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Program List of the participants List of the French CEOs , List of the Chinese CEOs Mini Curriculum Vitae of the part

Table of Contents. Program List of the participants List of the French CEOs , List of the Chinese CEOs Mini Curriculum Vitae of the participants Presentation of the French CEOs ’ Companies Presentation of the Chinese CEOs ’ companies Presentation of the organisers

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Program List of the participants List of the French CEOs , List of the Chinese CEOs Mini Curriculum Vitae of the part

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  1. Table of Contents • Program • List of the participants • List of the French CEOs, List of the ChineseCEOs • Mini Curriculum Vitae of the participants • Presentation of the French CEOs’ Companies • Presentation of the ChineseCEOs’ companies • Presentation of the organisers • Comité France Chine, China Entrepreneurs Forum

  2. Fourth Edition of « French CEOsmeetChineseCEOs » Program

  3. 16:00 to 21:30 Fourth Session of “French CEOs meet Chinese CEOs”: Working meetings. (Hong Kong Jockey Club – 68 Jinbao Street 6 Dongcheng District - Beijing) 16:00 -16:30 Registration 16:30-17:30 Cocktail session and B2B meetings in parallel 17:30 – 19:30 Official Ceos meeting Animated by LIU Xiaoguang and JP TRICOIRE “Impact of the European Financial crisis on European and Chinese companies” by Christian DE BOISSIEU, Chairman of the Prime Minister's Council for Economic Analysis, Member of France Financial Markets Authority, Professor of Economy at University Paris Sorbonne, “The new Chineseeconomicdevelopment model and the relative weight of public, collective, private and foreigncompanies”, by WANG Wei Q&A preceded by a 2 mn presentation of the CEOs asking questions 19:00 to 21:30 CEOs dinner with wine tasting session “ Difficulties of the international order around China ”  by Francesco SISCI, Columnist for the Italian Daily Il Sole 24 ore, former Asian Editor for La Stampa. Program

  4. FourthEdition of « French CEOsmeetChineseCEOs » • List of the participants

  5. List of the French CEOs

  6. List of the French CEOs

  7. Comité France Chine

  8. List of the ChineseCEOs

  9. List of the ChineseCEOs

  10. List of the ChineseCEOs

  11. FourthEdition of « French CEOsmeetChineseCEOs » • Mini Curriculum Vitae of CEOs

  12. Mini-CV of the French CEO • Jean-Marc de Royere • Senior Vice President • Jean-Marc de Royere was born in Paris in 1965 and graduated with a degree in Business Finance and Administration from the Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC)Business School, France in 1986. • Jean-Marc de Royere began his career with Air Liquide in 1990, he is Senior Vice President of Air Liquide and Chairman and CEO of the Group’s Asia Pacific operations and has held this position since January 2010. managing the Group’s operations in the Asia-Pacific region comprising China, Japan, North-east Asia, South-east Asia, India, and Australasia. He was appointed a member of the Group Executive Committee in 1999. Photo of the CEO (mandatory)

  13. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) Jean-François PHELIZON Senior Vice President, Audit and InternalControl Born in April 1946, holding a PhD in Economic Science and graduatedfrom the HEC Business School, Jean-François PHELIZON was CFO of the Delegation in Spain (1983-1985), CFO of the Paper-Wood division (1985-1989), CEO of Lembacel (1987-1989) and CEO of La Cellulose du Pin (1988-1989). He wasthenappointed CFO of Compagnie de Saint-Gobain (1989-2000). Senior Vice-President of Compagnie de Saint-Gobain on June 1st , 1998, hewasthenappointed CEO of Saint-Gobain Corp and General Delegate to the USA and Canada (2000-2007). On September 1st, 2007, Jean-François PHELIZON wasappointed Senior Adviser to the CEO. SinceOctober 1st, 2008, heis in charge of the Internal Audit and Control Department. Mini-CV of the French CEO

  14. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) Philippe FORESTIER Executive Vice President, Global affairs and communities, member of the ExecutiveCommittee Born in 1950. Married and threedaughters. Engineer, graduate of the prestigiousEcole Nationale Supérieure de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace Mr. Forestier is a true company “pioneer” as one of original members of DassaultSystèmes. He joined Dassault Aviation in 1974 in the R&D team in charge of developing CATIA. In 1981, he transferred to newly-created DassaultSystèmes where he continued in R&D. Since then, he held several executive positions in R&D, Sales and Marketing, both in France and in the US. As Executive Vice President ,Global Affairs and communities, he is in charge of developing world class networks of cross audience influencers to reveal and promote the value of DassaultSystèmes’ 3D experience platform for social and sustainable innovation and pursue new business opportunities. Mini-CV of the French CEO Photo • Haofeng WANG • General Manager, Greater China • Born in 1975 in China • MBA graduate from HEC, with also a Bachelor of Engineering degree from ENSERG • As General Manager for Greater China of DassaultSystèmes, Mr. WANG Haofeng is responsible for all channels, brands, industry services, marketing, and administrative services in the region. In addition to maintaining DassaultSystèmes' leadership in the aerospace, automotive and shipbuilding industries, he is also actively expanding the company’s businesses in the high-tech, industrial equipment, energy, construction, and consumer goods industries. Mr. WANG will lead the company to join hands with customers to excel in the fast-growing Chinese market. • Mr. WANG had worked in French space industry for over 12 years, taking various roles of R&D, satellite program, business development & regional leadership. Before joining DassaultSystemes, he was the chief representative of Thales Alenia Space for North Asia.

