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Militia 2.0

<br><br>https://members.tacticalcivics.com/<br><br>MILITIA 2.0 by John Leyzorek<br><br>Militia 2.0]<br><br>

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Militia 2.0

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  1. MILITIA 2.0 By John Leyzorek Probably equal numbers of Americans today love and revere, hate and fear, and have never heard of, Militia. The word comes from the Latin miles (pronounced ME-less), meaning ‘soldier’, but in its most fundamental and ancient sense, it is merely the collective expression of the inherent and unalienable right of armed self-defense. In our English common-law heritage, it was the counterbalance to the dictatorial rule of arrogant kings, as well as the ‘homeland security’ of every village, described and mandated as early as the 10th Century A.D. It was a ubiquitous, conspicuous feature of the American colonies, where it developed the unique character that it brought to its crucial role in our Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15 and 16: To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress; But what and where is Militia in America today? Neither Congress nor any State has performed these Constitutional duties for over a century. Our highest Law, the U.S. Constitution, is barely a memory in the halls of our government, insurrection is boiling in many of our cities, and the ongoing illegal alien invasion left the front pages only when shoved aside to make room for the COVID psyop and a parade of anti-Trump trumpery. LiesandMixedSignalsaboutMilitia Law schools and states’ attorneys are handing out articles asserting that militia-type training and activity is positively against the law. Meanwhile, media – aided by the FBI – represent all militia as dangerous gangs of ignorant, racist, anti-government vigilantes. On the other hand, actual citizens’ groups often calling themselves ‘militias’ are multiplying across the country, in response to the hijacking of our civilization on every hand. Most of these groups train to fight, but spend most of their energy assisting the elderly, running food banks, teaching and working on disaster preparedness, cleanup, and recovery. Most have excellent reputations in their communities, and many partner with their sheriffs and other paid law enforcement agencies.

  2. 2.0MeansaFreshStart Militia is the only thing described as ‘necessary’ in the U.S. Constitution, and alongside Grand Jury is the constitutional, practical solution to most troubles that are presently eroding our freedom and destroying our communities and republic. American Militia 2.0™ is the label that TACTICAL CIVICS™ has given our historic co-deployment of Grand Jury and Militia, America’s organic law enforcement institutions recognized in the Constitution and rooted in 1,000-year-old Common Law. TACTICAL CIVICS™ is not a Militia, does not start Militias, and does not want to run your Militia. American Militia 2.0™ is our action plan including documents and education to help militias and their communities be more effective. You can be the front line to secure rule of law and save our Republic. Paid law enforcement such as sheriff’s departments and city or state police, are always limited in numbers, thus effectiveness, by the cost to taxpayers of their salaries. Worse, they are political, integral parts of government apparatus which is susceptible to corruption; to leaning hard on some and going light on others. They depend on politicians for their salaries, job tenure, and pensions. Few will go against their boss or paymaster, however bad those may be. Militia, on the other hand, is made of volunteers. Even if local government chooses to support them with training, ammunition, or meeting space, Militia is maximal law enforcement manpower at minimal cost. Constitutional Militia is necessarily integrated with government by its recognition and by its cooperation with the court system. But Militia is We The People ourselves, not subordinate to any official and responsible only to our neighbors, to the Constitution (and laws made pursuant thereto), and of course to God. TwoInstitutionsinTandem Militia can stop crime in progress, and it provides force if necessary; but it does not investigate. That task today largely belongs to paid police and State, County or City attorneys or prosecutors. This puts discovery of crime in potentially corrupt hands. These offices, being political, want to look good by collaring lots of…sometimes criminals, other times political enemies. And occasionally, the citizen in the wrong place at the wrong time, who was pulled over or pulled in to make a quota. But worse still, none of these public employees will take on the big criminals, such as a crooked district attorney, judge, mayor, city councilman, city manager, or major drug lord. And certainly not the legislator who runs the show, controlling the money and votes, and perhaps armed gangsters.

