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NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Interlocal Cooperative Agreement Reporting Form Reimbursement Phase 1: PS&E and ROW. Insert Project Name .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Interlocal Cooperative Agreement Reporting Form Reimbursement Phase 1: PS&E and ROW Insert Project Name Please use the following slides to provide NCTCOG staff with the information requested in Section 11.1 of the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement. Please direct any questions to Staron Faucher at (817) 704-2505 or sfaucher@nctcog.org or Patrick Mandapaka at (817) 704-2503 or pmandapaka@nctcog.org. Submitted: MM/DD/YY Approved: MM/DD/YY Draft Version No: 1

  2. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for ProjectsPublic Sponsor Contact Information (Please enter the contact information of the City or County Staff managing the Public Infrastructure portion of the project.) Project Manager Contact Information Name: (Insert) Telephone Number: ( Insert) Email Address: (Insert) Mailing Address: (Insert)

  3. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Project Information Reimbursement Phase 1: PS&E and ROW Project Name: (insert project name as listed in TIP – TIP information is available at the following address) Estimated NCTCOG funded Infrastructure Project start date: (insert) Estimated NCTCOG funded Infrastructure project completion date: (insert) Funded improvements: (insert project scope as listed in TIP - TIP information is available at the following address: XXX) RTR/RTC Local Funds (80%): (insert) Local match (20%): (insert) Total Infrastructure Project Cost (100%): (insert) Total Estimated Land Use Development Cost: (Insert the cost of the entire land use development, including the vertical construction and any additional horizontal construction)

  4. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Reimbursement Phase 1: PS&E and ROW Project Reimbursement Phases (Please provide the Project Reimbursement Phases. Information provided should include the Design, Engineering, Right-of-Way Acquisition, Earthwork, Construction, Pedestrian Amenities and other major project Reimbursement Phases for the NCTCOG funded Infrastructure project from beginning to end with approximate dates of completion for each Reimbursement Phase.) Phase 1: PS&E and Right-of-way Costs $ Timeline Phase 2a: Earthwork and Grading $ Timeline Phase 2b: Construction Reimbursement * $ Timeline Phase 2c: Pedestrian Amenities and Landscaping $ Timeline (*For projects over $2M, please add additional Construction Reimbursement Phases. Please do not exceed six total reimbursements)

  5. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Reimbursement Phase 1: PS&E and ROW Infrastructure Project Supporting Schedules (Please provide Project Timeline for the Reimbursement Phase 1 of the Infrastructure Project. Information provided should include major milestones for Reimbursement Phase 1 of the Infrastructure project from beginning to end with approximate dates. Reimbursement Phase 1 should include any PS&E costs and Right-of-Way Acquisition for the NCTCOG funded Infrastructure component of the project.)

  6. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Reimbursement Phase 1: PS&E and ROW Land Use Development - Supporting Schedules (Please provide the timelines and major milestones of the overall Land Use Development Project. The schedule should include all additional phases of the Public Infrastructure and the Vertical Mixed use component of the project)

  7. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Reimbursement Phase 1: PS&E and ROW Land Use Development Parcel Map (Please insert a map identifying the parcels included in the entire Land Use Development. The map should illustrate all parcels included in the land use development and a legend to show various map elements. All parcels should be labeled with the Parcel Numbers provided by the County Appraisers Office and should be included in the corresponding parcel table on the following slides).

  8. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Reimbursement Phase 1: PS&E and ROW Appraisal Data for Land Use Development Please provide the information requested below for all parcels in the Land Use Development. Parcel data should correspond to the parcel map on the previous slide. Parcel Numbers should reflect the Parcel ID provided by the County Appraisers Office. Also include the source of the data. Year of Appraisal Information: Please provide the source of the above data.

  9. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Reimbursement Phase 1: PS&E and ROW Appraisal Data for Land Use Development Please continue entering parcel data as on slide #7 if necessary.

  10. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Reimbursement Phase 1: PS&E and ROW Right-of-Way Acquisition Parcel Map (Please insert a map identifying any proposed Right-of-Way that will be acquired using NCTCOG funds for the public infrastructure improvements. The map should highlight the parcels that will be acquired for Right-of-Way in conjunction to the vertical and public infrastructure components of the project. It should also include a legend to identify map components.)

