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HIV and AIDS. Anne, Jeske & Rowan 16-07-2013. AIDS in the world. What do you already know?. Causes/spreading Symptoms Prevention Therapy. What is HIV?. H – human I – immuno-deficiency V – virus. About the virus. RNA-type retrovirus Type 1 – all over the world

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HIV and AIDS Anne, Jeske & Rowan 16-07-2013

  2. AIDS in the world

  3. What do you already know? • Causes/spreading • Symptoms • Prevention • Therapy

  4. What is HIV? • H – human • I – immuno-deficiency • V – virus

  5. About the virus • RNA-type retrovirus • Type 1 – all over the world • Type 2 – mainly in Africa • People live longer than type 1 • Rarely transmitted from mother to child • Can’t live more than half an hour outside a body

  6. How HIV infects the body • Attacking CD4 type of White Blood Cells (WBCs) and kill them • Healthy WBCs help our body to fight against infections • With less or without WBCs our body can’t fight infections properly  resistance goes down

  7. How does HIV spread? • Unprotected sexual intercourse with infected person (either heterosexual or homosexual) • Transfusion of infected blood • Infected mother to her baby during pregnancy, birth process and breastfeeding • Use of infected needles and instruments without sterilization or sharing of needles by drug addicts

  8. How does HIV not spread? • Kissing • Touching/hand shaking/hugging • Sharing bathroom/toilet • Coughing • Eating together

  9. How to prevent infection? • Safe sex (use a condom!) • Safe bloodtransfusions • Safe needles • Safe motherhood • Safe razor and blade

  10. What is AIDS? • A – acquired • I – immuno • D – deficiency • S – syndrome • Develops after few years of HIV infection • Until then: seropositive • WBCs < 200: AIDS

  11. Symptoms of AIDS • Unexplained infections (opportunistic infections) • Fever • Diarrhea • Cough (tuberculosis) • Persistent unexplained fatigue and weight loss • White blotches in the mouth or on tongue • Cancer

  12. Diagnosis of AIDS • Blood test, to detect antibodies against the virus (always 2 times, to make sure the test is not false positive) • CD4 count and viral load test

  13. Care for HIV/AIDS patients • Sympathetic attitude, family and public support • Adequate rest • Diet rich in proteins/vitamins • Not donating blood/organs • Use a condom with any sexual partner • Drink boiled water • Regular exercise

  14. How to treat AIDS? • It is not possible to cure AIDS • There are drugs that can prevent the spread of the virus and postpone various complications • However, these drugs are very costly

  15. Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) • Antiretroviral drugs, reducing the risk to become seropositive after events with high risk of exposure to HIV (unprotected sex, needle stick injuries) • Start within 1-72 hours after exposure • During 4 weeks • Not 100% effective  blood test after 3 and 6 months

  16. To keep in mind • AIDS • Difficult to get • Impossible to cure, but • Easy to prevent!

  17. Quiz • 15 questions • Multiple choice • Walk to the answer of your choice

  18. Thank you for your attention

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