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運用無線射頻辨識技術提升病人安全之研究. 中文摘要 SARS (嚴重急性呼吸道症候群)令人聞之色變,更恐怖的是難以掌握感染源和傳播途徑,身心壓力極為沉重的第一線醫院醫護人員更是每天生活在恐懼中。由於過去醫院只能依照流行病管控施行細則進行事前規範,且沒有居家隔離系統,不易追蹤感染源以及病人的接觸史,甚至感染廢棄物的動向亦難追查,所以當疫情發生時,無法在第一時間進行防止傳染擴散和隔離相關人員等流程,造成防疫上的困難。

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  1. 運用無線射頻辨識技術提升病人安全之研究 • 中文摘要 • SARS(嚴重急性呼吸道症候群)令人聞之色變,更恐怖的是難以掌握感染源和傳播途徑,身心壓力極為沉重的第一線醫院醫護人員更是每天生活在恐懼中。由於過去醫院只能依照流行病管控施行細則進行事前規範,且沒有居家隔離系統,不易追蹤感染源以及病人的接觸史,甚至感染廢棄物的動向亦難追查,所以當疫情發生時,無法在第一時間進行防止傳染擴散和隔離相關人員等流程,造成防疫上的困難。 • 為了縮短感染追蹤時間,增加追蹤結果的準確度,提升居家隔離居民的照護品質,持續不斷提供醫護人員各項重要的防疫資訊。本研究利用Location-Based Medicare Service平台,以SARS防疫為目標,卻不以SARS為限,探討透過使用新一代醫療資訊管理模式的防疫系統,化被動為主動,即時將病人的生理訊息上傳,讓醫護人員隨時隨地掌握病人資訊,使原本被動管理變成自動警示,結合射頻識別系統(Radio Frequency Identification System)的識別功能,偵測人員的生理訊號,有效地使用科學方法達到即時監控,增加醫院管理的效率。 • 對於防治SARS而言,病人的體溫及接觸史是不容忽視的漏洞,引進無線技術後,藉由RFID提供患者的生理訊號和地理資訊,可以有效改善醫護人員對於病人辨識的正確性。系統發出的警示,可以協助醫護人員在第一時間處理感染事件,使病人獲得第一時間的醫療照護,避免因為醫護人力不足,影響正確且持續性的照護。若更進一步得知為疑似感染者或感染者,亦可透過系統正確回溯其接觸史,進行有效監控追蹤。將提升感染擴散處理流程的決策精確度,降低因健康照護交互感染之風險,有效提升病人就醫安全。

  2. The research to enhance patient safety by using RFID technologies • 英文摘要 • The SARS outbreak challenged the infection control process and managerial mechanism of medical institutes. Although currently hospitals have standard guidelines to follow for safety measure preparation, they still lack of a more comprehensive system to identify and trace isolated personnel, contact history of patients and infected disposals. As a result, when the SARS happens again, it is not easy to isolate and locate the infected personnel right away. This problem is definitely caused troubles in the infection control process. • To shorten the tracking time and increase the infection control accuracy, we introduce a LBMS(Location-Based Medicare Service)System, a platform using RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)technologies and mobile devices for positioning and identifying people and objects both from inside and outside of the hospital if the disease occurs. This system will help hospitals and government to react instantly for infection control measures from the auditing mechanism among isolated patients in households or residential areas. On the other side, with the wireless technology, the communication between applications is flawless that allows all system message transmissions become much more active. • For SARS infection control and management, each detail of patient’s contact history is ultra essential. Monitoring patient’s body temperature and his/her contact history are the two major points that require great attention. This system demonstrates how to receive patient’s location and bio-information by using RFID technology for hospital and government to react a real-time infection control measures from the auditing mechanism among isolated patients in households or residential settings. When system alerts in the case of any suspected infections, medical experts can react to the events right away. With the help of the system, the possibility of healthcare associated infections can be reduced while the patient safety in the outpatient clinic will increase.

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