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Knowledge Management Trust Fund (KMTF)

Knowledge Management Trust Fund (KMTF). Proposal by: COMPLEX OF THE CHIEF ECONOMIST (ECON). AfDB Partnerships Forum on 24-25 March 2010, Tunis. BUILDING A KNOWLEDGE BANK. The Bank seeks to become the Knowledge Bank for Africa With this objective the Bank seeks to:

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Knowledge Management Trust Fund (KMTF)

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  1. Knowledge Management Trust Fund (KMTF) Proposal by: COMPLEX OF THE CHIEF ECONOMIST (ECON) AfDB Partnerships Forum on 24-25 March 2010, Tunis

  2. BUILDING A KNOWLEDGE BANK • The Bank seeks to become the Knowledge Bank for Africa • With this objective the Bank seeks to: • Strengthen internal research capacity • Assist build capacity for research institutions in RMCs • Support networks in the Continent • Strengthen collaboration in research, statistics, and capacity building.

  3. THE BANK’S KNOWLEDGE STRATEGY (KMDS)(2008-2012) • Four strategic pillars 1: Strengthen the generation of knowledge 2: Leverage knowledge through partnerships 3: Enhance knowledge dissemination and sharing 4: Enhance the application of knowledge in decision making.

  4. KMDS (Cont’d) • Principles • Selectivity: guidance to operations and policy in RMCs. • Relevance: policy-oriented and relevant to decision making. • Value addition: innovationandvalue addition. • Partnerships and cost-effectiveness: harness partnerships and collaboration.

  5. KMDS (Cont’d) • Focus Areas • Poverty Reduction • Competitiveness • Institutions and Governance • Key Outputs • Flagship publications; Economic and sector work • Analytical models • Databases • Training workshops • Technical assistance

  6. WHY A KMTF? • Finance the KMDS activities under Pillar 2: leveraging knowledge through partnerships • Respond to Emerging Issues • Respond to funding requests from RMCs (large, ad hoc, unpredictable; come at short notice – cannot be accommodated in administrative budget). • Support African knowledge institutions and networks

  7. OBJECTIVES OF KMTF • An instrument of implementation of KMDS • Mobilize, pool & leverage resources • Strengthen the Bank’s knowledge partnerships and collaboration with Research and Capacity Building Institutions (RCBIs) • Create a mechanism to respond to mounting requests from RCBIs

  8. WHAT WILL KMTF FINANCE? • Collaborative knowledge activities • Selected research activities of networks and RCBIs which generate knowledge that feeds into Bank operations • Conferences, seminars, workshops by knowledge networks • Leveraging external knowledge capacity through fellowships and visiting scholar programs

  9. SELECTION CRITERIA General Criteria Regional dimension – benefit to many countries Alignment – aligned, adding value to existing efforts Technical Criteria Relevance and ownership Quality of proposal Benefits and costs Capacity to implement Sustainability 9

  10. LEGAL & ADMIN STRUCTURE • Initial contribution provided by the ADB (seed money) • Multi-Donor Trust Fund • Multi-year Fund (3 year replenishment cycle) • Management: • ORRU assumes administrative responsibility • Technical Review Committee (internal) • Oversight Committee (includes donor representatives) • Reporting: • ECON reports on implementation of activities • OPEV undertakes independent evaluation

  11. SOME PUBLICATIONS African Economic Outlook (AEO) African Economic Outlook is an annual publication jointly produced by the African Development Bank (Lead institution), the OECD Development Centre, and the UNECA. Produced since 2001/02, its coverage has increased from 21 countries to 50 countries in 2010. African Development Report (ADR) African Development Report is an annual publication which started in 1989. It has become an important source of analysis and information on developments in Africa. The ADR provides an in-depth analysis of emerging development topics.

  12. SOME PUBLICATIONS African Competitiveness Report (ACR) The Bank, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum and the World Bank, started yearly assessment of the competitiveness of African economies. The findings are published in the African Competitiveness Report (ACR) on a biennial basis (once every two years). African Development Review The African Development Review is a professional development economics journal that provides a platform for expressing analytical and conceptual views, and encouraging debate among development specialists, policy makers, scholars and other professionals on African economic and development issues.

  13. SOME PUBLICATIONS Working Paper Series (WPS) The Working Paper Series (WPS) report preliminary findings of research relevant to African development policy issues. The WPS has been published since 1983, under its old name ‘Economic Research Working Papers (ERWP), which was changed in 2007 to broaden its coverage. Policy Briefs on the Financial Crisis These are briefs that were initiated at the advent of the financial crisis, which have been useful in providing timely information and analysis on the crisis. The target audience for the Briefs is policy makers, politicians and development practitioners.

  14. THE CHIEF ECONOMIST COMPLEX (ECON) CHIEF ECONOMIST ECON • Provide economic intelligence for Senior Management, Operations, RMCs Enhance • Development Effectiveness • RMC capacity & Dev. Mgmt • Bank’s Internal Capacity • AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT • INSTITUTE • (EADI) UNIT DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH (EDRE) STATISTICS (ESTA) DEPARTMENTS • Knowledge generation • Knowledge dissemination • Knowledge support to country and sector operations departments • Statistical database • Knowledge measurement • Statistical capacity building RESEARCH (EDRE.1) ECONOMIC & SOCIAL STATITICS (ESTA.1) DIVISIONS NETWORKING & RESEARCH PARTNERSHIPS (EDRE.2) STATISTICAL CAPACITY BUILDING (ESTA.2)


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