  15. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) Thierry de La Tour d’Artaise Chairman & CEO - Groupe SEB Born in October 1954 at Lyon, a graduate of ESCP Business School in Paris and a Chartered Accountant, Thierry de La Tour d’Artaise is the Chairman&CEO of Groupe SEB. He has also been made Chevalier de la Légiond’Honneur. He started his career in 1976 at Factory Mutual in USA as a Controller, before joining Coopers&Lybrand in 1979 as Audit Manager in Paris. In 1983 he joined Chargeurs Group where he was appointed CFO ofCroisièresPaquetin Paris. In 1986, he became CEO of this company. In 1994, he joined Groupe SEB as General Manager of Calor SA,of which he became CEO two years later. In 1999 Thierry de La Tour d’Artaise became Vice Chairman & CEO of Groupe SEB and in 2000 was appointed Chairman & CEO ofGroupe SEB. Thierry de La Tour d’Artaise is also member of the Board of Directors of Club Méditerranée (Leisure&Holiday resorts, France), Legrand (Electrical Supplies, France), Plastic Omnium (car Industry, France), SUPOR (Consumer Goods, China). Mini-CV of the French CEO

  16. Jean- Luc Decornoy CEO KPMG France Date and place of birth: 7th October 1952 - St Germain en Laye - France Marital status: married Education Jean-Luc graduated from ESSEC Business School and was President of its Alumni Association until 1st January 2008. Principal positions duringyourcareer: Jean-Luc Decornoy is Deputy Chairman of KPMG’s Europe, Middle East Africa and India region. He is also Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Global Board. He is also Chairman and CEO of KPMG France. In 1977, Jean-Luc Decornoy joined KPMG in France, rising to the position of Manager in 1984 and then Partner four years later. He was appointed member of the managing board in 1993 before becoming Chairman and CEO, KPMG France 29 april 2001. Jean-Luc is a member of the Global and EMA boards of KPMG International as well as of the KPMG Global Executive Team. During his career Jean-Luc’s professional activities covered a variety of fields of expertise, notably audit and advisory engagements for Paris-listed French companies particularly in the wholesale distribution and retail sectors. His client base boasts or boasted global companies of the stature of Carrefour, Pinault-Printemps-Redoute (PPR), Etam, Cap Gemini, Air France, DCNS and EDF. He is also the honorary President of the Financial Markets Commission (Département des Marchés Financiers) of the French National Statutory Auditors Institute (CNCC) which he has been President and Vice-President of for four years. He was a professor for ten years at ÉcoleCentrale Paris and ESSEC Business School where he taught finance. Mini-CV of the French CEO

  17. Bruno Roger Chairman of Global Investment Banking (Lazard World) Executive Committee Member (Lazard World) Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lazard Frères Banque Member of the Board of Trustees of Gapgemini (computer services), Eurazeo (Private Equity) and EuroPlace. Former member of the Board of Trustees of LVMH (luxury), Saint-Gobain (building trade), Sofina(investment holding), Thalès (defense), AXA (insurance) and PinaultPrintempsRedoute (retailing and luxury). Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Eurazeo (investment holding) Chairman of the International Lyrics Arts Festival of Aix en Provence Member of the Board Trustees of the Institute of Sciences Politiques of Aix en Provence  Chairman of Foundation Martine Aublet, Musée du quaiBranly – Primitive Arts Vice-Chairman of the Arts Décoratifs museum Grand Officer of the French order of the Legion d’Honneur Commander of the French order des Arts et des Lettres Mini-CV of the French CEO

  18. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) Christian Béchon Chairman and CEO of LFB SA Born on December 9th, 1959 in Toulouse ; maried ; threechildren Education 1983 : MScAppliedMathematics (Ecole Centrale de Paris) 1984 : Graduatedfrom Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris 1988 : Ecole Nationale d’Administration Principal positions during the career: Senior Member French Court of Accounts, General Secretary of Nuclear Safety and Protection Institute, General Secretary of French Space Agency. Chief of Staff Ministry of Health Chief of Staff Ministry of Industry Deputy Chief of Staff Ministry of Finances, Industry and Economy General Secretary Strategic Council for Healthcare Industries for the French Prime Minister (2004-2005). Mini-CV of the French CEO

