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Happy Friday  Bell-Ringer

Happy Friday  Bell-Ringer Pick up the Upfront Article and questions. Answer the questions on your own paper. Chapter 25, Section 2 “Industrialization”. Industrialization Changes Life A. Industrial Cities Rise 1. urbanization – city building & mov’t of people into cities

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Happy Friday  Bell-Ringer

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  1. Happy Friday  Bell-Ringer Pick up the Upfront Article and questions. Answer the questions on your own paper.

  2. Chapter 25, Section 2 “Industrialization”

  3. Industrialization Changes Life A. Industrial Cities Rise 1. urbanization – city building & mov’t of people into cities 2. London – Europe’s largest city B. Living Conditions 1. no development plans, sanitary or building codes 2. no adequate housing, education, & police protection 3. unpaved, garbage-filled streets 4. crowded, dark, dirty shelters 5. widespread sickness C. Working Conditions 1. 14 hrs/day; 6 days/week 2. poorly lit, dirty factories 3. no gov’t aid 4. coal dust (coal miners) 5. women & children used for cheap labor

  4. Class Tensions Grow A. The Middle Class 1. looked down on by aristocrats and landowners 2. upper middle class a. gov’t employees, doctors, lawyers, & managers 3. lower middle class a. factory overseers & skilled workers B. The Working Class 1. machines replaced workers 2. Luddites (named after Ned Ludd) a. destroyed weaving machinery & whole factories

  5. Effects of the Industrial Revolution A. Positive Effects 1. created jobs 2. contributed to wealth of nation 3. technological progress & invention 4. raised production of goods & standard of living 5. provided hope of improvement in people’s lives 6. healthier diets, better housing, cheaper clothing 7. expanded educational opportunities B. Negative Effects 1. unhealthy cities 2. harsh living conditions 3. harsh child labor

  6. What were living and working conditions like • during the Industrial Revolution? • 2. What were some effects of the Industrial • Revolution? Daily Essential Questions

  7. Chapter 25, Section 3 “Industrialization Spreads”

  8. Industrial Development in the United States A. Industrialization in the U.S. 1. Samuel Slater a. built spinning machine from memory in U.S. 2. Moses Brown a. built first factory in U.S. 3. Francis Cabot Lowell a. Lowell, Massachusetts 1. booming manufacturing center B. Later Expansion of U.S. Industry 1. causes of expansion a. natural resources b. burst of inventions c. urban population 2. railroads

  9. C. The Rise of Corporations 1. stock a. certain rights of ownership 2. corporation a. business owned by stockholders who share in its profits but are not personally responsible for its debts b. Standard Oil Company – John D. Rockefeller c. Carnegie Steel Company – Andrew Carnegie http://faculty.uml.edu/sgallagher/Small22Jan1900.JPG

  10. Continental Europe Industrializes A. Beginnings in Belgium 1. natural resources 2. waterways for transportation B. Germany Industrializes 1. imported British equipment & engineers 2. children sent to England to learn industrial management 3. railroads The Impact of Industrialization A. Rise of Global Inequality 1. widened gap between industrialized & non-industrialized countries 2. countries seized colonies for economic resources 3. imperialism a. extending one country’s rule over many other lands

  11. Daily Essential Questions What early industries mechanized in the United States? How did the Industrial Revolution shift the world balance of power?

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