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Managing multiple mergers at a time - ingredients for succes

while acquisitions are complex and challenging, acquiring multiple companies at a time is even more challenging. this presentation gives advice from the viewpoint of a serial acquirer.

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Managing multiple mergers at a time - ingredients for succes

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  1. M&A leadsare • PROFESSIONAL, • RELAXED, • SUCCESSFUL. Doesn´tresonatewithyou? Let´sseewhatwecan do aboutit…

  2. Rule 1: Look in themirror – not therearviewmirror • What? • Analyzeandadaptyourcapabilitymaturitytointegratesuccessfully • Why? • Buyercompanyandmanagerabilitiestointegratearemissioncritical • How do we manage it? • Select integrationmanagerscarefully • Secure enoughcapacityforintegrationwork

  3. Capability maturity problems M&A experience } M&A experiencegap } } Resource gaps People in corporatefunctions tocareforacquisitionintegration Dedicated M&A resources

  4. Rule 2: Shake and bake approachforacquisitions • What? • Structureandtailortheintegrationapproach in due diligence • Why? • Itishardtodrive a carwhileyouarebuildingit • How do we manage it? • Makeuseofpredefinedworkcatalogues, integrationandmanagementapproaches, but tailorthemtothespecificcase

  5. Rule 3: Minimizeprocessrisk • What? • A structured due diligenceandintegrationprocessismissioncritical • Why? • Youdon´thave time todiscussprocessduringintegration • How do we manage it? • Defineprocessesbased on workcatalogues

  6. Rule 4: Letothersgothrough hell foryou • What? • WYSIATIwhatyouseeis all thereis • youdon´tforeseewhatyoudon´tknow • Why? • Avoiddisaster • How do we manage it? • Read thebook„Deals from hell“ by Robert F. Bruner

  7. Rule 5: Appreciatethework. Don´tunderestimate it. • What? • Complexityandeffortofmergerintegrationsareoftenignoredorguessedtobetoolow • Why? • Complexitymodelsare not used • How do we manage it? • Leveragecomplexitymodels, seenextslide

  8. Complexity and Effort of integrations Revenue Buyer 1 Cultural changes 12 2 Revenue Target Volume Reduc-tion of sites Restructuring 11 BuyerEmployees 3 Workforcereduction Target Employees 4 10 5 Operating countries 9 Profit increase 6 8 Locations Structural complexity 7 Value Chain Coverage Companies Source: Prof. Lucks, Siemens

  9. Rule 6: Fail early in due diligence • What? • Thereisnothingworsethan a bad deal. • Why? • Dramaticcostoffixingthingslate in theprocess • Failureisnofun • How do we manage it? • Letfailure in due diligencebea viableoption • Drive forfailure in DD, thenforsuccess

  10. Rule 7: Maximizethelikelihoodforsuccess • What? • Defineand plan forsuccess • Why? • Reasonsandprerequisitesaswellasthewaytosuccessismissioncritical • How do we manage it? • Name andmonitorsuccessfactors • Leteverybodyknowthewaytosuccess

  11. Rule 8: Makeyourday. Blueprint! • What? • On dayoneyouneedtoexecutetheintegration plan. • Why? • Flawlessexecutioniskey. • How do we manage it? • Define a detailedintegration plan, togetherwiththetarget. Beforeclosing!

  12. Results: Ingredientsforsuccess • Analyzeandadaptyourcapabilitymaturitytointegratesuccessfully • Structureandtailorintegrationapproachand M&A process • Avoiddealsfrom hell • Manage complexityandeffort • Drive forfailure, thenforsuccess in due diligence • Blueprint http://www.mergerduediligence.com

  13. Please find moreinformationhere: http://www.mergerduediligence.com http://www.drkarlpopp.com

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