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Doppler and the Conveyor Belt Conceptual Model

C. R. L. Doppler and the Conveyor Belt Conceptual Model. Preliminary Dry Conveyor Belt Conceptual Models. R = Right of the Col C = Centered on the Col L = Left of the Col. Radar Data and the Preliminary Dry Conveyor Belt.

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Doppler and the Conveyor Belt Conceptual Model

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  1. C R L Doppler and the Conveyor Belt Conceptual Model Preliminary Dry Conveyor Belt Conceptual Models R = Right of the Col C = Centered on the Col L = Left of the Col

  2. Radar Data and the Preliminary Dry Conveyor Belt • The Preliminary Dry Conveyor Belt is simply the traling return flow out of the original DCB associated with the preceding Conveyor Belt CM • Precipitation returns will be very limited in extent if they exist at all • Radar data will be largely unavailable and unreliable • This results in a very incomplete display of the Doppler wind field in particular • This is why, this section is not fully developed although it may become useful in the future

  3. Within the Preliminary Dry Conveyor BeltConceptual Models These conceptual models should be similar to those associated with the dry conveyor belt that trails the cold front. Typically, any frontal zone in this region of the conveyor belt conceptual model will be weak and ill defined and probably not worth finding. • Further investigation especially using isentropic surfaces is required – very required!

  4. Preliminary Dry Conveyor Belt - PDCB

  5. C o PDCB to the Left of the Col The Son of the Nameless Blob CM The Beach Ball ?? • Within the PBL: • Cool advection with northeasterly winds probably balance the Ekman spiral signature • Expect nil veering or backing ? • Within the PDCB: • West of radar slight veering, warm advection with the WCB • East of radar the branch of the PDCB should be turning cyclonically and descending isentropically

  6. C o PDCB Centred on the Col ? The Nameless Blob ? • Within the PBL: • Cool advection probably overpowers the Ekman spiral signature ? • Within the PDCB: • Nil VWS

  7. C o PDCB Centred on the Col ? The Nameless Blob 3 CM ? The Peace Symbol • Within the PBL: • Cold advection probably minimal and thus the Ekman spiral signature should be apparent ? • Within the PDCB: • Winds veer with range/height to the north • Katabatic warm front to north

  8. C C C C C C WCB DCB CCB DCB Vertical Deformation Zone Distribution and the CBMSummary

  9. Note to Whom it May Concern • These conceptual models were constructed largely using the Conveyor Belt Conceptual Model to estimate what the Doppler radar should be seeing. • This use of Doppler radar and in particular, the increased use of the 3.5 degree scan, are largely unprecedented. • This is a first attempt at expanding the science and as a result, will likely require further refinements as we learn more.

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