komprende no hanteneoinsaatukonfigura OpersaunBazika GPS nian.

  3. Treinador TMAP hamutukOffisial DNMA hala’oAvaliasaunbaoperasaun GPS

  4. SistemaOperasaun GPS


  6. Rezultaduhusi Workshop ne’eOffisial DNMA siraJeralmentekomprende I nomosbelekriaonaoinsameiusatuidentifikadadusihaterrenu. IKUS LIU, EXERCISIU GPS GAMES…!!!! (GEOCACHING) !!!!…..OBRIGADYO…..!!!! nestapajesus@yahoo.com

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