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Losing weight is a process

Losing weight is a process. It's not something that can and should happen<br>overnight.This is a challenging undertaking that can change your life for the better,<br>both when it comes to mental and physical health.<br>Since 1975, the percentage of obese people in the world has tripled and, in 2016,<br>almost 2 billion people suffered from this condition. In March 2020, the World Health<br>Organization (WHO) published data on the most obese countries in the world. The<br>most obese is the island country of Nauru with a staggering 61% of adults affected<br>by this condition, while the least obese is Vietnam with on

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Losing weight is a process

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  1. Losing weight is a process. It's not something that can and should happen overnight.This is a challenging undertaking that can change your life for the better, both when it comes to mental and physical health. Since 1975, the percentage of obese people in the world has tripled and, in 2016, almost 2 billion people suffered from this condition. In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) published data on the most obese countries in the world. The most obese is the island country of Nauru with a staggering 61% of adults affected by this condition, while the least obese is Vietnam with only 2.1%. While the numbers show that countries should take more action to help their populations, every individual can improve their health. Let's see what you can to reach your healthy weight and considerably enhance your well-being. Why the excess weight is dangerous? Being overweight or obese is not an esthetic problem. It has far deeper consequences to your health that can lead to debilitating conditions and even death. This happens because there's so much fat that it accumulates around organs and in the tissues. While having some fat there is not problematic, higher amounts can cause insulin resistance - a crucial hormone for regulating metabolism. The excess fat stimulates higher production of glucose in the liver, but in the muscles, it prevents insulin to break down the glucose into energy. As a result, the body believes there isn't enough insulin, and the pancreas produces more, leading to overproduction. If left untreated, insulin resistance can lead to type 2 diabetes and other conditions caused by it that can seriously impair quality of life. However, diabetes is not the only disease caused by excess fat. If left untreated, dangerously-high weight can cause one or more conditions that can affect normal life, such are: Heart disease Stroke

  2. High blood pressure High levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) Musculoskeletal conditions Sleep apnea Cancer Gallbladder disease Mental conditions, like depression and anxiety. Losing weight will not only affect the way you look but can, to a great extent, improve your overall health. It may be one of the hardest things you had to do, but the benefits are enormous and you can start feeling them the moment you drop a few pounds. Remember, it's not an easy thing to do, but you can and will turn your life around completely by reaching your healthy weight. Here are some ways to do it. Pick a physical activity Physical activity has many forms. You don't have to spend hours in the gym or on the track to experience its benefits. It's enough to clean the house, do some gardening, or mow to get your blood going and speed up metabolism to burn more calories. However, for bigger effects on your weight, you will have to do more than that. The recommended amount of physical activity for adults is at least 150 minutes per week. To make sure you achieve this, start slow with something familiar to you, like walking, riding a bike, or swimming. Once you are used to the routine, choose the exercise that makes you feel empowered. You may have to try a few to find the right one, but that's what will turn it into an adventure. Mind the calories Everyone has heard about counting calories, but with so many diet trends out there, it's easy to forget this is still important. How many calories you need to function

  3. normally depends on you, your age, physical activity, gender, overall health, and goals. If you are unsure what to do, it's best to consult with a doctor or nutritionist to make sure you are not cutting more calories than you should. Individuals with normal weight and no underlying conditions are recommended to have an average of 2,800 calories a day. If you cut 500-750 calories per day, you may be able to lose 0.5-2 pounds per week, which is a healthy amount. Don't eat less than 1,200 calories per day or you may endanger your health and disturb your body's energy supply. Chew slowly Nutritionists often emphasize the importance of slowly chewing your food. This is because it takes around 20 minutes for your stomach to signal the brain it has had enough food. When you eat your meals quickly, this process is interrupted and it leads to overeating. To get used to eating like this, start with smaller bites and make pauses between them. It will appear unnatural in the beginning, but after a while, you will change the way you chew and downsize your food portions. Bid farewell to junk food Junk food is unnecessary and bad for you. It has low or no nutritional value and can contribute to the risk of digestive problems, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and obesity, among other things. This type of food has more sugar and salt than it should and is full of trans fat. The problem is it can be addictive and hard to stop eating it. The moment you decide to lose weight, throw away all the junk food in your home without giving it a second thought. Avoid aisles with it in the store and have healthy snacks in place to keep you full between the meals. Sweetened beverages also fall under this category, so instead make a batch of homemade ice tea, or squeezed juice to quench this desire. Use the buddy system Losing weight is a long and hard journey that you shouldn't do alone. It can put your willpower to test and make you feel like a failure if you fall off a diet. This is where

