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Creation and the Bible

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Creation and the Bible

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    1. Creation and the Bible Is Genesis relevant today?

    2. Englands Past Before the war: Culture permeated with Christian morality 50% of people regularly attend church How many people attend church today? <Ask audience> Where would you say our culture stands in relation to Christian morality? <Ask audience> Lets look at a bible passage that may shed some light on this:How many people attend church today? <Ask audience> Where would you say our culture stands in relation to Christian morality? <Ask audience> Lets look at a bible passage that may shed some light on this:

    3. The foundations If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Psalm 11:3 The Psalmist here is explaining that the foundations of Gods word ultimately cannot be destroyed but lets just apply it in this way: Take a typical house, if the foundations of the house collapses what happens to the rest of the house? <Ask audience> [NEXT SLIDE] The Psalmist here is explaining that the foundations of Gods word ultimately cannot be destroyed but lets just apply it in this way: Take a typical house, if the foundations of the house collapses what happens to the rest of the house? <Ask audience> [NEXT SLIDE]

    4. The foundations This is the same as the collapse of the moral fabric of society the collapse of Christianity morality in our culture. A structure collapses when the foundation is removed down comes the structure. For example take the bible (hold the bible up), the book of Genesis is like a foundation and the rest of the bible is like its structure. If you take out the foundational book of Genesis then the whole structure comes down. This is the same as the collapse of the moral fabric of society the collapse of Christianity morality in our culture. A structure collapses when the foundation is removed down comes the structure. For example take the bible (hold the bible up), the book of Genesis is like a foundation and the rest of the bible is like its structure. If you take out the foundational book of Genesis then the whole structure comes down.

    5. All biblical doctrines are founded in Genesis I will show you that all doctrines are founded in Genesis, directly or indirectly:

    6. Doctrine of Marriage 3Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?" 4"Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,'5and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'? 6So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." Matthew 19:3-6 Jesus is asked to about divorce, and in his answer he refers to Genesis. Jesus was saying that if you want to understand the doctrine of marriage then you need to look at Genesis where its origin was.Jesus is asked to about divorce, and in his answer he refers to Genesis. Jesus was saying that if you want to understand the doctrine of marriage then you need to look at Genesis where its origin was.

    7. Doctrine of Marriage Marriage is between man and woman, not man and man, why? <pause> Because God made a man and a woman not a man and a man. Its pretty simple! You just need to look at the origin of marriage in Genesis. Look at the churches that condone homosexual behaviour, have homosexual church leaders or even are talking about allowing homosexual marriage (as Rowan Williams has done), you can guarantee that those churches dont believe in a literal Genesis they cant it is the evidence that their viewpoint is wrong.Marriage is between man and woman, not man and man, why? <pause> Because God made a man and a woman not a man and a man. Its pretty simple! You just need to look at the origin of marriage in Genesis. Look at the churches that condone homosexual behaviour, have homosexual church leaders or even are talking about allowing homosexual marriage (as Rowan Williams has done), you can guarantee that those churches dont believe in a literal Genesis they cant it is the evidence that their viewpoint is wrong.

    8. Eating of animals 29Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-everything that has the breath of life in it-I give every green plant for food." And it was so. Genesis 1:29-30 If you take Genesis the same way that Jesus took Genesis do you know what you read here? That Adam and Eve were told to eat fruits and plants, and that the animals were told to eat plants if you take it as written they were vegetarian to start with. Think about it we eat meat, is that a problem? If God told us to eat fruits and vegetables are we sinning? No because of what he says in Genesis 9:3 [NEXT SLIDE]If you take Genesis the same way that Jesus took Genesis do you know what you read here? That Adam and Eve were told to eat fruits and plants, and that the animals were told to eat plants if you take it as written they were vegetarian to start with. Think about it we eat meat, is that a problem? If God told us to eat fruits and vegetables are we sinning? No because of what he says in Genesis 9:3 [NEXT SLIDE]

    9. Eating of animals 3Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. Genesis 9:3 So why do we eat animals? Because God told us to in Genesis 9:3So why do we eat animals? Because God told us to in Genesis 9:3

