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Cross-Sector Leadership for the Green Economy University of Minnesota April 29, 2010

Cross-Sector Leadership for the Green Economy University of Minnesota April 29, 2010. What is the BioBusiness Alliance of Minnesota? Destination 2025 Update on Statewide Recommendations & Activities Success Factors for Minnesota Understanding Knowledge-Based Economic Development

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Cross-Sector Leadership for the Green Economy University of Minnesota April 29, 2010

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cross-Sector Leadershipfor the Green EconomyUniversity of MinnesotaApril 29, 2010

  2. What is the BioBusiness Alliance of Minnesota? Destination 2025 Update on Statewide Recommendations & Activities Success Factors for Minnesota Understanding Knowledge-Based Economic Development Collaboration and Partnership – Global to Local Overview Enriching Minnesota’s Future through the Biosciences

  3. What is the BioBusiness Alliance of Minnesota? Academia Industry Government Mission: Enhance the wellbeing of our citizens by mobilizing and connecting the community to support the growth of biobusinesses by providing a roadmap for success, infrastructure, and a welcoming environment. Enriching Minnesota’s Future through the Biosciences

  4. Renew- able Materials Biologics/ Biopharma Renew- able Energy Medical Devices Animal Health Food Minnesota Life Science Community Minnesota Industries Leadership Talent Skilled Workforce Funding Academic Tech Transfer Acceleration/ Incubation Int’l Business Support Center Component/Service Suppliers Commercialization Catalysts Enabling Knowledge Clusters Catalysis & Synthesis (Biological & Chemical) NanoTech & Materials Science Bioengineering & Clinical Capabilities Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Genomics, Proteomics & High Throughput Biology Imaging / Navigation Foundational Capabilities Education Infrastructure Policy v.19jan09

  5. Destination 2025 • A partnership with Deloitte Consulting LLP • A twenty year “vision and roadmap” for the lifescience industry in the state of Minnesota that is intended to help ensure our place in the evolving global economy. Enriching Minnesota’s Future through the Biosciences

  6. Renewable Energy Opportunities 1. Establish decision making capability for Biomass Management 2. Heat generation as part of “25 X ‘25” Enriching Minnesota’s Future through the Biosciences

  7. Sustainable Biomass Management • MN’s biomass value chain is evolving and becoming more complex, i.e. channels, use • Diverse stakeholders with different ideas regarding strategic issues: • Sustainability and security of feedstocks • Standards for logistics and infrastructure • Scale and speed of production • Development capital • Transition costs versus value • Regulatory and legislative harmony Enriching Minnesota’s Bioscience Future

  8. Biomass Thermal Opportunities Automatic solid fuel biomass heating systems – wood chips, pellets, agricultural residues Biomass district heating systems Large-scale combined heat and power Enriching Minnesota’s Future through the Biosciences

  9. The Cluster Model is Evolving Manufacturing Research Services Trials/Testing Development Then… Now… Self-contained regional clusters Specialized, networked regions: Hubs & Nodes Source: “From Clusters of Industry to Clusters of Knowledge & Competency” New Economy Strategies, July 3, 2007. Enriching Minnesota’s Future through the Biosciences

  10. Knowledge Based Economic Development: Hub and Node Relationship – Combustible Biomass Node Node Node Sweden MN Node Node Node Enriching Minnesota’s Future through the Biosciences

  11. International Business Support Center (IBSC) International joint development of renewable energy technology, products and services Mutually beneficial relationships between countries Provide a landing strip for international companies who wish to develop or sell products in the United States market Support Minnesota companies seeking to enter foreign markets Enriching Minnesota’s Future through the Biosciences

  12. International Renewable Energy Technology Institute • Combustible Biomass • Biogas • 2nd Generation and Advanced • Biofuels • Small wind • Green construction Enriching Minnesota’s Future through the Biosciences Enriching Minnesota’s Future through the Biosciences

  13. Thank You!Gregg Mastgmast@biobusinessalliance.orgFollow BBAM on Twitter: BioBusinessMinnwww.biobusinessalliance.org

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