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Data Quality The engine that drives the data warehouse

Data Quality The engine that drives the data warehouse. Bill Flaherty Hanover County Public Schools Director of Technology Services Bill@hcps.us – 804-365-4600 http://hcps.us/presentations/DataQuality.

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Data Quality The engine that drives the data warehouse

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  1. Data QualityThe engine that drives the data warehouse Bill Flaherty Hanover County Public Schools Director of Technology Services Bill@hcps.us – 804-365-4600 http://hcps.us/presentations/DataQuality

  2. NCLB has changed the educational landscape. Student assessment is now the name of the game. http://hcps.us/presentations/DataQuality

  3. When two or more people own a data element…no one owns the data! http://hcps.us/presentations/DataQuality

  4. Key elements to useful data • Accuracy • Security • Utility • Timeliness http://hcps.us/presentations/DataQuality

  5. What do these things have in common? • Develop and instructional plan • Run a school • Plan a budget • Place a student in a class http://hcps.us/presentations/DataQuality

  6. How does data get entered into your system? http://hcps.us/presentations/DataQuality

  7. Teacher Assistant Principal Secretary Principal Central Office Administrator Guidance Counselor http://hcps.us/presentations/DataQuality

  8. National Forum on Educational Statistics Sponsored by:National Center for Educational Statistics ( http://nces.ed.gov ) http://hcps.us/presentations/DataQuality

  9. What Is a Culture of Quality Data? • A belief that good data are an integral part of teaching and learning • A belief that everyone in a school is responsible for quality data • A belief that we can create orderly information from disorderly settings National Forum on Education Statistics http://hcps.us/presentations/DataQuality

  10. The “Components” of Quality Data • Policies and Regulations • Standards and Guidelines • Training and Professional Development • Timelines and Calendars • Technology (Hardware + Software + Network) • Data Entry Environment National Forum on Education Statistics http://hcps.us/presentations/DataQuality

  11. Quality Data: Policies and Regulations • Accurate data are necessary to meet the requirements of federal, state and district policies and regulations • Policies developed collaboratively with those responsible for data entry and collection at school will foster a Culture of Quality Data      National Forum on Education Statistics

  12. Quality Data: Standards and Guidelines • When we talk about building a Culture of Quality Data, clear standards and guidelines for working with data are necessary • Provide opportunities for those who enter data to give feedback about the work that they do and to be involved in establishing the guidelines for data entry National Forum on Education Statistics

  13. Quality Data: Training and Professional Development • Professional development is more than a recitation of the keystrokes needed to complete a rote task • It is critical that staff responsible for training and professional development emphasize their respect for the people responsible for data entry National Forum on Education Statistics

  14. Quality Data: Timelines and Calendars • A calendar indicating when data entry must be complete and the dates that reports are due will assist schools in meeting deadlines • It will help schools to meet deadlines if the district data calendar is distributed to all staff National Forum on Education Statistics

  15. Technology (Hardware + Software + Network) • Technology exists to serve the needs of the district and school • Involve the technology staff in planning for data collection and reporting • System security is important when working with data. National Forum on Education Statistics

  16. Data Entry Environment Data entry can be more efficient and accurate • if there is a regular time set aside for data entry work • the place for data entry is away from high traffic areas      National Forum on Education Statistics

  17. What are some of the roadblocks to obtaining quality data? • School setting • Office • Classroom • No process in place • Lack of training • Lack of understanding about the value of the work http://hcps.us/presentations/DataQuality

  18. You Can’t Be Sure It Is Correct If You Don’t Check It! http://hcps.us/presentations/DataQuality

  19. http://hcps.us/presentations/DataQuality

  20. http://hcps.us/presentations/DataQuality

  21. http://hcps.us/presentations/DataQuality

  22. Have you defined your roles? http://hcps.us/presentations/DataQuality

  23. http://hcps.us/presentations/DataQuality

  24. Ref: RPT.013 HANOVER COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Page 1 Date: 2/22/06 XXXXXX HIGH SCHOOL Time: 14:26:08 Statistics Summary as of 2006-02-22 14.25.57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advanced Placement: .................................................. 187 CTE: Career Technical Education ...................................... 314 Diploma Type: AD = ADVANCED DIPLOMA 408 Diploma Type: GI = GED WITH ISAEP 10 Diploma Type: IB = IB DIPLOMA 9 Diploma Type: MO = MODIFIED DIPLOMA 49 Diploma Type: RG = STANDARD DIPLOMA 1089 Diploma Type: SP = SPECIAL DIPLOMA 31 Diploma Type: 10 = NO AWRD IEP>12GD 5 Diploma Type: 11 = NO AWD- FRGN-XCG 5 Dual Enrollment: ..................................................... 60 Cafeteria Services: Summary .......................................... 120 Cafeteria Services: F = FREE LUNCH 0 Cafeteria Services: P = PRINCIPAL OPTION 43 Cafeteria Services: R = REDUCE LUNCH 17 Cafeteria Services: S = FOOD STAMPS 51 Cafeteria Services: T = TANF 9 Medicaid.............................................................. 0