    10. Doctrine of Sin 16And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die. Genesis 2:16-17 Remember when God made Adam? He put Adam in the garden he made, and in the garden there were two trees two special trees, the tree of life, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and God said to Adam you can eat of all the trees. God didnt make mankind to be puppets, he made us to love him because we want to. So here is the choice he was given, to choose to love God or to disobey him, to rebel against him. The tree gave him a choice. [NEXT SLIDE] Remember when God made Adam? He put Adam in the garden he made, and in the garden there were two trees two special trees, the tree of life, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and God said to Adam you can eat of all the trees. God didnt make mankind to be puppets, he made us to love him because we want to. So here is the choice he was given, to choose to love God or to disobey him, to rebel against him. The tree gave him a choice. [NEXT SLIDE]

    11. Doctrine of Sin Look at what actually happened, the serpent comes to eve, eve takes the fruit, and tells Adam that he can take the fruit too. What happened when Adam took the fruit? He rebelled against God what is that called? Its called Sin. If that was not a real even in a literal garden with a literal Adam, a literal fruit, and a literal fall then what is sin? Who determines what is true? Lets look at the kind of dialogue Christians have with each other today: Look at what actually happened, the serpent comes to eve, eve takes the fruit, and tells Adam that he can take the fruit too. What happened when Adam took the fruit? He rebelled against God what is that called? Its called Sin. If that was not a real even in a literal garden with a literal Adam, a literal fruit, and a literal fall then what is sin? Who determines what is true? Lets look at the kind of dialogue Christians have with each other today:

    12. Doctrine of Sin A: Why cant we just insist on the essentials of Christianity? B: Well what are the essentials? A: That Jesus dies on the cross, was raised from the dead, and died for our sins, theyre the essentials. B: Why did Jesus have to die? A: For our sin B: What is sin? A: Rebellion B: How do you know that? Is it your opinion or someone else's opinion? Where do you get the idea that its rebellion? Some preachers think it is a lack of self esteem or a self centred attitude. [this slide] Is it essential to believe in original sin? Absolutely it is. If there was no literal garden with a literal Adam, a literal fruit, and a literal fall then what is sin? Or for that matter who determines what sin is? Lets look at a bit more of Genesis: do you remember what happened after Adam and Eve sinned?[this slide] Is it essential to believe in original sin? Absolutely it is. If there was no literal garden with a literal Adam, a literal fruit, and a literal fall then what is sin? Or for that matter who determines what sin is? Lets look at a bit more of Genesis: do you remember what happened after Adam and Eve sinned?

    13. Doctrine of Clothing 6When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. 8Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. 9But the LORD God called to the man, "Where are you?" 10He answered, "I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid. Genesis 3:6-10 21The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. Genesis 3:21 Before the fall Adam and Eve sinned they were naked and felt no shame, but look what happened afterwards [read passage] They are ashamed of their nakedness and they hide, and make coverings for themselves. Then God steps in and makes garments of skin, clothes for them. This is why we wear clothes it is the origin of the doctrine of clothing. Ask yourself this question though why did God make garments of skin? Why did he kill an animal? He could have made the clothes from plants in fact Adam and Eve had already made themselves Coverings. <anyone got any ideas?>Before the fall Adam and Eve sinned they were naked and felt no shame, but look what happened afterwards [read passage] They are ashamed of their nakedness and they hide, and make coverings for themselves. Then God steps in and makes garments of skin, clothes for them. This is why we wear clothes it is the origin of the doctrine of clothing. Ask yourself this question though why did God make garments of skin? Why did he kill an animal? He could have made the clothes from plants in fact Adam and Eve had already made themselves Coverings. <anyone got any ideas?>

    14. Doctrine of Atonement 21The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. Genesis 3:21 22In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. Hebrews 9:22 [READ QUOTES] There needed to be shedding of blood for the remission of sin, for forgiveness to occur so God killed an animal. Here we have the origin of death, the first death of an animal. What we have here is a picture of the gospel, a picture of what was to come in Jesus. [NEXT SLIDE][READ QUOTES] There needed to be shedding of blood for the remission of sin, for forgiveness to occur so God killed an animal. Here we have the origin of death, the first death of an animal. What we have here is a picture of the gospel, a picture of what was to come in Jesus. [NEXT SLIDE]

