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Media for reaching the peoples in Africa

Learn about the strategic value of media in missions in Africa, including its role in reaching unreached peoples, addressing social issues, and discipleship. Discover real stories of how media has impacted lives in Africa and find out how to get involved in using media to reach specific people groups.

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Media for reaching the peoples in Africa

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  1. Media for reaching the peoples in Africa

  2. The vision Church and Mission leaders connect with Christian Media leaders to strategically impact the unreached peoples in Africa.

  3. The need • The peoples of Africa have many needs . • Media is hugely influencing the people of Africa • We cannot afford to ignore the media. • Media can be critical to interact with people

  4. Media focus in Missions • In Africa we need holistic transformation of peoplein various dimensions of their life: • spiritual, • social, and • economic. • Media can address social issues: • Poverty, unemployment, HIV/AIDS, tribalism, violence, family in crisis, crime and corruption. • Quality holistic television programs can meet the needs of Africans. • on HIV/AIDS awareness, on family issue, on youth entrepreneurship

  5. Strategic value of media in missions • Media breaks barriers of illiteracy • Media can prepare people for the Gospel • Christian Media is a bearer of Good News, bringing positive change to a society • Media can easily go where people cannot go • Media can reach a large numbers of people

  6. Role of Media in discipleship • Media = a strong pre-evangelistic role for evangelism, church planting and discipleship • Media = connects with people for spiritual growth on a regular basis • Messages in the media can be heard repeatedly • Christians strengthened for reaching out to their own and near communities with the Gospel • The church can be challenged to reach the unreached, thus multiplying the harvest force

  7. Stories • How has mediaimpacted lives in Africa?

  8. Radio a church planting tool This church in Bumba was planted in 2004. The medium of radio was the tool.

  9. Reaction to Christian TV programmes Nouvelle Generation – Benin “Your program is great. I would like you to show it outdoors for the sake of youth. Young people have degrees yet they are jobless. Hence, instead of showing it on ORTB television only, I would like you to show it in all departments in Benin too in order to show how these young people should be self-employed.”

  10. Media groups partnered to reach the AFAR...

  11. ... the BEJA ...

  12. ... the MAKONDEand many more people groups ...

  13. Getting involved Use suitable media for specific people group • Address real issues in Africa • Minister to the social needs • Provide hope through the Gospel • Focus on electronic media • Use the internet creatively

  14. Media resources for you now • Connect with African media networks • Obtain training for media skills • Use existing media (e.g. radio or TV programmes) for unreached peoples.

  15. Reach of just one TV network PEMA/ACT YouthTV programmes are alreadybroadcast in 11 Francophone African countries on national and privatetelevisionchannels: Also broadcast on Internet via Switzerland. Television can enhance your ministry in Africa!

  16. Media in action • A digital television studio producing quality holistic TV programs: • on social, spiritual and economic issues in Africa • for broadcast on national and private television stations in Francophone Africa • produces Christian TV Drama to tackle the problems the people in Africa are faced with.

  17. Reach of the TWR radio network Radio can enhance your ministry in Africa!

  18. Where can I start? • Investigate which media your people group uses • Define which media is most suitable • Find out which Christian media is available • Produce relevant media with partners • Use stories and dramas to communicate • Be creative in using the internet

  19. Why partner? Partnership between media and missions is not only desirable, but critically necessary. The church is tasked to build God’s Kingdom Media organizations help the church use media effectively.

  20. Doing together what each of us could never do alone!

  21. The way ahead Church, mission and media leaders together: • Identify the task of missions and develop a combined strategy • Discuss the strengths and applications of various types of media: • Media isnota loudspeaker for the local church • Media is a strong active agent of change of society • Define the needstogether, and then minister to the needs of the communities with combined effort.

  22. Imagine the powerwhen church and mission leaders purposefully use mediato impact unreached peoples in Africa!

  23. Our challenge How can every African national initiative,every regional plan, andevery continental strategy use media strategically?

  24. Contact Details • Africa by Radiowww.africabyradio.orginfo@africabyradio.org • PEMA / ACTwww.pema-act.tvinfo@pema-act.tv

  25. Presented by the Media Team at MANI 2011 Samuel Adeleke – for World Media, Theodore Asare – Theovision, Mike Bamiloye – The Mount Zion Faith Ministries, Bobo Gomes Co – TWR Africa, Rudolf Kabutz – TWR, SA, Dieudonne Ngumbi – Frequence Vie Radio, Jan-Erik Nyman – IBRA Media (Africa by Radio), Cyprian Okoli – Epharata World Missions, Maurice Sogoba – ACCM Mali, Ray Yoder – World Team. Gilbert Okoronkwo – PEMA/ACT.

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