  19. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) Mini-CV of the French CEO • Grégoire Olivier • CEO AsiaOperations of PSA Peugeot Citroën • Born in 1960 • University of Chicago (MBA), Institute Polytechnique in Paris, Mines Paris Tech • 09/2010 – present CEO AsiaOperations of PSA Peugeot Citroën,memberof the ManagingBoard of PSA • 09/2006 – 09/2010 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Faurecia, Director of Peugeot Citroën Automobiles then Executive Vice President of PSA • 2001 – 2006 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SAGEM Communication, CEO of • SAFRAN, Member of the Managing Board of SAFRAN • 1998 – 2001 Director of Division then General Director of SAFT ALCATEL • 1991 – 1998 General Director of Aluminium in Greece, Director of Chicago Factory of American National Can, Vice President Strategy ANC in Chicago • 1985 – 1991 Technical Advisor to the Prime Minister of Industry of France (In charge of industry, energy and environment)

  20. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) Charles-Edouard Bouée President, Asia Member of the Global Executive Committee Roland Berger Strategy Consultants Date and place of birth: May 17, 1969; Neuilly-Sur-Seine marital status: married Education MBA, Harvard Business School MSc, ÉcoleCentrale Paris Master's degree in Law, Paris University Principal positions duringyourcareer: Charles-EdouardBouée is President of Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, Asia, and has been a member of the firm's Global Executive Committee since July 2010. He joined the firm as Senior Partner in the Paris Office, where he headed the Financial Services and Utility & Energy Competence Centers as well as the firm's private equity activities. Mr. Bouée began his career at SociétéGénérale as an investment banker in Paris and London. Before joining Roland Berger he was Vice President of another leading strategy consulting firm from 1997 to 2001. Mr. Bouée has been involved in projects in Europe, the Middle East, America and Asia working mainly on strategy, mergers and acquisitions and large-scale performance improvement projects. Mr. Bouée is an economic advisor to the French Government (Conseiller du Commerce Extérieur) in China, and a member of the Shanghai board of the European Chamber of Commerce in China, where he has promoted cooperation among member companies, governments and business communities in both China and Europe. In 2010, he was presented with the Magnolia Award by the Shanghai Municipal Government for his civic leadership and business contributions to Shanghai's development. Mr. Bouée is a frequent guest analyst on financial news media such as Bloomberg and CNBC. He is the author of the book China's Management Revolution: Spirit, Land, Energy. Mini-CV of the French CEO Photo

  21. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) Pascal Poupelle Country Executive for France, Belgium and Luxemburg of The Royal Bank of Scotland Member of the EMEA (Europe Middle East and Africa ) Management Board of The Royal Bank of Scotland Born in 1954 in Paris Education : Engineering Degree from Ecole Polytechnique in Paris (1976); Diploma in aerospace engineering from Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile in Toulouse (1978) Pascal began his banking career at Credit Lyonnais in 1988, following ten years with the French Administration. Global Head of Aviation at Credit Lyonnais until 1994, he then moved to New York to become CEO of Credit Lyonnais Securities with responsibility for all Corporate and Investment Banking activities in the US. A member of Credit Lyonnais’ management committee in 2001, he became Deputy General Manager of CA-CIB (formerly Calyon) in 2007. In autumn 2008, he joined Dexia as CEO of Dexia Credit Local. In April 2011, he joined The Royal Bank of Scotland as Country Executive for France. Mini-CV of the Members of the Official Delegation Mini-CV of the French CEO

  22. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (3) Mini-CV of the French CEO • Jean-Pascal TRICOIRE • Président du Directoire de Schneider-Electric • Président du Comité France Chine Né le 11 mai 1963 , Jean-Pascal Tricoire a rejoint le groupe Schneider Electric en 1986. Il est Président du Directoire du groupe depuis 2006. Il est Président du Comité France-Chine. Son parcours chez Schneider Electric s’est développé largement hors de France, et l’a conduit dans des fonctions opérationnelles en Italie, en Chine, en Afrique du Sud et aux Etats-Unis. Au sein de la Direction Générale, il a occupé les fonctions de Vice Président Exécutifs de la Division Internationale à partir de 2002, avant d’être nommé en 2004 Directeur Général Délégué (COO) du Groupe. Par ailleurs, Jean-Pascal Tricoire a été élu Président du Comité France Chine en 2009. Le Comité France Chine est une association rassemblant une centaine de membres, toutes des entreprises actives en France et en Chine et qui y sont inscrites dans la durée. L’objectif du Comité France Chine est de valoriser le dialogue économique franco-chinois auprès des autorités gouvernementales chinoises de haut niveau en représentant le monde des affaires français dans ses relations économiques avec la Chine Jean-Pascal Tricoire est titulaire d’un diplôme en Ingénierie Electronique de l’ESEO d’Angers, France, et d’un MBA de l’Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Lyon, France.