    15. Doctrine of Atonement We dont know what animal it was that God killed to create their clothing, but it may be helpful to think of it as a lamb to remind us of the lamb of God who would later be killed for the sins of the world. Think about this: Could there have been death and bloodshed before Adam sinned? If God said without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins? No God instituted death and bloodshed because of sin. Before that it was a perfect world, that is what the bible teaches.We dont know what animal it was that God killed to create their clothing, but it may be helpful to think of it as a lamb to remind us of the lamb of God who would later be killed for the sins of the world. Think about this: Could there have been death and bloodshed before Adam sinned? If God said without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins? No God instituted death and bloodshed because of sin. Before that it was a perfect world, that is what the bible teaches.

    16. The Gospel 15And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel. Genesis 3:15 22We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Romans 8:22 Genesis is foundational to understanding the gospel, understanding why Jesus Christ died on the cross. In fact do you know where the first place in the bible we read about the gospel is? Its in Genesis. [READ first quote] Lets look at the animal sacrifices for a moment animal sacrifices can never take away our sins because we are not physically connected to the animal kingdom, animal deaths cannot pay for our sins as we are not animals. What we needed was a human sacrifice, a sacrifice of the same kind we are made in the image of God but the animals are not. The whole gospel is founded on understanding that it was a perfect world marred by sin, and that death is a consequence of that sin. Sin changed everything, just look at what Paul says in Romans 8:22 [READ second quote]Genesis is foundational to understanding the gospel, understanding why Jesus Christ died on the cross. In fact do you know where the first place in the bible we read about the gospel is? Its in Genesis. [READ first quote] Lets look at the animal sacrifices for a moment animal sacrifices can never take away our sins because we are not physically connected to the animal kingdom, animal deaths cannot pay for our sins as we are not animals. What we needed was a human sacrifice, a sacrifice of the same kind we are made in the image of God but the animals are not. The whole gospel is founded on understanding that it was a perfect world marred by sin, and that death is a consequence of that sin. Sin changed everything, just look at what Paul says in Romans 8:22 [READ second quote]

    17. All biblical doctrines are founded in Genesis Every doctrine is founded directly or indirectly in Genesis: As you can see quite a lot of the important doctrines we hold to are actually founded directly in Genesis. [READ THEM] So is Genesis 1-11 important? [NEXT SLIDE THEN] <break for questions> As you can see quite a lot of the important doctrines we hold to are actually founded directly in Genesis. [READ THEM] So is Genesis 1-11 important? [NEXT SLIDE THEN] <break for questions>

    18. Break for questions Please be kind!

    19. What the church is saying I want to emphasis the importance of accepting the truth of Genesis as so many people try to distort what Genesis is saying, try to bring in their own ideas: The church are bringing all kinds of ideas to try to reinterpret Genesis, to redefine what it says what effect does this have? It undermines and destroys the foundations of the Bible!I want to emphasis the importance of accepting the truth of Genesis as so many people try to distort what Genesis is saying, try to bring in their own ideas: The church are bringing all kinds of ideas to try to reinterpret Genesis, to redefine what it says what effect does this have? It undermines and destroys the foundations of the Bible!

    20. What the church is saying Dr Hugh Ross He believes: The big bang Billions of years Local not a global flood There was a race of soul-less men and women before Adam and Eve. Let me give you an example of a famous Christian. Dr Hugh Ross is a Christian who has founded an organisation called reasons to believe, he believes: [READ OUT BELIEFS] All these positions are because of his compromise on the truthfulness of Genesis. Lets look at some quotes from him: [NEXT SLIDE]Let me give you an example of a famous Christian. Dr Hugh Ross is a Christian who has founded an organisation called reasons to believe, he believes: [READ OUT BELIEFS] All these positions are because of his compromise on the truthfulness of Genesis. Lets look at some quotes from him: [NEXT SLIDE]

