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Ecology. The study of how living things interact with each other and their environment. The interaction of all living and non living things in a particular area. Forests are an example of an ecosystem. Living things make their homes & find their food in an ecosystem.

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  1. Ecology The study of how living things interact with each other and their environment.

  2. The interaction of all living and non living things in a particular area. Forests are an example of an ecosystem. Living things make their homes & find their food in an ecosystem. Its like the neighborhood What is an ecosystem?

  3. Organisms have a specific place within the ecosystem / neighborhood. An organism obtains its shelter and other things it needs to live and reproduce from its habitat. A single ecosystem may have several habitats. Habitats

  4. If its in an ecosystem and living its called biotic. If its in an ecosystem and not living its called abiotic Biotic Factors

  5. The number of species in an area is called population of organisms. Communities are all the different populations living together. Different communities interact with the environment and are called ecosystems. Population, Communities, Organisms

  6. Populations, Community & Ecosystems Populations Organism Community Ecosystem

  7. Would all the insects in a forest be considered a population? Why or why not? No, there are many different species of insects this would be considered a community of insects. Checkpoint

  8. All animals have adaptations that help them to live live in their environment. Interaction amongst Living Things

  9. 1. Competition: All animals are in competition for limited food. Survival Of The Fittest (Evolution)

  10. Some animals are born with traits that give them an advantage. These animals will survive to breed. Eventually weaker animals disappear. Survival Of The Fittest (Evolution)

  11. Certain animals in have different adaptations for survival. They breed together giving their offspring the different adaptations for survival. Animal specie seems to evolve as breeding continues. Survival Of The Fittest (Evolution)

  12. What adaptations in giraffes allow it survive and carry on its species? More then 1 adaptation! Evolution

  13. Different animals live in the same ecosystem. An animals adaptation helps to determine its niche (job). If two animals have the same niche one will die off. The different beaks in the different finches give each finch a different diet. Each bird has its own niche in the ecosystem. Niche

  14. One organism hunts and kills another is called predation. The attacker is the predator. The dead is the prey. Predation

  15. Tiger Adaptation

  16. Prey are adapted to prevent predators from killing them off. Defense strategies. Camouflage Protective coverings Coloring Mimicking Prey adaptations

  17. An increase in predator population causes a decrease in prey population. A decrease in predator population causes an increase in prey population. Population Cycles If predatation removes more prey then is born, what will happen to the prey population?

  18. Symbiosis Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism • Both species • Benefit each • Other. • EXAMPLE: • Bees get nectar • From flowers & • In turn they • Pollinate the • flowers • One species • Benefits and the • Other gains nor • Loses anything. • EXAMPLE: • The woodpecker • Gets termites from • A tree • One species • Benefits and the • Other (host) is • Harmed. • EXAMPLE: • Strep bacteria • Live off of your • Throat and release • Toxins that make you • sick

  19. Food Chains

  20. Use the suns energy to produce sugars by photosynthesis. H2O+CO2 sugars and oxygen AUTOTROPHS Source of food in an ecosystem Producers

  21. Heterotrophs Cannot make their own food. Feeds on other organisms Herbivores , carnivores & omnivores. Scavengers are animals that eat dead animals. Consumers

  22. Would if when living things died, they did not decompose? Nutrients would be taken out of the soil and never returned. Soil would become infertile! Decomposers change dead organisms back into the soil! Decomposers

  23. 1, Write down the producer 2. Write down the primary consumer 3. Write down the secondary consumer. 4. Write down the third level (tertiary) consumer. Add the arrows. Arrows always point to the “eater” in-between each organism. Corn  mouse Constructing a food Chain

  24. Making a food chain Producer Primary Consumer Second Level Consumer Third Level Consumer

  25. Consists of many different food chains linked together. Food Webs

  26. Using Food Webs Which animals would be affected if you removed Mice from the ecosystem?

  27. When mice eat the grass, some if its energy from the grass is used up for moving, growing … only some of that energy is available for snakes. Energy pyramid shows the amount of available energy at each level of the food chain. Each level up has less energy then the level below it. 90% of energy is lost to living, only 10% is stored for the next level. Energy Pyramid

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