  11. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Reimbursement Phase 1: PS&E and ROW Appraisal Data for Right-of-Way Acquisition Please complete the information below for all Right-of-Way acquired in the Land Use development using NCTCOG Funds. Parcel Data should correlate with the parcel map on slide 9. Parcel Numbers should reflect the Parcel ID provided by the County Appraisers Office. Select Not Applicable if the project does not require Right-of-Way Acquisition. Year of Appraisal Information: Please provide the source of the above data. Not Applicable

  12. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Reimbursement Phase 1: PS&E and ROW Appraisal Data for Right-of-Way Acquisition Please continue entering parcel data as on slide #10 if necessary.

  13. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Reimbursement Phase 1: PS&E and ROW Project Photos Right of Way Acquisition Photograph (Required) (Insert a photograph of the Right-of-Way to be acquired using NCTCOG funds. Add additional slides as needed). (insert photo) (insert date photo was taken)

  14. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Reimbursement Phase 1: PS&E and ROW Overall Project Photos Location One (Required) (Please insert a description of the place from which the “before” photo was taken here. Upon completion of the Infrastructure Project, you will be asked to supply an “after” photo taken from the same location. At least one photo should include the project connection to the existing street, trail, or sidewalk network.) (insert before photo) (insert after photo) (insert date photo was taken) (insert date photo was taken) (Insert the location of the photograph. Include the street address or cross streets and the direction the photo is facing.)

  15. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Reimbursement Phase 1: PS&E and ROW Overall Project Photos Location Two (Required) (Please insert a description of the place from which the “before” photo was taken here. Upon completion of the Infrastructure Project, you will be asked to supply an “after” photo taken from the same location.) (insert before photo) (insert after photo) (insert date photo was taken) (insert date photo was taken) (Insert the location of the photograph. Include the street address or cross streets and the direction the photo is facing.)

  16. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Reimbursement Phase 1: PS&E and ROW Project Photos Location Three (Required) (Please insert a description of the place from which the “before” photo was taken here. Upon completion of the Infrastructure Project, you will be asked to supply an “after” photo taken from the same location.) (insert before photo) (insert after photo) (insert date photo was taken) (insert date photo was taken) (Insert the location of the photograph. Include the street address or cross streets and the direction the photo is facing.)

  17. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Reimbursement Phase 1: PS&E and ROW Land Use Development Site Plan (Please insert a Land Use Development site plan. The site plan should indicate the location of the NCTCOG funded infrastructure improvements and clearly illustrate the following items: limits of the entire Land Use Development, building footprints, roadways, sidewalks, plazas/green space and other landscaping, parking, etc.)

  18. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Reimbursement Phase 1: PS&E and ROW Land Use Development Building Permit (Please identify the location of the future building permit to be provided upon completion of the Infrastructure Project as required in Section X.X of the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement. Please note that at least one building permit must be provided for a mixed use development to satisfy the requirement necessary for reimbursement. The location of the building permit should be clearly identified on a map of the land use development site plan provided on the previous slide.

  19. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Private Development Areas (Planned for Current Phase) (Please list the areas in square feet and the other development numbers planned for the current phases of private development) Residential Single-Family: (Please provide the number of units and square feet) Townhomes or other types of units: (Please provide the number of units and square feet) Multifamily or apartments: (Please provide the number of units and square feet) Office: (Please provide area in square feet) Retail: (Please provide area in square feet) Restaurant: (Please provide area in square feet) Open space: (Please provide area in acres) Other Amenities: (Please list and provide area in square feet)

  20. NCTCOG 2009-2010 Sustainable Development Call for Projects Private Development Areas (Planned for Future Phasing) (Please list the areas in square feet and the other development numbers for private development included in future phases and indicate the Phasing and Timelines) Residential: (Please provide the following details by Phase and Timeline) Single-Family: (Please provide the number of units and square feet) Townhomes or other types of units: (Please provide the number of units and square feet) Multifamily or apartments: (Please provide the number of units and square feet) Office: (Please provide area in square feet by Phase and Timeline) Retail: (Please provide area in square feet by Phase and Timeline) Restaurant: (Please provide area in square feet by Phase and Timeline) Open space: (Please provide area in acres by Phase and Timeline) Other Amenities: (Please list and provide area in square feet by Phase and Timeline)

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