    21. What the church is saying So, Gods revelation is not limited exclusively to the Bibles words. The facts of nature may be likened to a sixty-seventh book of the Bible. Hugh Ross, Creation and Time, page 56 Not everyone has been exposed to the sixty-six books of the Bible but everyone on planet earth has been exposed to the sixty-seventh book, the book that God has written upon the heavens for everyone to read. And the bible tells us its impossible for God to lie, so the record of nature must be just as perfect, and reliable and truthful as the sixty-six books of the Bible that is part of the Word of God. Dr Hugh Ross, Staley Lecture Series Is Nature cursed? [wait for answers] Yes is the Bible cursed? [wait less time for answers] No How can a fallen brain in a fallen universe determine the truth and go to the sixty-six books and tell God what he means? You cant. We need to look at the universe through the sixty-six books that tell us what actually happened to explain what we see in the universe, not the other way around. What often happens is we take mans ideas and add them to the Bible, what we need to do is to take the bible like a pair of glasses and look at the universe through the Bible. --------- If we are to defend Christian doctrine in our society we need to believe in a literal genesis, let me show you a quote from a famous Christian organisation in America to illustrate my point: You need to know that this ministry takes no stand on issues like this You cant not take a stand, the stand they are taking is that Genesis is not important. This is very much like when people claim to be tolerant of all views. When people say they are tolerant of all views they are intolerant of a view that say they are wrong. Lets look at the full quote: [NEXT SLIDE]Is Nature cursed? [wait for answers] Yes is the Bible cursed? [wait less time for answers] No How can a fallen brain in a fallen universe determine the truth and go to the sixty-six books and tell God what he means? You cant. We need to look at the universe through the sixty-six books that tell us what actually happened to explain what we see in the universe, not the other way around. What often happens is we take mans ideas and add them to the Bible, what we need to do is to take the bible like a pair of glasses and look at the universe through the Bible. --------- If we are to defend Christian doctrine in our society we need to believe in a literal genesis, let me show you a quote from a famous Christian organisation in America to illustrate my point: You need to know that this ministry takes no stand on issues like this You cant not take a stand, the stand they are taking is that Genesis is not important. This is very much like when people claim to be tolerant of all views. When people say they are tolerant of all views they are intolerant of a view that say they are wrong. Lets look at the full quote: [NEXT SLIDE]

    22. What the church is saying but you need to know that the ministry of Promise Keepers takes no stand on issue like this Since different churches and individual Christians hold varying views about creation, it is one of those things we believe falls under the category of secondary doctrines, just as we do such things as spiritual gifts, eternal security, the rapture, etc Carolyn M. Bearse, assistant to the founder of Promise Keepers Look at what they were saying: What doctrines is the rapture foundational to? [pause for thought] What doctrines is Genesis 1 11 foundational to? [less of a pause] Genesis 1 11 is foundational to all our doctrine, it is not a side issue. You see the fact is that when you reinterpret Genesis you undermine all Christian doctrine, do you know who loves when we do this? Atheistic humanists! Look at what they were saying: What doctrines is the rapture foundational to? [pause for thought] What doctrines is Genesis 1 11 foundational to? [less of a pause] Genesis 1 11 is foundational to all our doctrine, it is not a side issue. You see the fact is that when you reinterpret Genesis you undermine all Christian doctrine, do you know who loves when we do this? Atheistic humanists!

    23. What the world is saying One of the leading anti-creationists in America at an atheism conference was asked this: What do you do with the bible believing students in your class? [READ SLIDE] [READ SLIDE]

    24. What the world is saying I attended the Teaching Evolution seminar yesterday led by Eugenie Scott An awful negative was suggested to those experiencing opposition from students. The teachers were advised to suggest to the Bible-believers to consult their clergy who would usually assure them that belief in evolution is OK!! One of the teachers who attended this seminar written this letter to a creation organisation: [READ TEXT] Look at how shocking this is! A leading humanist is said what do we do with the students who believe what the bible says, and their advice is to refer them to the church who will tell them its ok to believe evolution and millions of years! Do you know how the humanists see evolution? They are really turned on in their understanding of what it is and what its effects will be. Let me give you a quote from a leading evolutionist in America:One of the teachers who attended this seminar written this letter to a creation organisation: [READ TEXT] Look at how shocking this is! A leading humanist is said what do we do with the students who believe what the bible says, and their advice is to refer them to the church who will tell them its ok to believe evolution and millions of years! Do you know how the humanists see evolution? They are really turned on in their understanding of what it is and what its effects will be. Let me give you a quote from a leading evolutionist in America:

    25. What the world is saying It becomes clear now that the whole justification of Jesus life and death is predicated on the existence of Adam and the forbidden fruit he and Eve ate. Without original sin, who needs to be redeemed? Without Adams fall into a life of constant sin terminated by death, what purpose is there to Christianity? None. G. Richard Bozarth, The meaning of Evolution, American Atheist Sometimes the atheists understand Christianity better than the Christians do! [pause] Back at the time of Darwin there was an ardent humanist, Thomas Huxley (known as Darwins Bulldog). He came over to America and did a number of lectures, its very interesting to see what he said: [NEXT SLIDE]Sometimes the atheists understand Christianity better than the Christians do! [pause] Back at the time of Darwin there was an ardent humanist, Thomas Huxley (known as Darwins Bulldog). He came over to America and did a number of lectures, its very interesting to see what he said: [NEXT SLIDE]

    26. What the world is saying If Adam may be held to be no more real a personage than Prometheus, and if the story of the fall is merely an instructive type, comparable to the profound Promethean myths, what value has Pauls dialectic. Thomas Huxley, Science and the Hebrew Tradition Essays What he is saying is if Genesis is a myth then what about Pauls teaching in the new testament? Because Paul refers back often to Genesis in passages such as 1 Corinthians 15, Romans 5, and so on. Lets look at a few more quotes from himWhat he is saying is if Genesis is a myth then what about Pauls teaching in the new testament? Because Paul refers back often to Genesis in passages such as 1 Corinthians 15, Romans 5, and so on. Lets look at a few more quotes from him

    27. What the world is saying I confess I soon lose my way when I try to follow those who walk delicately among types and allegories. A certain passion for clearness forces me to ask, bluntly, whether the writer means to say that Jesus did not believe the stories in question, or that he did? When Jesus spoke, as of a matter of fact, that the Flood came and destroyed them all, did he really believe the deluge took place, or not? Thomas Huxley, Science and Hebrew Tradition Essays What he is saying is that if Jesus believed in the flood and he was God then you have to believe in the flood, you have to believe in Genesis. He went on to say this: [NEXT SLIDE]What he is saying is that if Jesus believed in the flood and he was God then you have to believe in the flood, you have to believe in Genesis. He went on to say this: [NEXT SLIDE]

    28. What the world is saying And what about the authority of the writers of the books of the New Testament, who, on this theory, have not merely accepted flimsy fictions for solid truths, but have built the very foundations of Christian dogma upon legendary quick sands? Thomas Huxley, Science and Hebrew Tradition Essays He is saying: Look the all the NT doctrines are founded in Genesis. He wasnt trying to get the church to believe Genesis, he was using it the other way around to say now that you dont believe Genesis you shouldnt believe the new testament either! I think this is best summed up in this quote by Richard Bozarth:He is saying: Look the all the NT doctrines are founded in Genesis. He wasnt trying to get the church to believe Genesis, he was using it the other way around to say now that you dont believe Genesis you shouldnt believe the new testament either! I think this is best summed up in this quote by Richard Bozarth:

    29. What the world is saying Christianity has fought, still fights, and will fight science to the desperate end over evolution, because evolution destroys utterly and finally the very reason Jesus earthly life was supposedly made necessary. Destroy Adam and Eve and the original sin, and in the rubble you will find the sorry remains of the son of God. Take away the meaning of his death. If Jesus was not the redeemer that died for our sins, and this is what evolution means, then Christianity is nothing. Richard Bozarth, The meaning of evolution, American Atheist These atheists you see understand that if the bible is true then it is a barrier to their humanist ideas taking over society, the two different foundations lead to two different effects:These atheists you see understand that if the bible is true then it is a barrier to their humanist ideas taking over society, the two different foundations lead to two different effects:

    30. What the world is saying If you take Gods word to be true you then the leaders to law, standards, heterosexual marriage, and so on If you start with mans authority and let him determine what is right and wrong you end up with: lawlessness, homosexual behaviour, pornography, abortion, and so on.If you take Gods word to be true you then the leaders to law, standards, heterosexual marriage, and so on If you start with mans authority and let him determine what is right and wrong you end up with: lawlessness, homosexual behaviour, pornography, abortion, and so on.

