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Adaptation of Animals

Adaptation of Animals. Introduction. Adaptations are special characteristics that help living things to survive in their habitats. Adaptations help them to: Get air,food and water Get used to the environment Survive Reproduce The two kinds of adaptation is: Structural Behavioral.

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Adaptation of Animals

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  1. Adaptation of Animals

  2. Introduction • Adaptations are special characteristics that help living things to survive in their habitats. • Adaptations help them to: • Get air,food and water • Get used to the environment • Survive • Reproduce The two kinds of adaptation is: • Structural • Behavioral

  3. The Walrus The walrus spends all its life on ice floes or rocky shores.Since the walrus lives in a place where the weather can be below subfreezing,it has a thick coat of blubber around it to protect itself. To be equipped for the ice, the walrus has reversible hind flippers which enables it to keep its balance. The flippers are also bumpy to keep it from sliding off the ice.

  4. Orca Orcas have black and white colours on their body. These colours help to camouflage them. Another way of adapting that is true of all whales is that their blowhole is at the top of their head. This enables them to come up and breathe more easily. Another is probably their blubber. It keeps them warm in the frigid seas they live in. Orcas are the fastest mammals in the sea. They can go up to 34 mph. Their speed helps them catch their prey.

  5. Camel The Camel lives in the hot desert. To keep cool, it has a thin body covering that shields and insulates it from the scorching heat. It also drinks a lot of water at a time, and sweats and urinates very little to prevent water loss.

  6. Polar Bear The Polar Bear has a thick coat and furry paws which keep him warm in his freezing environment. Their white fur is a good camouflage and they are also very powerful swimmers. Polar bears can move on ice with ease because they walk pigeon toed and that helps them to keep their balance. Sometimes they "ski" using their back paws to propel themselves and their front paws to slide. Their paws act like snowshoes. They are, however, unable to defend themselves when they are swimming.

  7. Musk Ox Musk Ox huddles with several of its kind in a circle with their young calves in the middle. This way, they conserve body heat and are able to protect their calves from predators.

  8. Part 2

  9. Catfish Most of them stay in big rivers and streams they also inhabit lakes, reservoirs and ponds. Spawning occurs mostly in rivers and streams in the spring and early summer . They also spawn in larger lakes where suitable habitat is available. Eggs are deposited in nests secluded under banks or logs or over open bottom. A female may lay 2,000 to 21,000 eggs that hatch in six to 10 days depending on water temperature. Males protect the fry until they leave the nest in about a week. They feed using taste buds at the sensitive barbels and throughout the skin to locate prey. Although they normally feed on the bottom of channels . They always eat aquatic insects, crayfish, mollusks, crustaceans and fishes. The fish's weight generally averages two to four pounds. Studies indicate 14 years as the maximum age, but some fish probably live 15 to 20 years.

  10. Octopus It is a carnivorous marine mollusk,characterized by a soft body with a well-developed brain and by eight arms bearing two rows of suckers each. Their vision is acute, they can change the color and texture of their skin quickly. It of lures its victim by wiggling the tip of an arm like a worm; or it glides near a crab and pounces on it, sinking its beak into the shell and injecting a poison that kills. When an octopus is attacked, it draws water into its mantle cavity and expels it with great force through a funnel. The poison of some species seems to have a paralyzing effect on the sensory organs of the predator. A. percula can breed/spawn year round due to the perpetually warm tropical waters they inhabit.

  11. A puffer fish scares away its enemies by gulping down water and inflating itself to appear much larger. This can scare its enemies away. If it is caught by another fish, it can still enlarge itself in the fish's mouth, where both fish will die.

  12. Squid The giant squid is a mollusk and is member of the cephalopod class, which includes the octopus and other squids. The squid's eight long tentacles have strong suction cups which they use to hold on to their prey.It also squirts out black “ink” to “blind” their predator. Their sharp, powerful beak finishes off their helpless victim quickly.

  13. Stingray Stingrays have a keen sense of smell and good eyesight and are able to locate food items very readily.  but it also is often used for protection and to steer the stingray...aiding the large fins in propelling the ray through the water. One interesting trait of the stingray is to settle to the bottom of the ocean, flapping  its large fins around in the soft seabed.  This causes sand to swirl around and cover the ray with a layer of camouflage.  The ray then lays motionless until fish or other prey swims near.It will then eat it.

  14. Acknowledgements 1) http://www.seasky.org/monsters/sea7a1a.html 2)http://projects.edtech.sandi.net/lvelem/fishdefense/fishdef.puffer.html 3)http://floridafisheries.com/Fishes/catfish.html 4)http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/refpages/RefArticle.aspx?refid=761564551 5)http://www.no-pest.com/Stingray.htm 6)Yahoo Images 7)www.flamingtext.com

  15. Acknowledgements - PSLE Ultimate Science Guide -www.thewildones.org - Yahoo Images

  16. Thank You For Listening!

  17. Done By... & Quek Jia Hui Claudine Koo

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