  3. Grand Jury is proven by centuries of Common Law, and incorporated in our Constitution. ‘The People’s Panel’ is the investigator of anyone’s wrongdoing, anywhere in its jurisdiction. It is impaneled usually by a judge and drawn at random from We The People, as is also the case for the more familiar petit jury. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia wrote of it in U.S. v Williams (1992), [R]ooted in long centuries of Anglo American history,the Grand Jury is mentioned in the Bill of Rights… a constitutional fixture in its own right…it belongs to no branch of the institutional government, serving as a kind of buffer or referee between the government and the People… The Grand Jury’s functional independence from the judicial branch is evident both in the scope of its power to investigate criminal wrongdoing, and in the manner in which that power is exercised. Unlike [a] court, whose jurisdiction is predicated upon a specific case or controversy, the Grand Jury can investigate merely on suspicion that the law is being violated, or even because it wants assurance that it is not. It need not identify the offender it suspects, or even the precise nature of the offense it is investigating. The Grand Jury requires no authorization from its constituting court to initiate an investigation… And in its day to day functioning, the Grand Jury generally operates without the interference of a presiding judge. It swears in its own witnesses, and deliberates in total secrecy. Grand Jury is the essential partner for Militia, representing the power of law to complement the power of arms in Militia. Grand Jury can order pursuit of criminals regardless of their position or power, whereas police or prosecutors may be unwilling to do so, or even be co-conspirators. Militia can then execute the Grand Jury’s warrants to search, collect evidence, bring witnesses in to testify – again, even places that ‘professionals’ cannot or will not go – and ultimately make arrests, however highly placed or hard a target the perpetrator(s) may be. When We The People fulfill our Constitutional law enforcement duty in this way, both uncontrollable riots and untouchable official corruption will no longer endanger our communities nor corrode our Republic. Once fully informed Grand Juries in coordination with their respective constitutional Militias take down a few high-profile felons, countless criminals in the public and private sectors will decide it is time to retire. Our homes will be safer and our halls of government will have job openings for honest, civic-minded citizens to fill. HowDoWeGetThereFromHere? Because corruption is deep and power entrenched in Congress and state palaces, they have long refused to perform their Constitutional duty to support the People’s Militia, which alone can keep them in their place as our servants rather than our masters. But that does not mean constitutional Militia is extinct.

  4. Our Declaration of Independence, in cataloguing the crimes of King George III, includes dissolving the People’s legislatures, stipulating as a result that, “…. the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, return to the People at large for their exercise.” This establishes in American law, that powers and duties that the People delegate to government cannot be destroyed and are inherently ours. Therefore, our necessary Militia cannot be destroyed by neglect or sabotage by federal or State servants. We The People must re-organize them, using our County or local government to publicly recognize this. TACTICAL CIVICS™ has prepared a Constitution Protection and Militia Ordinance, which your County or City can enact. It will recognize your new or existing militia or community self- defense group as constitutional Militia. Here is the step-by-step process, and we do not recommend shortcuts (fail to plan = plan to fail). If you rush the process or overlook steps and are shot down by the county governing body, you will make the next group’s work that much more difficult. Please contact TACTICAL CIVICS™ to discuss your situation. 1) Plant your TACTICAL CIVICS™ County Chapter; get the Chapter Leader’s Handbook. Just a handful of committed folks is enough. If gatherings are restricted in your area, use online video conferencing, social media, FreeConferenceCall.com, or meet in the woods. 2) Find a respectable, community-oriented militia group in your county who will sign our Memorandum of Understanding with TACTICAL CIVICS™ to create your American Militia 2.0™ alliance. The militia group prepares its list of officers for appointment, membership standards, and training protocols for adoption at the county governing body’s meeting when our Ordinance is passed. 3) Get your sheriff on board if you can. Like judges, sheriffs are politicians first, regardless how good their speeches sound. Militia is the Constitution’s only stipulated law enforcement; it is controlled by and comprised of the People themselves. To obey his oath, your sheriff is required to support Grand Jury and Constitutional Militia, which can be his most effective partner or his biggest political nightmare. 4) Recruit a gun shop owner, tactical trainer, shooting range, or any other businesses in your county to become TACTICAL CIVICS™ Affiliates: a rallying place, a link with the business community (county governments listen to business), and first choice for purchasing Militia arms and equipment. 5) Present our Ordinance to one or more of your county board members (TC has the pitch and the Ordinance, customized for your State) to discuss the best approach for the full Board, and get it on the Agenda.

  5. 6) Recruit committed citizens in your county who will show up. If you live in COVID Fascist country, show up in small groups with ‘social distance’ or meet virtually if necessary. 7) Pack the county meeting. Have local media, and independent bloggers and videographers there. Get your Ordinance passed. Immediately after it is passed, at the same meeting, present officers for appointment and procedures for approval as specified in the Ordinance. Hold your Militia sign-up right there, and announce your first official training and recruitment day. Don’t let the fire die out. 8) Your TACTICAL CIVICS™ Chapter must then file press releases with media in your county and on your Chapter’s Facebook, MeWe, Twitter, or other social media groups and pages and with bloggers in your area, explaining what The People are doing. Our staff will help you draft press releases, and publicity must be approved by TACTICAL CIVICS™. OperatingConsiderations Militia is the only thing defined as ‘necessary’ in the Constitution and the only law enforcement recognized in that Law, so no one can tell you that it cannot meet. Use common sense, of course. Your Militia may want to consult with local doctors and other knowledgeable people to design your response to the Chinavirus Gestapo or other supposed threats that government may assert your county faces. Militia is the highest law enforcement body in your county, but it does not replace nor need it conflict with paid police agencies. If those agencies show the respect due to its constitutional nature, your Militia should offer those paid servants the support and cooperation of your Militia unit. But again: Militia can pursue threats and crimes that paid agencies cannot or will not, such as certain corrupt officials, gangs, or jihadist groups. Militia is local, until called forth by appropriate authority to respond to wider problems. Being local is a great part of its strength. Your militia unit should not ‘deploy’ in response to perceived threats, riots, marches, etc in other jurisdictions without official invitation from the governing body or recognized Militia there. Locals know what help they need. Put yourself in their place; do you want to be invaded by a bunch of guys who do not know you or your situation? Show the respect that you expect. Fire companies and utility crews frequently provide mutual aid, occasionally over long distances, but always by invitation or request. This keeps responses organized, effective, and lawful. TheOtherMissingHalf As mentioned above, Grand Jury is the other half of ancient, pre-constitutional, essential law enforcement in America.