  4. the buddy system can help you build confidence and encourage you not to give up your goal to reach a healthy weight. Your buddy can be on the same path as you, or they can be a supportive person in your life that won't let you cut corners. If you do slip while on their watch, they can implement a penalty system. For example, if you cheat then you have to buy them a book they want or a piece of clothes. Be the cook If you are responsible for preparing food in your household, then you have more control over your meal plan. A lot of people decide to order in or eat out because they are too busy to cook. However, this doesn't have to be so time-consuming. Look for the easy recipes online that will have you spending less time at the stove or instructions for meals you can prepare in several minutes. There's always another solution, though - cooking meals in advance for the days ahead. Prepare your food one day when you have the most time and, after it cooled down, place it in containers and store them in the fridge. When you want to eat them, all you have to do is heat up the containers in the microwave and your meal is ready. Start with morning stretching Only 10-20 minutes of stretching exercise in the morning can boost your metabolism and burn calories even before the day started. The good news is this is something you can do at home, in front of your TV, or by the bed after you wake up. If you want to increase the benefits of morning stretching, opt for yoga or pilates. They are good for your muscles, bones, and may increase your flexibility for other physical activities you plan to have. Know your carbs Cutting out carbs completely is not a good idea. They provide energy for the body and without them, you would feel sluggish and tired, unable to be physically active. Many people see carbs as the enemy, but knowing their good side can help with maintaining a healthy weight.

  5. What you want in your diet are the complex carbs, present in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and beans. With them in your diet, your body will feel satiated for longer and you will also bring vitamins and minerals into your diet. Don't sacrifice sleep One of the consequences of the modern world is lack of sleep. People willingly sacrifice a good night's sleep because they need more time to finish their chores of the day. In return, this can change the hormonal balance and lead to an increase in appetite. Some experts believe that sleep is as important for weight loss as are physical activity and diet. When you are sleep deprived, you will most likely choose to eat unhealthy foods and add to your calories. Never skip a meal No matter how busy you are, you should never skip a meal. It may seem logical that you would eat fewer calories that way, but actually, you be overwhelmingly hungry and turn to unhealthy foods. Breakfast is often sacrificed because people hurry to get ready for work and don't have time to cook. If you need a push in the right direction, get a blender and start making smoothies. They can be nutritional enough to replace a whole meal. Fewer carbs - more protein While not all carbs are bad, eating less of them is better for your weight loss plan. Instead, introduce more protein into your diet to reduce the hunger hormone ghrelin and boost satiety. Start using protein-based products that you can simply add to your smoothies, like tablespoons of glutamine powder . To prevent yourself from eating fast food snacks when you get the munchies between the meals, have a protein bar or a shake. When you prepare your meals, increase the ratio of foods high in protein, like eggs, chicken breast, and fish. Sugar-free Greek yogurt, broccoli, lentils, and cottage cheese are also among the ingredients you should eat more. However, this doesn't mean you can eat as much as you want since the surplus of protein is also stored as fat.

  6. Eat before you shop It's not a good idea to go grocery shopping when hungry. It will only encourage you to buy unhealthy food and things you may not need at all. Take a few bites before you go to the store and make a grocery list to keep you on track. Stay away from sweets, junk food, and anything else you eliminated from your diet so you don't get tempted to buy them. Eating before leaving for the store will prevent you from impulse buying things that look delicious only because you are hungry. Resize your dinnerware Big plates make you put more food on them and to overstuff yourself even though you stopped being hungry a few bites ago. Instead, replace them with smaller plates and pour the same amount of food on them. It will give you a perception you poured more than you usually do and inspire you to eat less. This is one of the easiest methods to control your portions and calories. Drink your water If there is anything calorie-free, it's water. Drinking water is essential for your well- being, but it can also be good for maintaining a healthy weight. Have a glass before each meal to fill up some of the space in your stomach and reduce hunger. It can also contribute to calorie burnout by increasing the process by 2-3%. Have a glass of warm water with some lemon each morning before breakfast, and you will notice your appetite slow down. Log your way to the health weight Taking notes of your progress is good for you, but you can also share it with others and help them on their weight loss journey. Record everything that you do within your weight management plan, even the amount of water you head and hours you slept. Always log your failed attempts, as well, since they can give you a clear picture of what is the best strategy for you to shed pounds.

  7. If you feel comfortable, share your progress with others on social media, a website, or privately. You may get useful input on where you did wrong and what to improve, but moreover, you may encourage someone to do the same. In conclusion The best approach to reach your healthy weight is with a plan and finding what feels right for you. Diet and physical activity are most important for weight loss, so note everything you eat and do. If you don't have time to cook, try whey powders, smoothies, and protein bars to satiate your hunger. Lastly, remember that there is no quick fix for your weight, but it's a life-long journey to better health

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