  23. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) Charles CHAUMIN CEO and President of SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT ASIA Member of the ExecutiveCommittee of SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT Based at SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT Asia Headquarters in Hong Kong, he supervises SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT’s operations and business lines development in the region. Education: Charles CHAUMIN, a 59 years old French National, backed by a large International and European experience, has shown exceptional entrepreneurial and managerial talent and is graduated from EcolePolytechnique and has an engineering degree from EcoleNationale des Ponts et Chaussées. Principal positions : Charles Chaumin started his career in the SUEZ group in 1980 as Branch Director for SAFEGE, a consulting engineering company. From 1993 to 1998, he assumed the responsibility of Deputy Managing Director of Aguas Argentina. In 2002, he became Vice Managing Director for SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT in South America. From 2005 to 2009, Charles Chaumin was CEO of Ondeo Industrial Solutions, the European leader for industrial water. Since July 2009, heis CEO and President of SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT ASIA, and Member of the ExecutiveCommittee of SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT Mini-CV of the French CEO

  24. Yves-Louis Darricarrère Executive Vice President Total, President Total Exploration Production, Member of the Executive Committee and Chairman of the Diversity committee Yves-Louis Darricarrèrewasborn in 1951. He is a graduate of Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines, of Institut d’Etudes Politiques deParis and healso has universitydegrees in economics. He joined Elf Aquitaine in 1978 as a Design and ProjectsEngineer in the Mining Division. He wassuccessivelyProjectsEngineer for Aquitaine AustraliaMinerals in Sydney, Country RepresentativeAustralia - Egyptat the head office, ManagingDirector of Elf Aquitaine Egypt, based in Cairo, ManagingDirector of Elf Aquitaine Colombia, based in Bogota. He wasappointedDirectorAcreageAssetsNegotiations and New Ventures of the Exploration-Production division of Elf Aquitaine, thenChief Financial OfficerOil and Gas of the Elf Aquitaine Group. In 1998, hewasappointedDeputyDirector - General of Elf Exploration-Production, responsible for Europe / United States and Member of Elf Aquitaine Management committee. In March 2000, hewasappointed Senior Vice PresidentNorthern Europe of TotalFinaElf (subsequently Total) Exploration & Production and became a member of the Group’s Management Committee. On 1 September 2003, Yves-Louis DarricarrèrewasappointedExecutive Vice President of Total, member of the Group’sExecutiveCommittee and President Total Gas & Power. As from 14th February 2007, heisPresident Exploration & Production. Yves-Louis Darricarrèreis a Chevalier of the Order of the Legion of Honour. Mini-CV of the French CEO

  25. Bruno Dupety Member of the VINCI Executive Committee Vice-President – Chief Operating Officer of VINCI Construction Chief Executive Officer of SoletancheFreyssinet Born on 1 April 1956 in Dijon; married Graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique and the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées. Healsoearned a Master of Science degreefrom the University of California, Berkeley. Bruno Dupetybeganhiscareer in 1980 with the French administration as a civil engineerresponsible for various types of public transport infrastructure. In 1987 hejoined the Eiffage group, whereheheld a variety of management positions. In 1999, hejoined Freyssinet, a VINCI group subsidiary, as Deputy CEO in charge of the France division. He wasappointed Chairman of Freyssinet in 2002 and became CEO of Soletanche Freyssinet in 2009. In 2010 hewasnamedVice-President – COO of Vinci Construction, wherehealso has responsibility for VINCI Construction PLC (UK) and Entrepose Contracting. He isalso a Member of the Bureau of the Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics (national civil engineering federation) and President of the Europe International / SEFI Commission Mini-CV of the French CEO

  26. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) Mr.Chen, who was got the Master Degree of Business Administration from CEIBS,had been the chairman of the board in Guang Da Zhong Nan International Economical cooperation Co.,Ltd and Wuhan Cable Group(listed),before he took charge of Sihuan Biological Industry Group Co., Ltd. Durning his charge of Sihuan Biological Industry Group,he also been the chairman of holding company Sihuan pharmaceutical(listed). Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO

  27. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) Mr. Feng Huanpwei, born in 1966, has a Chinese nationality. Mr. Feng is the Chairman of the board and CEO of the JYT Corporation Ltd., listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange with the ticker SH601908. Mr. Feng served as the sales manager for Wuxi Stainless Steel Company in Jiangsu Province from Dec. 1988 to Aug. 1993, the general manager for the Sales Department of Beijing Dongfang Chaoyang Stainless Steel from Sept. 1993 to July 2002, the chairman of the board of the Dongfang Keyun (later changed to JYT Corporation Ltd.) from Aug. 2002. Mr. Feng is well known in the photovoltaic business and has insightful understanding in this area. He was nominated as the Consultant for the Beijing Economic-Technology Development Zone and received the prize of “Advanced Science and Technology Workers” of Beijing Xicheng District for 2007, 2008 and 2009. Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO Photo

