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The Vector Class

The Vector Class. Vector Class. Write a Vector class. This will be a container class that will hold objects. It should allow the following operations: add Add an object to the end of the Vector find Determine if an object is in the Vector get Get a certain element (by number) from the

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The Vector Class

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  1. The Vector Class

  2. Vector Class • Write a Vector class. This will be a container class that will hold objects. It should allow the following operations: • add Add an object to the end of the Vector • find Determine if an object is in the Vector • get Get a certain element (by number) from the Vector • insert Insert a new element into a certain position • delete Delete a certain element from the Vector • size Returns size of Vector

  3. Vector v; v = new Vector(); v.add(“Larry”); v.add(“Moe”); v.add(“Curly”); System.out.println (v.find(“Ned”)); System.out.println (v.get(1)); v.insert(“Shemp”, 1); v.delete(2); for (int i=0;i<v.size();i++) System.out.println (v.get(i)); false Moe Larry Shemp Curly Typical Operation

  4. Design • Implementation will be easily accomplished with a linked list. • We'll assume we have available an LLNode which holds objects and has get/setData and get/setNext methods. • We'll start with the basic shell and the fields we'll need:

  5. LLNode class LLNode { private Object data; private LLNode next; public LLNode(Object o) { setData(o); setNext(null); } public void setData(Object o) { data = o; } public Object getData() { return data; }

  6. LLNode // class LLNode (continued) public void setNext(LLNode n) { next = n; } public LLNode getNext() { return next; } } // LLNode

  7. Things to notice • As you get used to any language you will learn a basic shell or template from which to start programs. • Creating and using such a shell will sometimes aid in getting started • It’s also a good place to include things that you always forget (e.g. closing braces)

  8. Basics public class Vector { private LLNode head; private int count; /* ------------------------------------------- */ /** Basic constructor. <BR><B>Precondition:</B> None. <BR><B>Postcondition:</B> Vector instantiated with size set to zero. */ public Vector() { setHead(null); count = 0; }

  9. Basics /** Sets head reference. <BR><B>Precondition:</B> Instantiation. <BR><B>Postcondition:</B> head reference set to newhead @param newhead New head reference */ private void setHead(LLNode newhead) { head = newhead; }

  10. Basics /** Returns head reference. <BR><B>Precondition:</B> Instantiation. <BR><B>Postcondition:</B> No change to Vector @return Head reference */ private LLNode getHead() { return head; }

  11. Things to Notice • Make the documentation work for you as opposed to being just a “dumb” requirement that you do after the real work is done. • Create the documentation in the form of Javadocs • Create this documentation in a “working” i.e. compilable template • As each method is written compile and test!

  12. Design by Contract /** Adds an object to the end of the Vector. Precondition: Vector has been instantiated. Postcondition: The last item in the Vector will be the item added and the Vector will be one element longer. @param o The object to be added. */ public void add(Object o) { } // add

  13. Design by Contract /** Finds the location of an object in the Vector. Precondition: Vector has been instantiated. Postcondition: The Vector will be unchanged. @param o The object to be located. Note: The target object must return true when tested with o.equals(target) @return An value indicating the location of the item. The first element is numbered 0. A -1 indicates element not found. */ public int find(Object o) { return 0; } // find

  14. Design by Contract /** Gets the n-th element of the Vector and returns it. Precondition: Vector has been instantiated and should have at least n+1 elements. Postcondition: The Vector will be unchanged. @param n The number of the object to be located. Note: The first object in the Vector is numbered 0. @return The desired object. If the Vector is not at least n+1 elements long null will be returned. */ public Object get(int i) { return null; } // get

  15. Design by Contract /** Inserts an object into the Vector at the specified position. If the Vector is not long enough acts like add. @see add <B>Precondition:</B> Vector has been instantiated. <B>Postcondition:</B> The Vector will have one additional element. It will either be in position specified or in the last element in the Vector (whichever is smaller). @param o The object to be inserted. @param n The position into which the object is to be inserted. Note: The first object in the Vector is numbered 0. */ public void insert(Object o, int i) { } // insert

  16. Design by Contract /** Deletes the n-th element of the Vector. Precondition: Vector has been instantiated and the n-th element is present. Postcondition: The Vector will have the n-th element deleted unless the original Vector was not long enough to have the n-th element. @param n The number of the object to be deleted. Note: The first object in the Vector is numbered 0. */ public void delete(int n) { } // delete

  17. Design by Contract /** Returns the size of the Vector. Precondition: Vector has been instantiated. Postcondition: Vector will be unchanged. @return Size of the Vector. */ public int size() { return 0; } // delete } // Vector

  18. Things to Notice • Now we go back in a code incrementally • Write a method • Add some code to the test main to test it • TEST IT

  19. /** Adds an object to the end of the Vector. <BR><B>Precondition:</B> Vector has been instantiated. <BR><B>Postcondition:</B> The last item in the Vector will be the item added and the Vector will be one element longer. @param o The object to be added. */ public void add(Object o) { if(getHead() == null) { setHead(new LLNode(o)); count++; } else add(getHead(), o); } // add Typical error...had o instead of new LLNode(o)

  20. /** Add helper. Called by add. Adds an object to the end of the Vector. <BR><B>Precondition:</B> Vector has been instantiated. <BR><B>Postcondition:</B> The last item in the Vector will be the item added and the Vector will be one element longer. @param current Current head of list (recursive). @param o The object to be added. */ private void add(LLNode current, Object o) { if(current.getNext() == null) { current.setNext(new LLNode(o)); count++; } else add(current.getNext(), o); } // add helper

