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HAPPY FRIDAY!! Warm Up. What is the difference between assimilation and accommodation? What are the four stages of cognitive development according to Piaget? Do these have to be in order? Define egocentric

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HAPPY FRIDAY!!Warm Up • What is the difference between assimilation and accommodation? • What are the four stages of cognitive development according to Piaget? • Do these have to be in order? • Define egocentric • **I will come around and check your 4 stages charts from yesterday so please have those out while you work 

  2. BABY STORIES! • Please switch your “baby story” with your partner • PARTNER- Read through the story and identify each stage of development (Mark right on their paper) i.e. – When baby Quinn was four years old, she could not understand why a row of marbles which was longer, had the same amount as the shorter row.

  3. And for baby animals…

  4. Page 75 in Textbook! • Read through pages 75-77 with your partner • Once you have finished reading, please answer the following questions  • Define imprinting and critical period • What significance does the critical period play? • What findings did Harlow make using surrogate mothers? • What is the difference between stranger anxiety and separation anxiety? • What are the four types of attachment? Please define each! • We will take 15 minutes… Stayfocused!

  5. Imprinting • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGBqQyZid04 • Warning- this is THE CUTEST video EVER

  6. Critical Period

  7. Harlow’s Findings… • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrNBEhzjg8I

  8. Stranger and Separation Anxiety

  9. Attachment

  10. Scenarios- Which type of Attachment? • 1- When Everett’s mother returns after leaving the room for 10 minutes, he is angry towards her. He showed no signs of being upset when she left, however at her return he is furious. • 2- When Lanae’s mother returns after leaving the room for 10 minutes, she is thrilled and throws her arms around her. • 3-When James mother returns, he refused to be near her. She attempts to comfort him but he wants nothing to do with her.

  11. Let’s Act it Out! • I need five volunteers • I will assign a role to each of them and they must act it out.. The class will try to guess which type of attachment they are displaying

  12. Vocabulary Review! • We will have a vocabulary quiz on Monday. • You are being provided with a sheet of the possible words which may appear • These are to be created into baby(mini) flashcards • On the back of each word, please write a BRIEF definition- hitting KEY words! • Once all have been completed, cut them out and quiz your partner (or cut them out first and write on them, whichever you prefer!)

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