  28. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) Mr. Miao Ran (Aaron), born in 1980, has a Ph.D. degree and Chinese nationality. Mr. Miao is currently the special assistant to the Chairman of the board and VP of M&A of JYT Corporation, a public company listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange with ticker 601908. Mr. Miao studied in Fudan University, Shanghai from Sept. 1998 to June 2002 and earned a double degree in Chemistry and Law. From Aug. 2002 to Dec. 2007, he studied in Virginia Tech, USA and got a Ph.D. degree in solar energy application area. After graduation, Mr. Miao joined BYD Company in Mar. 2008 as the assistant to CTO and manager of project department. In Oct. 2009, he was promoted to the Director of Technology Strategy of BYD Company. In Oct. 2011, he left BYD and joined JYT Corporation. Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO Photo

  29. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) GU Shengzu Ph.D in Economics, a member of Standing Committee of National People’s Conrgess(NPC), Vice-Chairman of Internal and Judicial Affairs Committee of the 11th NPC, Vice-Chairman of China National Democratic Construction Association, professor and Ph.D advisor of numerous prestigious universities such as Wuhan University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He was Vice-Chairman of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, a member of the standing committee of the 9th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Vice-Governor of Hubei Province and Vice-Mayor of Wuhan. He supervised more than 20 national international collaborative research projects such as Innovation and Development of High-tech SMEs. Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO

  30. Hu Chengzhong, born in 1961, Senior Economist, nowis Broad chairman and CEO in China Delixi Holding Group. Mr. Hu Chengzhongnowis the member of the national committee of CPPCC, NPC member of Zhejiang Province, member of Standing Committee of National Industry and Commerce Association, Vice-President of China Enterprise Confederation and China Entrepreneur Association, Vice-President of China IndustryEconomics Union. Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO

  31. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO • Li Da • Born in 1966, General manager and legal person of Poly International Auction jointly founded with Poly Culture Corporation under Poly Group in 2005. • Graduating from Arts Department of Inner Mongolia Normal University and teaching for 5 years in Zhalantun Normal College • In 1992 working in Shandong Zibo Works of Art Company, focusing on design and operation for 4 years. • In 1996 establishing Qilu Culture Exchange Center, focusing on modern arts management. during which systematically studying arts appraisal and evaluation. Having participated in various exhibitions organization, culture exchange and promotions • Postgraduate from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Archaeology and Appraisal in April,2006 • EMBA with Peking University Guanghua School of Management • After 6 years of development, Beijing Poly has been top 1 in auction houses domestically and ranking first in ceramics, Chinese paintings and calligraphies, modern arts etc.

  32. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) LIU JU Mr. Liu Ju, graduated in 1984 from the Architectural Engineering Institute of Chongqing University with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. After graduation, Liu had been assigned to work at the Ministry of Construction in China as assistant to the Vice Minister of Ministry and as the secretary of Chairman of China Construction Corporation. Liu Ju in 1992 created Information Center of China Real Estate Association, China's first real estate information service platform. Six years later, he found Kingdy Parking Group, China’s very first parking service enterprise. During his early career at the Ministry of Construction in China, Mr. Liu was editor and author of the following publications: “PRACTICAL HANDBOOK OF THE TOWNSHIP BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY” “CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISES REFORM AND DEVELOPMENT” “A NEW ERA OF URBAN AND RURAL CONSTRUCTION” "URBAN CONSTRUCTION ECONOMICS STUDY” "THE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT THEORY" Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO Photo

  33. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) Mr. Liu Xiaoguang is General Manager of the Beijing Capital Group, Co., Ltd., Chairman of the Beijing Capital Co., Ltd (600008) and Chairman of the Beijing Capital Land Co., Ltd (HK2868). He also holds other posts including Chairman of the New Capital International Investment Limited (HK1062). He previously worked as Chief Economist and Deputy Director of the Beijing Municipal Planning Commission and Deputy Secretary General of the Capital Planning and Construction Committee. Mr. Liu Xiaoguang graduated from the Beijing Institute of Business in 1982 and received his bachelor’s degree in economics. He is the guest professor and supervisor of master and doctorate students of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Northern Jiaotong University and Beijing Institute of Business. Under Mr. Liu Xiaoguang’s leadership, Capital Group is a giant state-owned enterprise of vision and innovations. Since its reorganization in 1995, Capital Group has established three core business: such as urban infrastructure with water supply as the core, urban real estate with urban residential development and construction as the core, and financial services with investment banking and acquisition as the core. With its focus on urban construction, operations and services, after fifteen years of development and unremitting efforts, Capital Group has become an influential comprehensive urban investment and holding company with a well-defined strategy, clear development plan and outstanding reputation and brand recognition. In the past ten years, Capital Group has been continuously rated as a Chinese Fortune 500 company. Mr. Liu Xiaoguang is a member of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland and the standing councilor of China Association of Enterprises and China Entrepreneur Association. His other titles include: Deputy Chairman of China Real Estate Association, Deputy Director of the Promotion Center of China Real Estate Investment, Member of the China Entrepreneur Forum Council, Councilor of the China Overseas Friendship Association, Deputy Chairman and Advisor of the Beijing Youth Entrepreneurs Association, Deputy Chairman of the Beijing Real Estate Association, Member of the Financial Development Advisory Council of Beijing Municipal Government, Deputy Chairman of the Beijing Enterprises Friendship Association and Chief Supervisor of the Alxa SSE Association. Mr. Liu Xiaoguang has been awarded various awards and prizes, including the 2010 China Commercial Real Estate Industry Leader, 2010 Annual Industry Leader of China Real Estate Visions, Social Contributor of the 10 Year Chinese Real Estate Industry, 2005 China Economic Figure of the Year and 2004 Top 10 News Figure of China’s Reform. In 2004, he was granted the Golden Award of the First Beijing Municipal Excellent Youth Entrepreneur Awards. Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO Photo