  25. Ethnic Group: Summary ................................................ 1606 Ethnic Group: 00 = UNSPECIFIED 0 Ethnic Group: 01 = AMERICAN INDIAN 7 Ethnic Group: 02 = ASIAN 15 Ethnic Group: 03 = AFRICAN AMERICAN 254 Ethnic Group: 04 = HISPANIC 20 Ethnic Group: 05 = WHITE 1310 Ethnic Group: 06 = NATIVE HAWAIIAN 0 Foster Child: ........................................................ 5 Foster Child: YI = IN-COUNTY 4 Foster Child: YO = OUT OF COUNTY 1 Foster Child: YS = OUT OF STATE 0 GED Students: (GD GI 09) ............................................. 10 Gifted: .............................................................. 190 Homeless: ............................................................ 4 IEP: Summary ......................................................... 290 IEP: Primary = AUT (7805) AUTISM 3 IEP: Primary = ED (7863) EMOTIONAL DISTURBANCE 26 IEP: Primary = MD (7810) MULTIPLE DISABILITIES 6 IEP: Primary = MR (7822) MENTAL RETARDATION 21 IEP: Primary = OHI (7815) OTHER HEALTH IMPAIRMENT 81 IEP: Primary = SD (7880) SEVERE DISABILITY 2 IEP: Primary = SLD (7865) SPECIFIC LEARNING DISABILITY 147 IEP: Primary = SLI (7875) SPEECH OR LANGUAGE IMPAIRMENT 2 IEP: Primary = TBI (7874) TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY 1 IEP: Primary = VI (7850) VISUAL IMPAIRMENT 1

  26. Immigrant: ........................................................... 4 Limited Prof English: ................................................ 30 LEP: Status = SN = Screened, Not LEP 17 LEP: Status = 1 = LEP and Receiving Services 11 LEP: Status = 4 = Identified as LEP, but not receiving services 1 LEP: Status = 5 = First Year Post_Monitor Status (FLEP1) 1 Migratory Child: ..................................................... 1 Outside Placement: ................................................... 36 Refugee: ............................................................. 1 NO Social Security Number and NO waiver: ............................. 0 Suspension: Bus ...................................................... 10 Suspension: In-School ................................................ 142 Suspension: Out of School ............................................ 81 Title I: ............................................................. 0 Truancy Conference Scheduled: ........................................ 57 W8: Summary .......................................................... 12 Drop Reason Code: 10 = ACHIEVEMENT 7 Drop Reason Code: 20 = BEHAVIORAL 2 Drop Reason Code: 60 = EMPLOYMENT 2 Drop Reason Code: 70 = MOVED 1 W9: Summary .......................................................... 9 Principals Signature: ________________________________________________

  27. Key Players • The Building Principal • The Teacher • The Data Entry Clerk • The District’s Data Steward • Technology Support Personnel • The Superintendent National Forum on Education Statistics

  28. The Building Principal • Check reports for accuracy • Stay current on district requirements • Make recommendation to district personnel • Work with school staff to develop standard procedures • Encourage the use of data in making instructional decisions • Provide an environment conducive to accurate data entry. National Forum on Education Statistics

  29. The Teacher • Attend training • Don’t be afraid to ask questions about your responsibilities • Respect the privacy of student data • Follow district policies and procedures • Enter data accurately and in a timely manner. • Ask for help, if you need it. National Forum on Education Statistics

  30. The Data Entry Clerk • Enter data accurately and in a timely manner. • Ask for instructions and documentation • Don’t be afraid to ask questions • Identify barriers to effective data entry • Run edit reports • Know reporting deadlines National Forum on Education Statistics

  31. The District’s Data Steward • Develop a process • Establish a calendar • Coordinate the data collection process • Provide professional develop for staff • Resolve discrepancies National Forum on Education Statistics

  32. Technology Support Personnel • Ensure effective security measures • Develop an efficient editing and verification system • Provide technical assistance • Provide a help desk • Develop an electronic audit trail National Forum on Education Statistics

  33. The Superintendent • Set educational benchmarks that use data • Support the development of a Culture of Quality Data • Encourage principals to make data-driven decisions • Support your information technology director • Fund schools with adequate resources to enter data National Forum on Education Statistics

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