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Alas, Babylon

Alas, Babylon. Chapters 12 and 13 notes. Pg. 285: “ Early in May a tube in the Admiral’s radio dies, cutting off the voice of the world outside” How long has it been since the day? Why are some words italicized?

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Alas, Babylon

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  1. Alas, Babylon Chapters 12 and 13 notes

  2. Pg. 285: “Early in May a tube in the Admiral’s radio dies, cutting off the voice of the world outside” • How long has it been since the day? • Why are some words italicized? Pg. 285: “The Admiral’s short-wave receiver had been their only reliable source of news. It was also a fount of hope.” • What does this mean to all around? • What did the radio symbolize?

  3. Pg. 285: “June was a month of plenty.” - what are they making use of now? How have things changed around Fort Repose? Pg. 286: “Alice brought home four books on hypnotism…” pg. 287; “Dan operated on the billiard table in the gameroom, after putting Ben into deep trance. Dan used steak knives, darning needle, hair curlers, and nylon line, all properly sterilized, and removed an appendix disteneded and near to bursting.” - what do these quotes say about the adaptability, resourcefulness, resiliency, and knowledge of the people trying to survive? Pg.287: “Soon Dan hypnotized Helen” - double meaning – what is it?

  4. Pg. 288: “That terribly hot August was the month of disaster” - what is happening? What supplies (and which one in particular) are they running short on? Why could this be disastrous? Pg. 292: How do they solve the problem?

  5. Pg. 293-4: “Peyton Bragg was bored, disgusted, and angry.”; “Peyton threw herself on the bed…She wanted to be noticed and praised. She wanted to be a hero.” - How is Peyton still a child? Why could this be a danger in the new society? Pg. 299: Resolution to certain problems (i.e. Peyton, and salt), but also illustrates the human, “before the day” problems that still exist (disobeying and discipline) Pg. 300: mention of October – how long has it now been since the Day?

  6. Pg. 300: “I have just delivered my first post-Day baby! A boy, about eight pounds, bright and healthy!” - baby as a symbol of hope and survival Pg. 301: “Anyway, now we know that there’s going to be a human race, don’t we? “I never really thought there might not be.” “I had.”

  7. Pg. 301-302: Playing of music! Also a symbol of what? What else is discovered by Peyton in the attic that could prove useful? Idea of Recovery – things seem to be getting better – shift from pessimistic to optimistic

  8. Ch. 13 What month is it now? Dan and Helen – their relationship has evolved, but she is still hanging on to the past (ever so slightly). Why is this significant? Pg. 306: “It was in this month that the first low-lying plane frightened and exhilarated them.” - Why? What is dropped from the planes?

  9. Pg. 314: “This was Randy’s town and these were his people and he knew that he would not leave them.” • How has Randy changed? Why does this quote illustrate his complete turnaround? Pg. 316: “Who won the war?...‘We won it. We really clobbered ‘em…Not that it matters.” What does the first part of the quote say about America and patriotism? What does Pat Frank say in the second part? What is his message?

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