  34. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) YanhuaLee CPA (Certified Public Accountant) CIA (Certified Internal Auditor) Representative to the 10th Congress of Beijing Communist Party of China, Representative to the 9th Congress of National Women Association, Representative to the 11th Congress of Beijing Women Association Have worked in the National Audit Office of PRC, and won Global Golden Awards in the CIA examination in 2001 and became the first Chinese to win this honor since the commencement of the exam in 1974 Have been appointed as Vice General Manager and General Manager of Finance Department, Director of Internal Auditing, Head of Compliance, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee, Secretary of Discipline Inspection Committee, Vice President, and General Manager of Beijing Branch Company since joining TaiKang Life Insurance Co., Ltd. in July of 1996. Working as the Vice President of TaiKang Life Insurance Co., Ltd., Chairman and CEO of TaiKang Pension & Insurance Co., Ltd. Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO

  35. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) Yang Fan Chartered Underwriter of Britain and Associate of Chartered Insurance Institute Has worked in PICC, China Insurance Regulatory Commission, Secretary Bureau of the General Office of the State Council; Has been appointed as the Vice Managing Director of China Insurance (Europe) Holding when working in London, General Manager of GM and Board Office of Both China Insurance (Holding) and Hongkong China Insurance (Group) , Executive Director and General Manager of Taiping Pension Working as General Manager of Taikang Pension Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO

  36. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) Yifei Li is Country Chair of Man Group China. She is responsible for building Man Group business in China. Man is a world’s leading asset management company. It is listed on London Stock Exchange and is a member of the FTSE 100 Index. Most recently, Yifei Li was Country Chair for VivaKi Greater China. VivaKi is the strategic entity established by Publicis Groupe which is world’s leading advertising and media agency. VivaKi combines its media and digital operations of ZenithOptimedia, Starcom MediaVest Group, VivaKi Exchange, Digitas, Razorfish and VivaKi Nerve Center. Li leads these agency CEOs to expand VivaKi’s businesses in Greater China. Before that, Li was Managing Director of GLG Partners for China. GLG was merged into Man Group in 2010. From 1999 to 2008, Li was Managing Director of MTV Networks Greater China and Chief Representative of Viacom China. A Chinese national, Li has spent nearly 10 years studying and working in the United States. A native of Beijing, Li has a Bachelor of Law degree from Foreign Affairs College in Beijing and an MA degree from America. Yifei Li was selected as 25 Rising Stars-Global Leaders by Fortune Magazine and was on the cover of Fortune Magazine. She was subsequently selected as 50 Most Powerful Women by Fortune in 2001 and 2002. Li was also selected two years consecutively by Wall Street Journal as Ten Women to Watch in Asia in 2005 and 2006. Additionally, Li was a national champion in Chinese Martial Arts. Yifei Li is founder and Secretary-General of China International Alternative Investment Association. She was also co-founder of China Team for America’s Cup 32nd and 33rd Regatta. Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO

  37. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) Miao Hongbing Miao Hongbing who makes the fashion clothes for women, who sells the clothes in a high car price, who implants the arts and details to the marrow, who has the new originality every minute, who knows how to grasp the style in the complexity environment, who could impact the fashion industry of China, and who manages a high profile lifestyle, is the chairman of Beijing white collar co,.ltd and a doctor of Business Administration. The last six years of the end of the last century, Miao Hongbing created the well-known brand “white collar” on behalf of the Chinese fashion industry indicator. It has become the world-renowned senior clothes brand, it is the subversion of the traditional business model, using the endless innovative designs, perfect application of the visual arts, different business concepts, and experiencing the constant reproduction of marketing, exhibit a high profile brand realm. Miao Hongbing and his fashion clothes kingdom, constantly write the legend of China fashion industry history. Create a marketing miracle that the saleroom of one shop is beyond one million yuan in one day. The new business model he created combining visual arts, architectural art, and gardening art with the life closely, brings the unprecedented shock and the impact to the retail industry. Make geometrically rapid growth of the enterprise, and win the first place of China Fashion Clothes Brand Annual Award, the most influential women's brand in China, the most popular women's brand, the most fashionable brand in China, and the most valuable women's brand in China and so on, become the leading brand of China fashion industry. Miao Hongbing himself with a brilliant performance, excellent management skills and high-powered personal charisma wins the outstanding figures of Chinese clothes industry, the 10 leaders of Chinese clothes industry and so on. On behalf of the Chinese fashion industry join only 24 Chinese enterprises with top Chinese entrepreneurs in the club. Miao Hongbing concerning the arts and details achieves to the degree of paranoia, he runs a business perspective to globalization, creates a logistics fastest speed in Chinese fashion industry, creates the first effective fashion retail level, and creates a global partnership with the timely sharing of the global value chain systems. Miao Hongbing values deeply imprinted in the brand he created China mainstream society and to continue to spread. Miao Hongbing is going to fulfill his life's mission in mind: encourage people to actively create value for their own and other people's lives happier, and display a meaningful life. Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO

  38. Wang Wei Chairman of China Mergers & Acquisitions Association (CMAA) which he set up in 2004 with over 180 companies & institutions, and Founder of China M&A Group, the most influential M&A investment banking boutique in China. He is also the General Secretary of China Association of Private Equity from 2010. Mr. Wang has organized and supervised IPO underwritings for over 40 Chinese companies in both domestic and overseas markets. He is a financial consultant on restructuring, financing, M&A and IPO for many leading companies in China. He had worked in many leading organization and corporations such as Nomura Security Co. Ltd. In Tokyo, the World Bank in Washington D.C. and the Chase Bank in New York. Mr. Wang also serves as the economic advisor for several ministerial and provincial governments in China as well as independent director on several listed companies. Mr. Wang received his Bachelor degree in accounting, a Master degree in finance in China and his Ph.D. in economics from Fordham University in the United States. An author of many books, journal articles and a well known lecturer, He has given seminars and lectures in many universities include CEIBS and Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. He found Asian Business School in 2008 and Chinese Museum of Finance in 2010. His excellence has been recognized by the public; Mr. Wang has been named as “Top Five Chinese investment bankers” by Talent Magazine in 2003, “the Most Influential Independent Director” by the Board magazine in 2006 and “the Most Influential Investment Banker” by China Finance Network in 2006. He is also selected as a member of Shanghai Stock Exchange Corporate Governance Advisory Committee in 2007. He found Chinese Museum of Finance in 2010 and chairs the board. Founded the Chinese Museum of Funds in 2011 and serves as the curator. Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO Photo of CEO

  39. Wang Xiaokang, who graduated from Peking University with a graduate degree, is currently President of China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group (CECEP) and the company's legal representative. As such a company's President, Wang Xiaokang is an advocator and a practitioner of the concept of environmental protection and energy conservation; he is also a promoter of low-carbon economy in China. He edited the “2010 Report on the Development of China's Energy-Saving, Pollution-Reducing Industry” and published an article entitled “Development of a Low-carbon Economy, Practice of Scientific Development” in the "Seeking Truth" magazine, so as to offer some words of advice on the development of energy-saving and environmentally friendly industries. At the same time, he also serves as Chairman of the China Association for Industrial Energy Efficiency and Cleaner Production, Vice Chairman of the China Energy Conservation Association and other social work posts. Besides, he is one of the initiators of the "Lingshan World Public Welfare Forum" and one of the 60 top businessmen at the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China. Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO Photo of CEO

  40. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) Shadow Wang Founder of i-baby retail brand and President of Shanghai Sunwin Group. A distinguished representative of New Hui Merchants Association. Specialized in International Trade, Sunwin Group’s featured home-textiles are sold very well in high-end European and American market with Shadow Wang at the helm. Sunwin was well-known as “The King of Blanket and Throws”. At the time of slowdown in exporting business, Shadow started his new adventure and founded Shanghai i-baby Co.,Ltd. His mission is to build a high-end global brand “i-baby” which is created and operated by Chinese. Its focus is on baby’s and kid’s products. In 2003, Sunwin became top 100 privately-owned export enterprises in Shanghai In 2008, Shadow won the title Chinese innovative entrepreneur. In Nov, 2008, Sunwin Group became the licensed home textile supplier for 2010 World EXPO. In 2009, Shadow won the title “The most competitive rising entrepreneur”. In Jun, 2009, i-baby was awarded “top 10 most promising companies in franchising business. Being an expert in Sinology, Shadow is a master to merge philosophical thinking and traditional Chinese culture into business management and the business world. With the statute of “each day I examine myself in three approaches” in mind, he is watching the growth of each employee. With the vision to advance with the times, he is witnessing the great progress of our country and our time. As an entrepreneur, Shadow has built up a multinational and cross-cultural design team, which serves as the engine for the globalization of the brand and company. He is determined to establish a Chinese national brand rated among in top global brands. As a poet, Shadow is eloquent and writes to express his mind. His “Tour to Huizhou” fully expresses his great ambition:Painted wall panels, dark blue tiles and Horse head walls, beams and columns hold accomplishments. Ring of the camel bell echoes on the ancient road of Hui Merchants. Where peoplr live at has the view as painted and reading are their greatest pleasure. Contributions of great men from generation to generation make the country a land of sustained progress and lasting prosperity. As the dragon wakes, its voice is being heard all around the world, and the rising china is shining on the Eastern lands. Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO 照片

