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Lasik Eye Surgery in Bangalore

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Lasik Eye Surgery in Bangalore

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  1. Lasik Eye Surgery

  2. Table of contents • What is a Lasik Eye Surgery? • How a Lasik Eye Surgery works? • Why this procedure is performed? • What are the risks? • What is required before the procedure? • What is required after the procedure? • What is the outlook? • Lasik Eye Surgery In Bangalore India

  3. What is a Lasik Eye Surgery? • Lasik is an eye surgery that permanently changes the shape of the cornea (the clear covering on the front of the eye). • This is done to improve vision and reduces a person`s need for glasses or contact lens.

  4. What is a Lasik Eye Surgery? • For a clear vision, the eye`s cornea and lens must bend (refract) light rays properly. This will allow images to focus on the retina. If not then the images will be blurry. • This blurriness is known as a refractive error which is caused by a difference between the shape of the cornea (curvature) and the length of the eye.

  5. How a Lasik Eye Surgery works? • Lasik uses an excimer laser (an ultraviolet laser) to remove a small amount of corneal tissue. This gives the cornea a new shape so that light rays are focused clearly on the retina. Lasik causes the cornea to be thinner. • Lasik is an outpatient surgical procedure and it will take 10 to 15 minutes to perform for each eye.

  6. How a Lasik Eye Surgery works? • The only anesthetic used is eye drops that numb the surface of the eye. The procedure is done while the patient is awake but will get medicine to relax. • Lasik may be done on one or both eyes in the same session.

  7. How a Lasik Eye Surgery works? • To do the procedure, a flap of corneal tissue is created. This flap is then peeled back so that the excimer laser can reshape the corneal tissue underneath. • A hinge on the flap prevents it from being completely separated from the cornea. • The amount of tissue removed by the laser is calculated ahead of time. Once the reshaping is done the surgeon replaces and secures the flap.

  8. Why this procedure is performed? • Lasik is usually done on people who use glasses or contact lens because myopia (distant objects appear blurry). • It may also correct blurry vision of close objects or the astigmatism. • But for people with presbyopia, Lasik cannot correct vison so that can see at both distance and near. • Lasik can be done so one eye can see near and the other one far – this is monovision.

  9. What are the risks? • A small number of people may need to have another surgery because the condition is over or is under-corrected. • Sometimes they still need to wear glasses or contact lens. • Decrease in contrast sensitivity – even with 20/20 vision, objects may appear fuzzy or gray • Corneal scarring or permanent problems with the cornea`s shape, making it impossible to wear contact lens

  10. What are the risks? • Risks may include: • Corneal infection • Dry eyes • Glare or haloes • Light sensitivity • Night driving problems • Reduced vision or permanent vision loss • Scratchiness

  11. What is required before the procedure? • A complete eye exam will be done before surgery to make sure the eyes are healthy. • Other tests will be done to measure the curvature of the cornea, the size of the pupils in light and dark, the eyes` refractive error and the thickness of the cornea. • The patient will sign a consent form which confirm that knows the procedure`s risks, benefits and alternative options.

  12. What is required after the procedure? • The patient may have burning, itching or the feeling that something is in the eye. This should not last more than 6 hours in most of the cases. • An eye shield or patch will be placed over the eye to protect the flap – should heal overnight. • It is very important not to rub the eye after Lasik so that the flap does not dislodge or move.

  13. What is required after the procedure? • The doctor may prescribe mild pain medicine and a sedative. • Vision is usually blurry or hazy the day of surgery but should heal in one day. • Patient should avoid swimming, hot tubs, whirlpools, contact sports, use of make-up. • The doctor will give specific instructions.

  14. What is the outlook? • Most of the people`s vision will stabilize in a few days after surgery but in some cases it may take between 3 to 6 months. • Some people need a second surgery to get the best possible results • If the distance vision has been corrected with Lasik than it is very possible for the patient to still need reading glasses at the age of 45.

  15. LASIK EYE SURGERY IN BANGALORE • Bangalore has the best eye hospitals in India. To get best Lasik Eye treatment in Bangalore visit - http://lasikeyesurgerybangalore.in/

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