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Humanities Project Social Justice

Humanities Project Social Justice. Fall 2013 http://www.bctf.ca/uploadedFiles/Public/SocialJustice/Publications/SJLens.pdf. Overview of Social Justice Concepts. Access Agency Advocacy Solidarity Action. Access. Is the gateway to incluson and participation

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Humanities Project Social Justice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Humanities ProjectSocial Justice Fall 2013 http://www.bctf.ca/uploadedFiles/Public/SocialJustice/Publications/SJLens.pdf

  2. Overview of Social Justice Concepts • Access • Agency • Advocacy • Solidarity Action

  3. Access • Is the gateway to incluson and participation • It hinders or enables an individual or a group to take part

  4. Agency • Means that individuals know their rights. • They have the capactity and the abolity to voice their concerns and to take actions that create change for the better • Learning how to think critically about the world is a key strategy in developing agency

  5. Advocacy • Is a deliberate process of influencing outcomes so that change can occur. • It requires a se of skills that allows a person to understand a problem an effect change using varied strategies and tactics

  6. Advocacy Con’t • Developing skills to successfully advocate for oneself or on behalf of others involves awareness (knowing what’s happeining), analysis (seeing the different parts, their impact, and the importance to the whole), and action plans (knowing what to do and how to do it). Action plans include a purpose, a message, a way to express the message, and an audience. Advocacy can be done individually or in groups.

  7. Solidarity Action • Refers to working with others to act for the collective betterment. It requires us to recongnize injustice, to work across differences to find a common ground, and to achieve equity. Solidarity Action requires coalition building within a group and netowrking with other groups • Skills to help achieve SA include empathy, co-operation, coalition building and effective mediation and conflict resolution skills

  8. The SJ Lens • http://www.bctf.ca/uploadedFiles/Public/SocialJustice/Publications/SJLens.pdf

  9. 6 Strands of Social Justice • Antipoverty • Antiracism • Status of Women • Peace and Global Education • LGBTQ • Environmental Justice

  10. *Some videos contain mature subject matter*

  11. Antipoverty • Ryan’s Well

  12. Antiracism • Antiracism http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pm8HUfj-9Xc

  13. Status of Women • Status of women http://www.mediaed.org/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?preadd=action&key=241

  14. Peace and Global Education • Peace and Global Education Coca-Cola case-Columbia/Ryan’s Well

  15. LGBTQ • LGBTQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlVBg7_08n0

  16. Environmental Justice • Environmental Justice http://greenplanetfilms.org/product_info.php?products_id=560 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAMdKEEy1so

  17. Introducation to our Fall Project

  18. Questions and Comments?

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