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Suicide and Suicidal Behaviors

Suicide and Suicidal Behaviors. Scott Stroup, M.D., M.P.H. 2004. Definitions. Suicide : intentional self-inflicted death Suicidal ideation : thoughts of killing oneself (i.e., serving as the agent of one’s death)

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Suicide and Suicidal Behaviors

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  1. Suicide and Suicidal Behaviors Scott Stroup, M.D., M.P.H. 2004

  2. Definitions • Suicide: intentional self-inflicted death • Suicidal ideation: thoughts of killing oneself (i.e., serving as the agent of one’s death) • Suicidal act: intentional self-injury (can have varying degrees of lethal intent)

  3. Introduction • Suicidal behaviors are the most common psychiatric emergency • The 11th leading cause of death in U.S. (2001) • About 30,000 suicides annually in U.S. • Over 90% of suicide victims have a diagnosable psychiatric disorder—over half have a depressive disorder

  4. Attempts vs. Completions • Ratio of attempts to completions may be as high as 25:1 • Women more likely to attempt suicide • Men more likely to complete suicide • Men use more lethal means

  5. Psychopathology isthe primary underlying risk factor • Major depression • Bipolar disorder • Schizophrenia • Substance use disorders • Personality disorders: borderline, antisocial • Panic disorder

  6. Highly important underlying risk factors • History of previous attempts • Depression • Alcohol or drug abuse

  7. Other underlying risk factors • History of psychiatric hospitalization • Chronic medical illness • Family history of suicide • History of childhood abuse (physical, verbal, or sexual) • Impulsiveness

  8. Underlying sociodemographic risk factors • Social isolation:-Living alone-Not currently married (never married, separated, divorced, or widowed) • Unemployment • Male gender • Increased age (among white men) • Certain occupations: police officers, physicians

  9. Worldwide Suicide Rates by Age and Gender

  10. Biologic Factors • Serotonin abnormalities • decreased CSF 5-HIAA • increased 5-HT2A receptors • linked with impulsivity and aggression • PET: abnormal metabolism in prefrontal cortex • Genetics • familial association beyond risk for specific diagnoses

  11. Proximal Risk Factors • Intoxication • Stressful life events:-loss of job-death of a loved one-divorce-migration-incarceration

  12. Are suicides more frequent around the holidays?

  13. Suicide Contagion—there is some evidence this phenomenon exists • Direct or indirect exposure to suicide or suicidal behaviors can result in an increase in these behaviors, especially in adolescents and young adults • Because of reports of contagion resulting from media reports, recommendations to media include: -reports should be factual, concise, non-repetitive -reports should avoid oversimplified explanations of cause -detailed descriptions of method should not be provided -reports should not glorify victim or imply that suicide was effective in helping the person to attain some goal -reports should provide information on how to get help

  14. Firearms greatly increase the risk of completed suicide • Presence of a gun in the home increases risk of suicide 5X • Readily accessible firearms facilitate lethal impulsive acts and leave little chance for rescue • 70-90% fatality rate for suicidal firearm injuries • Women’s use of firearms has risen dramatically—now firearms are leading method of completed suicide by women in U.S.

  15. Men Firearms (61%) Hanging Women Firearms (37%) Self-poisoning Most common methods of completed suicide

  16. Psychological factors/theories • Hopelessness, despair, desperation • Freud: aggression turned inward • Escape from rage • Guilt; self-punishment or atonement • Rebirth or reunion fantasies • Control over a relationship • Revenge

  17. Religion and Suicide • Lower rates among Jews and Catholics, presumably due to religious prohibition • Lower rates in predominately Catholic countries, but this is not consistent • Religious affiliation is apparently less important than religious involvement and participation in affecting risk of suicide

  18. China—a different pattern of suicide • Rate is twice that of the U.S. (23/100,000) • 5th leading cause of death • Relatively more completed suicides by women (more than men) • Mental disorders less prevalent among suicide victims • Rural rate is 3X urban rate--many suicides among female peasants who impulsively drink lethal pesticides • Suicide not as strongly stigmatized as in West

  19. Suicide and Schizophrenia (I) • 33-50% with schizophrenia will attempt suicide • Approximately 10% with schizophrenia die by suicide • Gender: equal attempt ratio, more men die by suicide • Isolation (single, living alone, unemployed) • Substance abuse • Akathisia

  20. Suicide and Schizophrenia (II) • Periods of increased risk: • Highest risk in first 10 years of illness • When depression • When hopeless • After resolution of an acute psychotic exacerbation • Days, weeks, months after hospitalization • Persons with more “insight” thought to be at higher risk of suicide

  21. Suicide among physicians • Rate higher than general population, particularly for women doctors (same rate in male, female MDs) • Unrecognized and untreated depression a common theme • Physician help-seeking highly suboptimal: • 1/3 of physicians have no regular doctor • Low rates of seeking help for depression • Professional attitudes discourage admission of health vulnerabilities • Concerns about confidentiality, licensing, privileges, medical insurance, malpractice insurance • When seek help often quite ill

  22. Figure. Proportionate Mortality Ratio for White, Male Physicians vs. White, Male Professionals, 1984-1995 Center et al, JAMA, June 18, 2003

  23. Box. Profile of a Physician at High Risk for Suicide Sex:Male or female Age: 45 Years or older (woman); 50 years orolder (man) Race: White Marital status: Divorced, separated,single, or currently having marital disruption Risk factors:Depression, alcohol or other drug abuse, workaholic, excessiverisk taking (especially high-stakes gambler, thrill seeker) Medicalstatus: Psychiatric symptoms or history (especially depression,anxiety), physical symptoms (chronic pain, chronic debilitatingillness) Professional: Change in status—threats to status,autonomy, security, financial stability, recent losses, increasedwork demands Access to means: Access to legal medications,access to firearms Center et al, JAMA, June 18, 2003

  24. Assessment of suicidality • Ask about suicidality in every initial psychiatric assessment • Asking about suicidality does not suggest it • Do not dismiss someone’s suicidal comments • Spectrum of suicidality: passive thoughts, plan, intent, attempt • Intent is not always communicated • No absolute predictive test or criteria

  25. When assessing suicide risk, consider: • Pervasiveness of thoughts • Plan • Lethality of plan/attempt • Availability of lethal means • Likelihood of rescue

  26. Markers of increased suicide risk • Preparations for death: Settling affairs, giving away personal items, writing a note • Sudden change of mood • Lack of future plans • Recent loss • Symptoms: Insomnia, hopelessness, severe anxiety, extreme restlessness or agitation

  27. Management of suicidal patients • Determine treatment setting: Inpatient or outpatient • Caution regarding “contracts for safety” • Medications • Limit availability of firearms, lethal drugs, other means • Access to crisis services needed • Therapy

  28. Regarding risk factors for suicide • Risk factors alone or in combination do not allow accurate prediction of a specific individual’s suicide • However, knowledgeable assessment of risk and protective factors can allow estimation of an individual’s risk and can be used to formulate a plan to reduce the risk of suicide

  29. What every doctor should know about suicide • Depression is the most common diagnosis associated with suicide: recognize it, treat or refer • Do not ignore suicidal comments, threats • Asking about suicide does not suggest it • The 3 most important risk factors: history of suicide attempts, depression, substance abuse

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