  21. /** Finds the location of an object in the Vector. <BR><B>Precondition:</B> Vector has been instantiated. <BR><B>Postcondition:</B> The Vector will be unchanged. @param o The object to be located. Note: The target object must return true when tested with o.equals(target) @return An value indicating the location of the item. The first element is numbered 0. A -1 indicates element not found. */ public int find(Object o) { if(getHead() == null) return -1; else return find(getHead(), o, 0); } // find

  22. /* ---------------------------------------------*/ /* find helper */ /* ---------------------------------------------*/ private int find(LLNode current, Object o, int k) { if(current.getData().equals(o)) return k; else if(current.getNext() == null) return -1; else return find(current.getNext(), o, k+1); } // find helper

  23. /** Gets the nth element of the Vector and returns it. <BR><B>Precondition:</B> Vector has been instantiated and should have at least n+1 elements. <BR><B>Postcondition:</B> The Vector will be unchanged. @param n The number of the object to be located. Note: The first object in the Vector is numbered 0. @return The desired object. If the Vector is not at least n+1 elements long null will be returned. */ public Object get(int i) { if(getHead() == null) return null; else return get(getHead(), i, 0); } // get

  24. /* ---------------------------------------------*/ /* get helper /* ---------------------------------------------*/ private Object get(LLNode current, int i, int k) { if(i == k) return current.getData(); else if(current.getNext() == null) return null; else return get(current.getNext(), i, k+1); } // get helper

  25. /** Inserts an object into the Vector at the specified position. If the Vector is not long enough acts like add. <BR><B>Precondition:</B> Vector has been instantiated. <BR><B>Postcondition:</B> The Vector will have one additional element. It will either be in position specified or in the last element in the Vector (whichever is smaller). @param o The object to be inserted. @param n The position into which the object is to be inserted. Note: The first object in the Vector is numbered 0. */

  26. public void insert(Object o, int i) { if((getHead() == null) || (i == 0)) { LLNode temp = new LLNode(o); temp.setNext(getHead()); setHead(temp); count++; } else insert(getHead(), o, i, 1); } // insert

  27. /* ---------------------------------------------*/ /* insert helper /* ---------------------------------------------*/ private void insert(LLNode current, Object o, int i, int k) { if((current.getNext() == null) || (i == k)) { LLNode temp = new LLNode(o); temp.setNext(current.getNext()); current.setNext(temp); count++; } else insert(current.getNext(), o, i, k+1); } // insert helper

  28. /** Deletes the n-th element of the Vector. <BR><B>Precondition:</B> Vector has been instantiated and the n-th element is present. <BR><B>Postcondition:</B> The Vector will have the n-th element deleted unless the original Vector was not long enough to have the n-th element. @param n The number of the object to be deleted. Note: The first object in the Vector is numbered 0. */

  29. public void delete(int n) { /* Check to make sure element to be deleted is in Vector */ if(n < size() && n >= 0) { if(n == 0) { setHead(getHead().getNext()); count--; } else { delete(getHead(), n, 1); } } } // delete

  30. /** Delete helper. Deletes the n-th element of the Vector. <BR><B>Precondition:</B> Vector has been instantiated. <BR><B>Postcondition:</B> The Vector will have the n-th element deleted. @param current Head of current list (recursive). @param n The number of the object to be deleted. Note: The first object in the Vector is numbered 0. @param k Current count. */ Note: Javadocs do not by default include private items. However this can be overridden so two versions of Javadocs could be produced: one for internal and one for external use

  31. private void delete(LLNode current, int n, int k){ if(n == k) { current.setNext(current.getNext().getNext()); count--; } else { delete(current.getNext(), n, k+1); } } // delete helper

  32. /** Returns the size of the Vector. <BR><B>Precondition:</B> Vector has been instantiated. <BR><B>Postcondition:</B> Vector will be unchanged. @return Size of the Vector. */ public int size() { return count; } // size

  33. /** Convert vector into string listing. <BR><B>Precondition:</B>Instantiation. <BR><B>Postcondition:</B>No change to Vector. @return Representation of Vector as list. */ public String toString() { String retVal = ""; for(int i=0; i < size(); i++) { retVal += get(i) + "\n"; } return retVal; }

  34. /** Test main. */ public static void main(String args[]) { Vector v = new Vector(); System.out.println("Should be -1: " + v.find("Test")); v.add("Test"); v.add("Test2"); System.out.println("Should be 0: " + v.find("Test")); System.out.println("Should be 1: " + v.find("Test2")); System.out.println("Should be -1: " + v.find("Missing"));

  35. /** Test main. */ /* Test get */ System.out.println("Should be Test: " + v.get(0)); System.out.println("Should be Test2: " + v.get(1)); if(v.get(2) == null) System.out.println("Passed get 2 test"); else System.out.println("Failed get 2 test");

  36. /** Test main. */ /* insert test */ v.insert("NewHead", 0); v.insert("NewOne", 1); System.out.println("Start Traversal"); System.out.println(v); System.out.println("End Traversal"); System.out.println("Size: " + v.size());

  37. /* delete test */ v = new Vector(); v.add("Zero"); v.add("One"); v.add("Two"); v.add("Three"); v.add("Four"); v.add("Five"); System.out.println("Starting vector\n"+v); v.delete(0); System.out.println("Deleted first\n"+v); v.delete(4); System.out.println("Deleted last\n"+v); v.delete(-v.size()); v.delete(v.size()); System.out.println("Should be no change\n"+v); v.delete(1); System.out.println("Two should be gone\n"+ v); } // main } // Vector

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