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@impactcity @startupinres070

Startup in Residence The Hague May 7th 2019. @impactcity @startupinres070. www.startupinresidence.com/thehague www.impactcity.nl. Startup in Residence programme. New way of connecting government and startups

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@impactcity @startupinres070

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  1. Startup in Residence The Hague May 7th 2019 @impactcity@startupinres070 www.startupinresidence.com/thehague www.impactcity.nl

  2. Startup in Residence programme • New way of connectinggovernmentand startups • Municipality has challengesand acts as a development partner, startups have theinnovativesolutions • Co-creation, building business andlearningthe startup way of working • Ifsolutions are successful, themunicipality has the option to act as launching customer • Procurement

  3. What do you get? • AfterapplicationValidationandalignment track (part time) and chance tofurtherdevelopproposals • AfterpitchesParticipation in the 3.5 month ‘in residence’ programme • Thisincludes: • 5.000 euro • Free choice of valuabletrainingsandwork shops • Support of professional mentors • Inspiringwork environment/ workspace at Apollo 14 • Access tothemunicipality’snetwork, corporate partners, events,and impact eco-system

  4. Conditions • Toparticipate, the startup must: • Be registeredwiththeChamber of Commerce • Have at leastan MVP (or proven technology) • Have a team of at least 2 people • Exist no longerthan 7 years

  5. Elements on whichthe jury evaluatesyourproposal • Vision, innovation impactUnderstanding of theproblem, andinnovativeness of the solution • RealisationandimplementationHow easilythe solution canbeimplementedandwhetherthe timeline is financiallyfeasible • ContinuityHow far alongthe startup is – do you have a prototype, MVP or proven technology?

  6. Timeline

  7. Important dates • May 17 Answers to questions will be published on our website: www.startupinresidence.com/thehague/apply • May 22 Deadline submitting proposals via: www.starthubs.co/startupinresidencedenhaag • June 13 Announcement of participation in validation and alignment track (phase 2) • June 25 First meeting with civil servants (deep dive) • June 25-July 20 & 8 days validation and alignment trackBeginning sept • September 5 Second Jury Selection • Sept-dec 3.5 months SIR programme • December 10 Demo day

  8. Intellectual property rights • All personal data obtainedduringtheactivities of participantswillbekeptstrictlyconfidentialandaccordingtothevalid data protectionlegislation. The selectedparticipants in the pilot phaseprovide a project descriptionsuitableforthe public whichwillbepublished on www.startupinresidence.com/thehague • The intellectual property rightsremainwiththe startup duringtheprogrammeandthereafter. The Municipality has user rights. Thus, ifitchoosesto act as a launching customer, theMunicipalitycanalwaysusethe solution formulatedbythe startup. IftheMunicipality is willingto act as a launching customer but the startup does not want this option, theMunicipality reserves the right to have the solution implementedbythirdparties.

  9. Startup in Residence The Hague 2018 video

  10. Urban challenges 2019

  11. Expandtheworld of elderly How do youenrichthelivesand environment of elderlywith digital tools thatcanbeusedindependently of languageand (digital) skills? Verbreed de leefwereld van ouderen Hoe vergroot je de leefwereld van ouderen met digitale hulpmiddelen die los van taal- en (digitale) vaardigheden te gebruiken zijn?

  12. Optimize financial support foradolescentswith MID How do we optimize (anddigitize) the financial support foradolescentswith mild intellectualdisabilities? Help LVB jongeren met financiën Hoe optimaliseren (en digitaliseren) we de financiële begeleiding van jongeren met een licht verstandelijke beperking (LVB)?

  13. From PDF to Vector Developanefficient tool to transfer data about buildings in apartmentdrawingsand building plansintoan object-orientedgeodatabase. Van PDF naar Vector Ontwikkel een efficiënt hulpmiddel om gegevens over gebouwen in appartementtekeningen en bouwtekeningen (in pdf) over te nemen in een objectgerichte geodatabase.

  14. 3D scans for building plans Whenapplyingfor a building permit, thesubmitted building plansoftendifferfromthe real situation. How can 3D scans offer a solution? 3D scans voor bouwtekeningen Bij het aanvragen van een bouwvergunning worden vaak bouwtekeningen ingediend die afwijken van de echte situatie. Hoe kunnen 3D-scans een oplossing bieden?

  15. Givehomeless a home How can we ensurethathomelesscitizensgetastable (semi-independent) home? And are thereopportunitiesforthemto take anactiverole in their solution? Geef thuislozen een thuis Hoe kunnen we thuislozen een stabiele woning geven? En zijn er mogelijkheden om deze mensen zelf mee te laten werken aan een oplossing?

  16. The duckweed solution Duckweed killsplantsandfish. The weedsgrowexponentially over thesummer. How can we limit thegrowth of duckweedsandmaybe even deploytheweedsforsomethinguseful? Kroos uit de sloot Kroos is dodelijk voor planten en vissen. In de zomermaanden groeit het exponentieel. Hoe kunnen we kroosgroei beperken en eventueel de kroos nuttig inzetten?

  17. Digitize data flow employees on thestreet Develop new technologiesto share data betweenthe office and outdoor department of the City, andifpossible, tosimplify complex tasksandoptimize data-relatedprocessesfor employees. Digitaliseer data flow medewerkers op straat Ontwikkel nieuwe technologieën, om het verzamelen, delen en effectief inzetten van informatie tussen binnen en buitendiensten te verbeteren en wellicht ook moeilijke taken te versimpelen.

  18. Stayconnected! • Social mediaFacebook: @startupinres070Twitter: @startupinres070Instagram: @startupinres070LinkedIn: @Startup in Residence The Hague • Newsletter • startupinresidence.com/thehague/contact • Questionsstarthubs.typeform.com/to/Wu4Ygf

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