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Healthy Tips To Help You Not To Overeat

Healthy Tips To Help You Not To Overeat

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Healthy Tips To Help You Not To Overeat

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  1. Healthy Tips To Help You Not To Overeat Who among us has not consumed himself with delicious food on occasions, holidays and parties? Excessive food has dire consequences on your health, both physical and psychological, and is defined as consuming more food than your body can comfortably absorb during one meal, or consuming more calories than it needs to perform its full functions. It also means eating several snacks between main meals, or eating a lot for dinner even though you have already saddled yourself over lunch. Causes of overeating: You cannot stop overeating unless you realize the reasons that drive you to do so, and there are many reasons for overeating. There is no room here to mention them all, and we will suffice to mention the most common of them as follows:

  2. Fatigue: We often eat to give ourselves energy, and look for foods rich in carbohydrates whenever we feel tired. Boredom: We sometimes fill our free time with eating, and we often forget ourselves and eat an excessive amount of it when watching TV or movies. Not drinking enough water: We can sometimes get confused between thirst and hunger. How to stop overeating? If you want to stop your habit of overeating and restore your health, you should follow these three simple tips: 1. Be more aware: Eating without thinking is a common problem facing civilized societies due to their preoccupation with their family duties and job obligations. So they eat in a hurry, or they choose meals arbitrarily. This means looking for snacks and snacks that boost your energy in a short time, or anything that does not distract you from doing your work and is within reach, or just about anything to have fun with while watching TV. Unfortunately, these distracting factors not only prevent us from enjoying the taste of food, but also cause us to overeat, so that the brain can no longer receive signals of physical satiety or absorb what we eat.

  3. But you can get rid of this habit by making your brain part of the process, and not to eat food without thinking, but to eat it consciously and listen to the needs and desires of your body. When you stop for a while to think about your thoughts and emotions, you become more focused on the concerns in your mind, and you eat the meal fully aware of it rather than this act automatically, and you overcome the unconscious eating behaviors. 2. Plan your meals: Often our urgency or our feeling of hunger is the reason behind our wrong food choices. So planning and preparing food in advance prevents you from being drawn into junk food and candy; For example: Before you go to eat at a restaurant, inquire about their menu and examine it to get an idea of what to choose. Set up a business lunch so that you do not have to buy food from the canteen or a nearby restaurant, and prepare yourself a meal with nutritious and healthy ingredients; Who would prefer buying a bag of chips over eating a sandwich of meat that he prepared himself? 3. Add more protein and fiber to your diet: Protein is a nutrient that provides your body with the amino acids necessary for muscle tissue regeneration, in addition to many other benefits. The digestive system also takes longer to break down protein, which makes you feel full for a long time. Studies have shown that eating a protein-rich breakfast increases the feeling of fullness (feeling full after eating) and reduces the feeling of hunger throughout the day. Functional MRI has also shown that eating a protein-rich breakfast reduces the signals the brain sends to control appetite stimulus and reward-driven eating behavior. Fiber also plays a role in curbing overeating. Even though it contains a low number of calories, it makes you feel full and helps regulate blood sugar

  4. levels. Which means that you will not crave sweets and starches later in the day; Plus, they are non-dissolving in the digestive system, increase the mass of waste products, and help you regulate your exit habits. What can you do when you overeat? Walking helps you relax your stomach a lot after eating too much. Exercise promotes “gastrointestinal motility,” which is a group of contractions and dips that occur along the gut to push food through; Never move too fast or too hard. This is because it causes blood to flow to your muscles instead of your stomach, which slows down the digestive process. Peppermint tea helps relieve flatulence, as it is very effective in calming digestive problems, such as gas accumulation and indigestion. It also prevents intestinal spasm due to contraction of smooth muscles.

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