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ENERGY. http://www.stpetersbasilica.org/Altars/Cathedra/Cathedra-HolySpirit.jpg We are learning about the different gifts, the different energies the Holy Spirit brings . What have we learned so far about energy?.

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  1. ENERGY http://www.stpetersbasilica.org/Altars/Cathedra/Cathedra-HolySpirit.jpg We are learning about the different gifts, the different energies the Holy Spirit brings

  2. What have we learned so far about energy? • Talk in your talking partners, and list all the things you have learned so far about God’s energy in us, the holy spirit.

  3. Romans 12. 4 - 13 • Taken from Alan Dale, New World, OUP (based in Romans 12. 4-13) • We who are the friends of Jesus are like a human body with its different parts. We are many persons but we are in ‘body’. Each of us is like a different part of the body and we are here to help one another as the different parts of the body help one another. • Each of us has different gifts; God has seen to that. We must used them - for example, some of us are able to understand God’s way more clearly that others; some of us deal with business better; some of us are teachers; some of us are speakers. Let us use our different gifts with God’s help. And so with everything we do. If we give, let us be generous givers; if we are leaders, let us be energetic leaders; if we are helping other let us be cheerful helpers. • Love must be sincere and straightforward. Have nothing to do with evil of any kind. Give your heart to everything that is good. Be a real family, warm-hearted in your care for one another, thinking better of others than yourselves. • When keenness is called for, lets have no laziness; on fire with the spirit of Jesus, give yourselves to his service! • Look forward to God’s new world with gladness. In hard times, stand your ground; never forget to pray. Take part in helping other friends of Jesus when they are n want; make it your aim to keep the doors of your home open to those who need it.

  4. In your talking partners… • Read the passage through again to yourself; is there any words you are unsure of or any questions you have? • What does Paul tell us God gives to everyone? • What different energies does Paul tell us God gives to different people? • What gift, energy, do you think God has given to you? • What gift, energy would you like to have? Why? • How might these gifts and energies help the friends of Jesus to change and transform the world?

  5. In your talking partners… • Imagine a world changed and • transformed by friends of Jesus. • What would it be like? • Draw a mind map with pictures • onto an A4 piece of paper.

  6. Holy Spirit • There are many different forms of energy, but all given by the same Holy Spirit who is at work in each of our hearts.

  7. Rachel’s Story • This story imagines how Rachel, a girl in the crowd, might have been changed and transformed at Pentecost. • A large crowd had gathered in the market place. ‘I wonder what is going on here?’ thought Rachel. ‘I’m really very busy, but I’ll just have a look.’ • She saw a man standing up, talking in a loud voice about Jesus of Nazareth. • ‘Who is that?’ Rachel asked her neighbour. • ‘That is Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples,’ she answered. • ‘The silly man sounds drunk. Who wants to hear about Jesus anyway?’ said Rachel crossly, as she turned away. • Rachel was often cross. She snapped at everyone and seemed to enjoy telling stories about people that got them into trouble. But, because she was curious and didn’t want to miss anything, she hung around the back of the crowd pretending to be looking at a market stall. She began to listen to what Peter was saying. His words went to her heart; it was as if a flame was melting ice. • ‘Could I really be different?’ she thought. ‘That would be wonderful. I don’t really like being cross and nasty. I would like to change and get rid of my hardness.’ • Quietly in her heart, she asked Jesus to help her. She felt warmth and energy flow through her. She wanted to smile and dance for joy. Was this the love and energy of Jesus?

  8. In Talking Partners • How did Rachel first respond when she heard Peter tell the crowds about Jesus? • What kind of person was she? • What happened when she really listened to what Peter was saying? • How was she transformed and changed? • How did she feel? • What was the difference in Rachel from before she heard Peter speak and after?

  9. What about me?! • Rachel had a huge change in her life, once she experienced God’s Holy Spirit. • Look at the words of this hymn and think about what they mean. • As I read it to you, close your eyes and think about God’s holy Spirit which is in you. • Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me • Melt me, mould me, fill me, use me, • Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.

  10. What about me?! • How would you like to be changed and transformed? • Are there any bad habits in you which need melting? • Which fruits of the spirit would you like to be filled with? • Love? Joy? Peace? Patience? Kindness? Goodness? faithfulness? Gentleness? Self-control? • Task – • Write a prayer to God, telling him what you would like to be melted away and ask him to fill you with the fruits of his spirit.

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