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Measuring Up! Lesson 2

Measuring Up! Lesson 2. Understand Word Origins. Anticipatory Set.

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Measuring Up! Lesson 2

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  1. Measuring Up!Lesson 2 Understand Word Origins

  2. Anticipatory Set When the English colonists settled in the New World, they brought their language with them. Other languages were being spoken in the New World, too. The English settlers began to borrow words from the native Indians, the Spanish, the Dutch, and the French to fit their needs in their new country.

  3. California Standard • Reading Vocabulary 8.1.2: Understand the most important points in the history of English language and use common word origins to determine the historical influences on English word meanings.

  4. Input • etymology: word history • Most dictionaries indicate a word’s origin at the beginning or end of the entry.

  5. Input • Here is a sample of words borrowed from other languages: • chocolate: Spanish/Aztec – delicious treat. • flu/influenza: Italian – influence; astronomers thought disease was an influence from the stars. • etiquette: French – proper conduct. • kindergarten: German – children’s garden.

  6. Input • Other words are based on the names of people: • mentor: In the Odyssey, Mentor is Odysseus’s friend and a tutor. The word mentor means “trusted teacher or guide.” • mesmerize: In 1775, the Austrian doctor Frederich Mesmer first demonstrated the technique of hypnotism.

  7. Modeling What is the word origin of apropos? • 1660-1670; French à propos, to purpose • Origin: French What is the word origin of archer? • 1250-1300; Middle English archier, stem of arcus bow • Origin: Middle English

  8. Modeling What is the word origin of rapport? • 1530-1540; French rapporter, to bring back, report, relation • Origin: French What is the word origin of audible? • 1520-1530; Latin audibilis or audi, to hear • Origin: Latin

  9. Check forUnderstanding • What is the word origin? • sauna • Finnish • camouflage • French • January • Latin

  10. Guided Practice • Lit Book page 996 # 1-3 Independent Practice • Page 996 #4-6 • Page 997 Activity

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