  6. TACTICAL CIVICS™ provides materials to educate the jury pool or a sitting Grand Jury about its powers. If you know of or suspect serious crime in your area, petition your county court to seat a Grand Jury (or other specific procedure for your State), notify local media, and give the court seven days to comply. If the judge refuses, make your county sheriff empanel the Grand Jury; that is a sheriff’s duty when a court refuses. As long as it remains in session, the Grand Jury has full use of the courthouse and most courthouses have a designated Grand Jury chamber. If necessary, have your Militia unit and sheriff enforce this basic rule of law. When you deliver to the Grand Jury via your county clerk, our 16-point Grand Jury Awake™ briefing and any felony presentments, have a second copy of this package with a cover sheet including acknowledgment of receipt to be signed and date-stamped by the county clerk and kept for your Militia unit’s records. TheIdealTACTICALCIVICS™Alliance Your TACTICAL CIVICS™ chapter will ideally recruit a county-wide alliance with Militia, your Grand Jury, sheriff, civic groups, churches, TACTICAL CIVICS™ Affiliate businesses, gun dealers, and shooting ranges. The Militia unit can offer church, school, business, and event Security Teams and training; anti-Jihad classes by John Guandolo’s Understanding The Threat organization; and a new, healthy, community-building social outlet for all ages, including at-risk youth. Throughout the process, equal publicity must go to the TACTICAL CIVICS™ chapter, your local Militia unit, and participating paid law enforcement units. As we retrain the American mind, We The People ourselves restore our rule of law by serving in America’s two ancient law enforcement institutions — as we stipulate in the Constitution. This is basic civics! Once you begin growing your alliance in the county, your county can lead neighboring counties to follow suit. This is how we all demonstrate to America and to the world, what is possible. TACTICAL CIVICS™ is planting chapters in all 3,141 counties in America; a unified network of citizens who know civics and have a detailed tactical plan to enforce the Constitution and defend their communities against all domestic enemies and threats. The TacticalCivics.com website contains videos, hundreds of podcasts, blog articles, and free eBooks. To get started, go to TacticalCivics.com and follow the instructions.

  7. ThisTooShallPass(ifYouDoYourPart) Do not fear our enemies; American Communism is dying! A dying predator can appear much more ferocious than it actually is; so remember, this too shall pass! We The People will end today’s hijacking by the Deep State, corrupt bureaucrats, Hollywood, all major media, and Big Tech. This is not about Trump; in fact, Trump managed to capture the frustration and pent-up anger of 100 million Americans who were weary of this enemy alliance hijacking our civilization. Seeking to destroy America by importing aliens and encouraging criminals and perverts, they merely woke the sleeping giant and Trump became the hood ornament on the freight train. TACTICAL CIVICS™, the only action plan of its kind, is a new way of life. Under this label and brand, AmericaAgain! Trust, a private member organization, is recruiting, training, supporting, and organizing Americans to first build defenses in each county against the enemy alliance; then we plan to break Congress into the small districts intended by our founders, bring Congress home forever, and through 19 major reform laws, scrape back all that has been stolen from us. But as you see every day in the news, we must begin immediately with a serious, tenacious show of force that is also lawful, well-organized, and coast to coast with a single tactical and strategic plan. It must begin county by county. So stop staring at the daily news about the hijacking. We the People have the plan. Now, it’s your move. TACTICAL CIVICS™ is a membership based action advocacy organization with a solid LAWFUL and PEACEFUL plan to restore Constitutional enforcement locally, statewide, and nationally. Here is an 11 Minute Video about TACTICAL CIVICS™. https://rumble.com/vfj71l-tactical-civics-finally-a-full- spectrum-solution.html Here is the TACTICAL CIVICS™. website: https://tacticalcivics.com/ Here is the TACTICAL CIVICS™ TRAINING CENTER: https://members.tacticalcivics.com Copyright 2021 AmericaAgain! Trust

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