  41. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) UE Cham  Producer of Chinese Media & Press  Vice president of Hubei Chamber of Commerce  UE Cham Female ,Born in Liu yang of Hunan Province, graduated from the Chinese Department of Wuhan University. In University, UE wrote a novel named Hostels for female students, and adapted into a movie. The movie won the HuaBiao Award of the year. She once worked at the Research of general offices of the NPC Standing Committee and China International Friendly Contact Office . 1988 - 1989,  study in Japan's Nomura Research Institute and work in Hong Kong for settlement in 1993. IN 2002 2005 & 2009 ,Shefounded Financial Digest , LEADERS , www.21fd.cn ,www.21ccom.net . Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO Photo

  42. Mini-CV des Membres de la Délégation Officielle (6) Zhou chengjian  Zhou Chengjian set foot in fashion business since 1983, built the brand “Meters/bonwe” in 1994, opened the first brand store in 1995 and the store number has raised to about 4000 at the end of 2010. In the past decade, Metersbonwe has adopted the business model of manufacture outsourcing, owned store and Franchisee store coexisting and has achieved a substantial improvement by enhancing management of brand, products, sales network and supply chain. In 2008 the company released a new casual brand called ME&CITY. From Zhou’s view, an excellent brand goes beyond the brand itself and represents a way of life and a service standard. He points out that Metersbonwe will become the tailor to the whole world, providing global consumers with new and fashionable life experience. “I was an ordinary tailor 20 years ago, I remain a tailor today and will still be a progressing tailor 10 and 20 years from now.” Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO

  43. Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO • Scott Zeng • Founder, CEO and Vice Chairman • @hub Corporation • Prior to establishing @hub Corporation, Mr. Scott Zeng held a number of senior managerial positions including Vice President of EMC Asia Pacific, COO of EMC Greater China, and President of Quantum Corp. North Asia etc. • Mr. Scott Zeng obtained his MBA Degree from Cornell University

  44. Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO • Victor Lu • Executive President, Jiu You Fund Management • Graduated from Shanghai International Studies University. • After awarding the British Government Chevening Scholarship in 2000, he studied in Business School of Durham University, UK and obtained MBA. • Worked as the department manager of Shanghai Bonded Commodities Market, Assistant General Manager and Executive Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Xin Development Co., Ltd. • 16-year experience in systematic development and operation of science park and inward foreign investment promotion and facilitation.

  45. Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO • Zhang Feng • General Manager • General Manager • Shandong LiNuo Power Group Co.,Ltd.

  46. Mini-CV of the Chinese CEO • 郭朝民 • 中国建筑材料集团有限公司 副总经理 • 高级经济师 • 主要分管集团战略规划、重组及投资管理工作 • 历任中国新型建筑材料(集团)公司处长,计划财务部经理,总经理助理兼投资发展部经理

  47. FourthEdition of « French CEOsmeetChineseCEOs » • Presentation of the French CEOs’ companies

  48. Activities : Gases and services for Industry, Healthcare and the Environment Engineering & Construction (Air Separation Unit, H2/syngas, …) Weldingequipment Message : Air Liquide has a strong investment plan in China (already more than 1.5 Billion euros decided), in order to satisfy the increasing demand and provide solutions in terms of energy efficiency, environment protection and healthcare. We see many opportunities in such growing markets as energy, steel, chemicals, environment, high technologies (eg. photovoltaic) and healthcare. In addition, the trend to outsource production of non-core products (eg. oxygen) to professional companies such as Air Liquide represents many opportunities for Air Liquide. Air Liquide has achieved a strong growth (+40 % growth over the last 5 years) supported by investment and HR plan “TengFei” History in China : First presenceat the beginning of the century (1916) First gascontract in 1991in Shanghai (Philips Semiconductors) Key numbers in China: Number of employees: ~ 4000 Number of medium-large size plants: 53 end of 2011 (8 in 2004) Presence in Eastern China (Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang), Northern China (Tianjin, Beijing, Hebei, Liaoning, Heiliongjiang), Shandong, Central & Western China (Sichuan, Hubei, Shaanxi, Shanxi) and Southern China (Guandong) Air Liquide

  49. Activities : Saint-Gobain, worldwide leader in Habitat markets, is active in China across all its industrial activities (Glass, Pipes, Insulation, Abrasives, etc…) as well as through Building Materials Distribution. Message : Saint-Gobain is strengthening its expertise and know-how in China to the advantage of the Chinese population. Our History in China : > Beginnings: 1985 – Representative Office in Beijing, 1990 – Joint Venture for refractory manufacturing > First significant contract : 1931 piping project: 8000 tons (67km) of pipes for safe drinking water in Nanjing Some Figures : > Number of employees in China : 11 000 > Revenue in China : RMB 10 000m > 50 industrial sites, 12 commercial groups, one holding company, and one research centre. Saint-Gobain 2004 signing of a Joint Venture contract to establish a glass float in Qingdao

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