    31. What the world is saying These atheists you see understand that if the bible is true then it is a barrier to their humanist ideas taking over society. Look at this diagram, the barrier of a Christian worldview in society prevents atheism from taking over. What is the best way for them to break that barrier down? [NEXT SLIDE] These atheists you see understand that if the bible is true then it is a barrier to their humanist ideas taking over society. Look at this diagram, the barrier of a Christian worldview in society prevents atheism from taking over. What is the best way for them to break that barrier down? [NEXT SLIDE]

    32. What the world is saying Attack the foundations. If you do that the Christian worldview will collapse and they can move in and take over society. Dont you think that is what has happened? We were once a Christian nation, everyone may not have been a Christian but Christian morality was taught as a matter of course. Children were brought up being told that they were sinners and needed to turn to God for repentance. Evolution has changed all that, now look at our society look at the number of people who attend church today compared with the 50% who attended before the last war. [PAUSE] Lets just take another look at the consequences of rejecting the truthfulness of the Genesis account. This is a quote from an Anglican confirmation handbook: [NEXT SLIDE] Attack the foundations. If you do that the Christian worldview will collapse and they can move in and take over society. Dont you think that is what has happened? We were once a Christian nation, everyone may not have been a Christian but Christian morality was taught as a matter of course. Children were brought up being told that they were sinners and needed to turn to God for repentance. Evolution has changed all that, now look at our society look at the number of people who attend church today compared with the 50% who attended before the last war. [PAUSE] Lets just take another look at the consequences of rejecting the truthfulness of the Genesis account. This is a quote from an Anglican confirmation handbook: [NEXT SLIDE]

    33. Consequences of rejecting Genesis 9. How did sin arise? (a) The garden of Eden is a myth, i.e. a historical tale embodying spiritual truth. From the viewpoint of anthropology it is exceedingly unlikely that there was a First Man and Woman. Yet the myth contains great truths (b) Human beings are the result of evolution, and shaped by natural selection. Self-centeredness and aggression were essential at every stage of evolution. (c) Human beings natural inherit this self-centeredness (original sin) and without it babies could not survive. Hugh Monefiore, Confirmation Notebook [READ THE QUOTE] How can a myth contain great truths? By definition a myth isnt true. Look at how because he has taken on board evolution instead of creation he has redefined sin: self-centeredness. Lets see where his thinking leads him. [NEXT QUOTE][READ THE QUOTE] How can a myth contain great truths? By definition a myth isnt true. Look at how because he has taken on board evolution instead of creation he has redefined sin: self-centeredness. Lets see where his thinking leads him. [NEXT QUOTE]

    34. Consequences of rejecting Genesis What the cross is not: the cross is not the Son standing in my place to take the punishment that I ought to have. Such a view is immoral. In any case, no one person could suffer the whole worlds punishment Hugh Monefiore, Confirmation Notebook You see when you compromise your foundations the structure collapses. [PAUSE] Lets take a look at how the atheists see evolution: [NEXT SLIDE]You see when you compromise your foundations the structure collapses. [PAUSE] Lets take a look at how the atheists see evolution: [NEXT SLIDE]

    35. How atheists see evolution The day will come when the evidence constantly accumulating around the evolutionary theory becomes so massively persuasive that even the last and most fundamental Christian warriors will have to lay down their arms and surrender unconditionally. I believe that day will be the end of Christianity. Richard Bozarth, The Meaning of Evolution, American Atheist Quite chilling isn't it? Im just going to end this session with a few practical examples: The universities in the US And UK used to be strongly Christian institutions, but this is no longer the case, listen to this man who is now a professor at Harvard: [NEXT SLIDE]Quite chilling isn't it? Im just going to end this session with a few practical examples: The universities in the US And UK used to be strongly Christian institutions, but this is no longer the case, listen to this man who is now a professor at Harvard: [NEXT SLIDE]

    36. How atheists see evolution As were many persons from Alabama, I was a born again Christian. When I was 15, I entered the Southern Baptist Church with great fervour and interest in the fundamentalist religion. I left at 17 when I got to the University of Alabama and heard about evolutionary theory. Dr E. O. Wilson, Harvard Professor (Socio-biology), The Humanist Look! He said he was a born again Christian but the teaching he got at university destroyed his faith. Here is another man:Look! He said he was a born again Christian but the teaching he got at university destroyed his faith. Here is another man:

    37. How atheists see evolution raised a Methodist in Indianapolis and went to church regularly as a child and teenager. I believed all this God stuff, he said. I was a good little boy and all that . . . In school, we opened every morning with the Lords Prayer. That was big stuff. That changed when he attended Purdue University in Indiana. After taking physics and chemistry, he began to question the veracity of the Bible. In particular, he doubted how the entire world could have flooded in the days of Noahs Ark. The Bible says it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, he said. It included Mount Everest. Where the . . . did all that water come from? Out of the ground? Richard Suhre in suit to remove the Ten Commandments from Haywood County, NC, Courthouse His foundations collapsed. Why? Because the church didnt insist on a literal Genesis, and they didnt equip him to defend his faith. He doubted his faith because the church didnt teach him that the Genesis is true, and teach him the science behind why it is true so he could defend himself. In the session later on today Im going to give you some defence against these kinds of attacks Im going to show you how the scientific evidence really does support what Genesis says, and not what the evolutionists say.His foundations collapsed. Why? Because the church didnt insist on a literal Genesis, and they didnt equip him to defend his faith. He doubted his faith because the church didnt teach him that the Genesis is true, and teach him the science behind why it is true so he could defend himself. In the session later on today Im going to give you some defence against these kinds of attacks Im going to show you how the scientific evidence really does support what Genesis says, and not what the evolutionists say.

    38. How should we respond? What is the problem? If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Psalm 11:3 Humanists are attacking the foundations of Christianity attacking Genesis.Humanists are attacking the foundations of Christianity attacking Genesis.

    39. How should we respond? It looks like this: You have the two castles here, the castle humanism built on the foundations of evolution the idea that man decides truth, and the castle Christianity which is built on the foundation of Gods word. The atheists know what theyre doing, theyre focussing their firepower on the foundation of our castle they know that once the foundation is destroyed the rest of the structure will fall. What are the Christians doing? Some of us are asleep doing nothing. Some shooting off into nowhere. Occasionally well hit one of the issues and one of those balloons will go down, a victory but it is always temporary because their castle is still there, they just blow the balloons back up again. Some Christians are busy attacking the foundations themselves. This is the situation today, but the question is what can we do about it?It looks like this: You have the two castles here, the castle humanism built on the foundations of evolution the idea that man decides truth, and the castle Christianity which is built on the foundation of Gods word. The atheists know what theyre doing, theyre focussing their firepower on the foundation of our castle they know that once the foundation is destroyed the rest of the structure will fall. What are the Christians doing? Some of us are asleep doing nothing. Some shooting off into nowhere. Occasionally well hit one of the issues and one of those balloons will go down, a victory but it is always temporary because their castle is still there, they just blow the balloons back up again. Some Christians are busy attacking the foundations themselves. This is the situation today, but the question is what can we do about it?

    40. How should we respond? What is the solution? Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings. Isaiah 58:12 We need to restore the churchs faith in the foundational book of Genesis, repair the damage that has been done.We need to restore the churchs faith in the foundational book of Genesis, repair the damage that has been done.

    41. How should we respond? If we hit the castle humanism at their foundations then they will lose the fight and England will once again be a Christian nation.If we hit the castle humanism at their foundations then they will lose the fight and England will once again be a Christian nation.

    42. Recommended books The Lie: Evolution by Ken Ham The (Revised and Expanded) Answers Book edited by Dr Don Batten

    43. Questions Please be kind!

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